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<strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> Analysis-Job ManagementMonitoring the <strong>MetaXpress</strong> Software Auto Run Queuefor JobsThe <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> server does not automatically startprocessing analysis jobs from the <strong>MetaXpress</strong> Auto Run Queue afterinstallation, or after the <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> server application is restarted.To begin processing analysis jobs, you must start Auto RunQueue Monitoring as described in this section. When Auto Run QueueMonitoring is started, the <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> server automaticallyconnects to the MDCStore database <strong>and</strong> retrieves jobs that meet the<strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> processing requirements.Auto Run Queue Monitoring can be started only if <strong>MetaXpress</strong><strong>PowerCore</strong> clients are set up <strong>and</strong> connected to the <strong>MetaXpress</strong><strong>PowerCore</strong> server. You cannot start Auto Run Queue Monitoring withouthaving active <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> clients. For more information, seeAbout <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> Client Status on page 65.Jobs that are being processed by the <strong>MetaXpress</strong> Software cannot beaccessed by the <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> server, <strong>and</strong> information aboutthose jobs does not appear on the Job History page of the <strong>MetaXpress</strong><strong>PowerCore</strong> server application.Starting Auto Run Queue MonitoringTo start Auto Run Queue Monitoring1. In the <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> server application, click the JobMonitoring tab.The Job Monitoring page appears.2. In the Auto Run Queue Monitoring section, click Start. This optionis available only if <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> clients are connectedto the server.The <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> server checks the <strong>MetaXpress</strong> AutoRun Queue <strong>and</strong> begins processing the next available job.3. Log into the MDCStore database that the <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong>server needs to monitor. Ensure that you use login credentialsthat have the appropriate access for the analysis, or belong to agroup that has the appropriate access.54 0112-0183 C

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