1924 - Linton Public Library

1924 - Linton Public Library

1924 - Linton Public Library

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82 THE 19!!4 REVIl E. 'mll. IIIII. :lIIII.'II~I. ml,. 1111:. 11111. 1111'. 1111'. 1111,. 111111. '1 1111. '11111. '11111. 11111. 11111. '1111:. 111111. ;11111. :11111. 11111. '1111;. :11111. :11111. '1111'. 1111,. 11111. :11 111. ,11 111. '11111Individual MentionCarl Hilgediek- Carl held down a back field position to his credit as itwas his first year. We lose him, but we all know he is there with thegoods.Awarded : Gold Football- Honor "L."Guy Hayes- Guy could play either at end or half-back. He had a gooddefense and could look down all passes. This is Guy's last year, and weshall miss his "smiling" face. (So will Eathel.)Raymond Cruse- Cruse donned moleskins fJr the first time this yea l'and was showing good before the end of the season. Look out for himnext year in the backfield.Albert Bayer- Cobb is anothu man who just tried football for th2first time and his toe looks f.'ood. He has every thin g- a football man needsand with a year's experience on the squad should show well next year.Hubert Hudson-Hoopie George wasn't off the field of battle the who~eseason. At left tackle Hudson was good both on the defense and offense.Awarded : Gold Football- Honor "L."Charles Shouse-Hoggie,"Oh Hoggie, our Captain,Our fearful fight is won;In guard's position you played well,You stopped everyone."Captain Shouse played hard and led his men with spirit. He has anotheryear in L. H. S.Awarded: Gold Football- Honor "L."Kennyth Holden- Baby? Gee ! He sure can get 'em when he decidesto. Dink played right tackle. (A certain little county seat, just acrossthe river, had bushels? of love for him.)Awarded : Gold Football- Honor "L."Everett Blackburn- Buzzy came out late but broke into a few gamescreditably. His speed and wing make him dangerous in the backfield an:7"time.George Laffoon- George reaches them at any height if his opponentwill keep out of the way of his feet. Ought to make end on any man'steam.Paul Bray- Paul is a fast, hard-hittin1 back with lots of fight. Whathe was short in size he made up in gritKenneth Bennett- Heinkle-Stein played at center and could back upthe line. He has two more years yet. We shall hear more of him.Awarded : Gold Football-Honor "L."Edison O'Brien- Eddie w&s a little short on size, too, but he called fo)'no odds and met them as they came. Speed is his middle name.?II :1111. 11111. 1111: • .11111. ,11111. 111 . 1111 . 111 1. 11111. 11111. ,111, . 11 11. :11111. 1111 . 1111:. 1111 . 1111 . :::; . 111,. 111 . nllll • .II1II. IIIIII. :IIIII. :IIII' • .IIIII. IIII: • .II1II. IIII!! .I111

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