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98 CHAPTER 6. L A TEXINSTRUCTIONS AND EXERCISESd) a = v/te) 1 + 2 + ... + n = (n+1)×n22. $, %, #, and are special characters in latex, and you cannot use themin the text as such. Can you find out how to do it? Hint: an escapecharacter \.3. Write the following mathematical expressions. You can find instructionshere:http://www.ift.uib.no/Fysisk/Teori/KURS/WRK/TeX/symALL.html(a) A = {a 1 , a 2 , ..., a n }(b) a i ∈ A <strong>for</strong> all i = 1, ..., n(c) B ⊆ A(d) |B| ≤ |A|(e) (a i ∈ B) ⇒ (a i ∈ A)(f) C = A ∪ {b}(g) |C| ̸= |A|4. Here is a list of useful mathematical symbols. Write mathematical expressions,where you use them! Remember to use the math mode! Youcan find more symbols in the latex manual.R \mathbb{R}P \mathcal{P}∅ \emptyset∞ \inftyx \overline{x}nn \atopkk. . . \ldots. \vdotsFor example, ( nk)is achieved by$\left( n \atop k \right)$5. Write the following definition using the definiton environment!

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