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6.10. WRITING ALGORITHMS IN LATEX 109Alg. 2 SelfReferringSets(G, min f ). An algorithm <strong>for</strong> searching all stronglyself-referring sets in graph G = (V, E).Input: G = (V, E), min fOutput: Y ⊆ V1 begin2 compute all connected components in G = (V, E)3 <strong>for</strong> each connected component V ′ in G = (V, E) do4 <strong>for</strong> all v ∈ V ′ dfs({v}, degree(v), min f , v)5 endAlg. 3 dfs(X, d, min f , last). A depth-first search of the self-referent sets insubgraph G ′ = (V ′ , E ′ ).Input: X ⊆ V, d, min f , lastOutput: Y ⊆ V ′1 begin2 if f ref (X) ≥ min f then3 output X4 else if (f ref (X) < 1 − d(1−min f )(|X|−1)min f)5 then return // search failed6 <strong>for</strong> all vertices u ∈ V ′ (u > last and ∃v ∈ X (v, u) ∈ E) do7 dfs(X ∪ {u}, d, min f , u)8 end6.10.2 Exercises1. Write Algorithm 4! Test how to refer to it in the text (like here).2. Test how to write the following kind of method using an itemize list!Step 1 x = x + 1Step 2 y = x 2 + 1Step 3 If y ≤ n return to Step 1.3. Write an algorithm or a method to your paper!

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