1924 - Linton Public Library

1924 - Linton Public Library

1924 - Linton Public Library

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2 I THE 19:!4 REVUE11111 . 11111 . 1111. 11111. 1111. 1111,. 1111. 111111. 11111. 1111 . 1i111 . 1I 111,. IIIII,. IIIII . IIIII . IIIII .• IIIII . IIIIII.IIIII,.III III.1IIII . IIIII . II IIII.IIII I I . I III I .I IIIII.III III.III II,.IIIII . ~III.FLORE~CE HASEMAN- "Flory" is just the same around everybody with thp(;xception of Bill, and then she is a little insane.CARL HILGEDIEK- Footl::all, '23, '24; basketball, '23; track, '23; track captain,'24; class officers, '24; Staff; "Making Daddy Behave." Carl does honor to our classby being track captain this year. His success depends upon the encouragement givenhim by a certain blond lassie known as Migilon.FAYE HIMEBROOK- Glee Club, '24. Faye is one of the sweetest, sunniest girlsi'1 the class. Whenever one needs a friend, they think of Faye. She is a ::;-ood sportin anything.HERSCHEL HARRAH- We hardly ever know Herschel is around, but our prin··cipal says he knows what he knows and what he don't know he knows he don't know.MILDRED HUMPHREYS- Glee Club, '22, '23, '24; Fleur-de lis, '23, '24; TreasurerGlee Club, '23; Staff. Mildred is one of the Siamese twins who thinks that she will.choose Lloyd from the ninety and nine.HARRY INGALLS- Football, '22, '23, '24; track, '21, '22, '23; "Making Daddy Behave."Besides being a ladies' man, "Pe-wee" is also a dandy football pl2.yer and aEhot putter'. He made a fine Engli h buttler, too.11111 . :1111 . 111 11 .• 11111 . 1111 . '11 11 .• 1111 .• :1 111 . 1111. 111 .1 111:. 1111 1,. 11 111 • .1111. ;111. 111 . 1111 .• 11 111 .• 11111 . 111 11 . 11 111 . III . IIII . III. !III . IIII . IIII. IIII . III . IIII .'

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