Accelerating Integration with Verastream Host Integrator

Accelerating Integration with Verastream Host Integrator

Accelerating Integration with Verastream Host Integrator

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<strong>Accelerating</strong> <strong>Integration</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong>WHITE PAPER<strong>Accelerating</strong> <strong>Integration</strong> <strong>with</strong><strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong>High-level abstraction is the keyCONTENTS<strong>Host</strong> Applications: The Nature of the Beast ............ 1An Application Programming Example .................... 2Reduced Network Traffic: An Added Bonus ............ 5Rapid <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integration</strong>: Don’t Settle for Less .......... 5A Range of <strong>Integration</strong> Solultions .......................... 5About Attachmate ................................................ 5

WHITE PAPER<strong>Accelerating</strong> <strong>Integration</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong>High-level abstraction is the keyTime is money, and today’s IT organizations have lessof both. Even so, the explosion of customer-facingapplications and the high expectations of technicallysavvy customers leave them no choice. They must givepartners and customers instant access to high-demandinformation and services. And they must somehow doso <strong>with</strong> the existing skills of their dwindling staffs.There’s also a significant technical challenge: Themajority of business logic and data to support newcustomer-facing applications still resides in hostapplications. And because most host applicationsdo not provide a clear separation of logic anddata, accessing either for integration purposes hastraditionally been a slow, difficult job.Today, Attachmate ® <strong>Verastream</strong> ® <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong> offersa fundamentally new way to integrate mainframeapplications. In short, <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong>transforms unstructured business logic and data intoservices that can be accessed by application developersin a structured way. This paper provides a technicaloverview of <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong>’s high-levelabstraction approach, including how it uses tables andprocedures to accelerate the integration process.<strong>Host</strong> Applications: The Nature of the BeastProgrammatic access of host logic and data throughthe terminal interface typically begins <strong>with</strong> a modelingprocess. During this process, individuals familiar <strong>with</strong>the host application select screens, define data inputsand outputs, and record user interactions. The resultof the process is a service that encapsulates hostfunctionality. The service is deployed to a middletierserver and accessed through an applicationprogramming interface (API).Manipulating host applications through an API can bea complex undertaking. As Figure 1 shows, a typicalhost application screen may contain several inputfields, data record sets that scroll across multiplescreens, and a range of navigation options. What’smore, completing a host transaction usually involvesinteracting <strong>with</strong> a series of application screens.Most host integration products provide APIs foraddressing the application at a relatively low levelof abstraction. As a result, the application developerneeds to have a detailed understanding of the hostapplication in order to navigate application screens,enter data, and extract data.Figure 1: <strong>Host</strong> Application Screen1

<strong>Accelerating</strong> <strong>Integration</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong><strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong>, on the other hand,combines a rich set of Java and COM APIs <strong>with</strong>added levels of abstraction that completely insulateapplication developers from the complexity of theunderlying host applications. The hierarchy ofabstraction in a <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong> service isshown in Figure 2. <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong> APIsprovide access at each abstraction level.Abstraction Level 3SQL Commands to JDBCThe applicationdeveloper uses SQLcommands in the clientsidecode. Knowledgeof the underlyingprocedures or hostapplication is notrequired.During the <strong>Verastream</strong> modeling process, hostapplication experts define tables by creating a listof database columns that name the data elements.Within the tables, procedures map data inputsand outputs from any host application screen andautomatically manage all navigation and transactiondetails. Procedures—including select, update, insert,and delete—can be combined to perform a complexseries of transactions.Using the <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong> tables andprocedures, application developers can then work <strong>with</strong>unstructured host applications just as they would <strong>with</strong>any standard database. The <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong>tables and procedures dialog is displayed in Figure 3.Abstraction Level 2Tables and ProceduresThe applicationdeveloper writesclient-side code thatcalls table procedures.The table procedureshandle screen navigationas well as data inputsand outputs.Figure 3: <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong> Tables and ProceduresAbstraction Level 1Direct Manipulation<strong>Host</strong> applicationThe applicationdeveloper writesclient-side code todirect each hostinteraction, includingscreen navigation,data inputs, andand data outputs.An Application Programming ExampleThe value of using high-level abstraction tostreamline integration can be illustrated <strong>with</strong> asimple programming example. In our example, a hostapplication user wants to retrieve information about allcustomers whose last names begin <strong>with</strong> “w.”When a non-integrated host application is involved,this transaction begins <strong>with</strong> the user entering the letter“w.” The application then returns a list of accountnumbers for each customer whose last name begins<strong>with</strong> “w.” At that point, the user has to manuallyenter each account number in order to retrieve thedesired information for each one. This process requiresa number of repetitive operations through a seriesFigure 2: <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong> Abstraction Layers2

