1924 - Linton Public Library

1924 - Linton Public Library

1924 - Linton Public Library

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110 THE <strong>1924</strong> REVUE• mil. 11111. :11111. 111111. 11111. 1111 . 11111. 1111 1 • 1111'. 11111. 111111. '11111 . 111111. '1111'. 11111. 11111. 1111'. 111111. '11111. '1111 . '1111'. :11111. 11111. ,1111I. 11111. UII'. 'IIII'. 'IIII,. 'IIIII. 1I111•iIII!Rhodenbeck Bros.- FOR-QUALIT Y C L OTHING. F U R NISHING AND S H OESI1 ____ ._._.____.__._.__FOR ._._.____M .___ E N AN _D .. BOY _.... S_-.IT AIN'T GOIN' A RAIN NO MO'.Oh, I knew a nice good looking man,Russell was his name ;Handsome, clever, learned man,But Hart got him just the same.Oh, Schanlaub r ides in a Ford coupe,Tatlock takes the train,Landis tak·es the middle of the r ()ad,But he gets t here just the same.Oh, Mitchell uses cold cream,Miss Laubach uses lard,But McKissick uses Ivory soapAnd she rubs it just as hard.For Bartlow get the bonus bill,Be "bona" before Miss Hart;For Osborne learn "bona fide,"For Heitman get Bonyparte.Now Kessel teaches farm crops,Jamison you can't sass,And all the stude:lts r un alongWhen it's time to go to Grass.To the ways of Baughman and of BaY:lOurselves we mt:st adapt;If we have to make more scrap boo;(sFor Harrison, there'll be a scrap.Now, when a girl goes fishing,Seldom do you miss her,But just watch out, Pa and Ma,When she fishes after Fisher.vVe learn m usic from Mis Orr,From Phillips, Chemistre-e.To Lam we take little white permitsJust to get out of the Assemble-e.In all sincerity,LORENA LETSINGER.~ ..TheAmeric~;-R;; tau ;'~~-t--lFOR GOOD EATSA N D S ERVICEA. MANTOS Be C O L LAS11 North Main Street 'IIi_ Telephone._9_7____ _ ____ ~~~~~~_~n_d_. __ 01 o.~

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