1924 - Linton Public Library

1924 - Linton Public Library

1924 - Linton Public Library

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'l'lU~ 19::4 REVUE 1091II11. 1II1I . IIIII. iIIll. llm.iIIll.IIII. IIIII. IIIII. IIIII .IIIII . IIII. IIIII. 11111 . !IIII . :IIII. IIII.IIIr. lllr. IIII . :IIII'. !IIII . IIIII . :IIII . :IIII. IIII. 1IIIIII!IIII . lIIlr. illlr.~.---.-.-.-.--.------------.-______ .___._._.__·-·------------------------- 1CLOTHING , FURNIS HINGSAND S HOESFor Men and Young MenFROM KUPPE NHE IMERAND F A S HIO N PARKBEN BACH"Daylight Clothing Store"Corner Main and "A" StreetsDARING HOLDUP.Mr. Bartlow (announcing in boys' assembly)- All those in Americanhistory class that haven't received their Literary Digest hold up theirhands.Mr. Kessel (having his picture taken for the annuql, while at thestudio)-I came to have my picture taken for the annual.Mr. Leitzel (going to the book of names which he kept)- What areyou, a Junior or Senior?Freshie to Sophomore- Ain't I slick, though? I am putting somethingacross on the teachers. Why, I got B on application and I don't eventake it.Miss Harrison- If you get Emerson's thoughts they are very stimulating-.Lorena L.- But if you don't get them it is very dull.Henry G.-I believe I'll take coffee.Miss Harrison (in English class)- What was the Constitution openedwith. Beulah?Beulah B. (thinking of the Continental Congress)- Prayer.In need of a pair of scissors in the mechanical drawing class, the followingconversation took place :Guy Hays- We can get a pair of scissors in the domestic scienceroom.•

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