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<strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> Software <strong>Installation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Using Multiple <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> ServersYou can install <strong>and</strong> configure more than one computer as a <strong>MetaXpress</strong><strong>PowerCore</strong> server to increase your analysis capability or toaccommodate test <strong>and</strong> production needs. <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong>servers can share a single license key USB device, <strong>and</strong> you specify thenumber of processes available to each server. However, the combinednumber of analysis processes running simultaneously on <strong>MetaXpress</strong><strong>PowerCore</strong> clients cannot exceed the number of simultaneousprocesses allowed by the license.Reserving Processes for ServersBefore you can begin processing analysis jobs with a <strong>MetaXpress</strong><strong>PowerCore</strong> server, you need to reserve the number of processesavailable to the server. Servers cannot process jobs until they haveprocesses reserved.If you have multiple <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> servers, you can reservethe number of processes to be used by each server. If a server is online<strong>and</strong> running analysis processes on clients, those client processes arededucted from the total number of processes available under thelicense. If a server is offline, processes reserved for that server are notdeducted from the number allowed by the license. Servers areconsidered to be offline if they are not connected to the network, or ifthe <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> server application on the server has beenclosed.To reserve processes for a server1. In the <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> server application, click Edit >Server Settings.2. On the Server Settings property sheet, in the Licensing section,click Advanced.3. On the License Usage property sheet, in the Processes to BeReserved for this Server field, type the number of processes youwant to reserve for the server.0112-0183 C 63

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