1924 - Linton Public Library

1924 - Linton Public Library

1924 - Linton Public Library

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TJIE <strong>1924</strong> RE VUE ,91II1.11111. 11I11 . 'I1II . 'IIII. IIIII. IIIII . IIIII. IIIII. IIII!. 11111. '1111 . 11111'. 1111:. '11 11. 1111 . 11111.111111. 11111'. '111 11. 111111. 11111;. :UIli. IIIII:. IIIII:. IIlIIi. llllli. iIIll,. IIIIII. IIIIII.MAKING DADDY BEHAVE.The Senior Class play, "Makin'S Daddy Behave," which was presentedin the high :::chool auditorium on March 11, was a great success from everystandpoint. The largest audience ever in the history of the school witnessedthe play, and the Seniors were made very happy and proud by hearingmany say that it was the best play ever presented.The plot centered around the family of Burgess Lukens, a wealthylumber king of California. He was a self-centered man who had hithertoruled his family with an iron hand. At last his indiscretion in writin'5 toa Los Angeles factory girl was brought to light and through the effortsof his lawyer, John St. Clair, his mother-in-law, Elizabeth Tilden, and histwo daughters, Marion and Becky, he was at last made to surrender. Adelicious love story in which Marion, the elder daughter, wedded Da7iJStanding, and the younger daughter, Becky, became enga'led to herfather's secretary, Bryan Cleveland, ran through the story. The elderl!lawyer and the mother-in-law also became en~aged, and the factory vampran away with the chauffeur. The entire play was a charming comedyvlhich held the closest attendtion of the audience. The Georgia Entertainersfurnished the music. The cast was as follows :Burgess Lugens, the father ______ ___ ___ ____ _______ ___ __ Carl HilgediekElizabeth Tilden, theQ'randmotheL ________ ___ ____ _____ ___ Sly via BachMarion Lukens, the elder daughteL _____ ___ __________ ___ Mabel RupertDavid Standing, the one who talked as Shakespeare _____ __ ___ Elmer SiskBecky Lukens, the younger daughteL ___ ___ __ _____ __ __ ___ _ Edna Owen~Bryon Cleveland" the secretary ______ ____ __ _______ ___ Gustave Bordenel,J ohn St. Clair, the lawyeL ________ __ ___ __ ___ _____ _____ Clyde ReintjesAlberts, the butleL _________ ____ _____ ________ ____ _____ Harry Ingalls)1rs. Alberts, his irate wife __ __ ____ ______ __ ________ Katherine KunklerArdita McClaren, who caused the trouble ____ ______ ____ ___ _ Alice ButlerWindham, the chauffeur who eloped with Ardita _____ ____ __ _ Paul Brayl\lrs. McClaren, who wanted her Gussie ____ ____________ Mignon Christy( oach of the play _____ ____________ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ Miss McKissick

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