WHITE PAPERof application screens. There’s no way to collectthe information in a single display or sort results byaccount number.When a newly integrated business application isinvolved, the user can get significantly better resultsjust by entering the letter “w.” That one operationyields a complete and sorted list that probablyresembles the table in Figure 4.Account Number Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 220000 Wagy Mark 116 Burnside St Portland, OR 9721920001 Waters Joe 1634 15th Ave. W San Diego, CA 9210120003 Warner Jessica 170 Warner St Warner, MN 2658220004 Wilson Maria 634 E 17th St Taos, NM 9876520006 Winters Shelly 1400 Snowy Lane Portland, OR 3869420007 Webster John 342 N 87th St Seattle, WA 9845620008 Ward Aaron 32 Main St Plymouth, IN 74856Figure 4: Application Transaction Output3

WHITE PAPERThe transaction example presented here is fairlystraightforward. As your transactions get more complex,the benefits of accelerated development affordedby <strong>Verastream</strong> tables and procedures will increasedramatically.and the <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong> server. The balanceof the transaction processing is carried on onlybetween the server and the host application,significantly reducing overall network traffic andimproving performance.Reduced Network Traffic: An Added BonusRapid application development is only part of theacceleration that occurs <strong>with</strong> <strong>Verastream</strong> tablesand procedures.Clientapplication123Typicalmiddle-tierserverFigure 6: Network Traffic Generated by Low-Level DPIsClientapplicationSingle SQLcommand<strong>Verastream</strong>middle-tierserver123Multipleinteractions<strong>Host</strong>systemWhen client applications are written to interactdirectly <strong>with</strong> host applications, a full network roundtrip is required for each interaction (see Figure 6). Forexample, the low-level API code in Figure 5 createsmore than 20 network round trips.Conversely, when client applications are written totake advantage of <strong>Verastream</strong> tables and procedures,network traffic is reduced and transaction processingis shifted from the client application to the <strong>Verastream</strong>middle-tier server.Figure 7: Network Traffic Generated by a Single SQL Command<strong>Host</strong>systemAs Figure 7 illustrates, the result of one SQL commandfrom the tables and procedures application code is asingle network round trip between the client applicationRapid <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integration</strong>: Don’t Settle for LessThe speed of business innovation is accelerating atthe same time that IT organizations are being pressedto do more <strong>with</strong> less. <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong>’sunique database representation of unstructured hostapplications drives rapid integration by reducingdevelopment complexity and optimizing individual skillsets. After deployment, <strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong>continues to accelerate new application processing viaenhanced network performance.A Range of <strong>Integration</strong> Solultions<strong>Verastream</strong> <strong>Host</strong> <strong>Integrator</strong> is part of the Attachmate<strong>Verastream</strong> legacy integration suite, a complete rangeof mainframe, desktop, and web modernizationtools. Our solutions deliver the full spectrum ofbasic rejuvenation to customized presentation andsophisticated high-performance integration.<strong>Verastream</strong>-generated services can be mixed,matched, and reused selectively to extend legacyfunctionality to new applications or new users. Nocode changes to legacy applications are required.About AttachmateAttachmate, owned by an investment group led byFrancisco Partners, Golden Gate Capital, and ThomaCressey Equity Partners, enables IT organizations toextend mission critical services and assure they aremanaged, secure, and compliant. Attachmate’s leadingsolutions include host connectivity, systems andsecurity management, and PC lifecycle management.Headquartered in Seattle, Attachmate serves over40,000 customers in nearly 60 countries worldwide.For more information, visit www.attachmate.com.Provided for informational use only; may be modified at any time <strong>with</strong>out notice.Copyright © 2006 Attachmate Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Attachmate, the Attachmate symbol, and <strong>Verastream</strong> are either registeredtrademarks or trademarks of Attachmate Corporation, in the USA and other countries. All other trademarks, trade names, or company namesreferenced herein are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners. Patents pending. 06-0056.1106

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