APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice

APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice


Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009with increased risk of adverse drugevents (ADEs) in the prescribed to the elderly patients (Table-2), out of which[7],elderly and hospital admission due to drug-related Antihypertensive drugs (31%), Anti-diabetic drugsproblems can result in patient morbidity, mortality and (22%), Antiplatelet agents (16%), Anti-rheumatic drugs[8].increased health costs It is possible that other (24%), Bronchodilators (7%), Hypolipidemic drugsmedication-related risk factors identified at home visits (2%), Anti-tubercular drugs (1%), and drugs acting oncould be associated with poor health outcomes, but Thyroid gland (1%) were prescribed. This survey alsothese medication-related risk factors have not, to date, revealed that 38% of the elderly does self-medication,been extensively studied.out of which 32% take allopathic medicines and 6% takeThis study has been conducted to observe the drug Ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines. Reasons for selfutilizationpattern and prevalence of chronic diseases in medication are listed in Table-3. Drugs likeelderly by visiting them in their community.Multivitamins, Iron and Calcium supplements wereMETHODOLOGYtaken by the elderly as Over the Counter preparationA Door to door survey was conducted to identify the(Table-4). Analgesics and Antipyretics were commonlyresidents of age 65 years and above from May 2008 totaken by the elderly for self medication (Table-5).July 2008. 100 subjects were included for the study DISCUSSIONafter informing them about the purpose of the study and The results from present study demonstrate that cardiacprior consent. A questionnaire was prepared, many disorders, diabetes and rheumatism were the mostpractical questions regarding diseases, medication prevalent diseases in geriatric patients of consideredprescribed, health status involving socioeconomic area. This study suggests that Difficulty in swallowing[9].status, family support, were included The geriatric tablets and economic factors are the majorly responsiblesubjects were quite cooperative and confident in for non-compliance of geriatric patients so alternativeanswering the questions since it was their familiar dosages form other than tablet may enhance thesurrounding i.e. home. Table-1 shows the questions, compliance of the geriatric patients and economic factorwhich were asked during medication review of elderly should be considered by general practitioners at the timepatients. Questionnaire was analyzed by using SPSS of prescribing. In our study, we found that self-Microsoft Excel.medication was the prevalent phenomenon for drugs,INCLUSION CRITERIAwhich may be responsible for the adverse drug reactionsPatients were included in this study if they satisfied oneof drugs in geriatric patients. The study provides someor more of the following criteria: (i) on five or moreindication that the home medication review by a trainedregularmedications; (ii) taking twelve or more doses ofpharmacist may help to rationalize prescribing by generalmedication per day; (iii) three or more medicalpractioners. The study also suggests that elderly patientconditions; (iv) suspected to be non-adherent with theireducation through home medication review canmedication regimen (v)on medication(s) with a narrowsignificantly improve patient knowledge and compliancetherapeutic index or requiring therapeutic monitoring;with medication. The teamwork of general practioners(vi) had significant changes made to their medicationand pharmacist is needed. The public health system needsregimen in the previous three months; (vii) had signs ormore specialists in this field. “We cannot heal the oldsymptoms suggestive of possible medication inducedage, but let us protect it, promote it and prolong it,”Sir Jproblems; (viii) had an inadequate response to [9]Rosmedication treatment; (ix) admitted to hospital inTable 1 – Questionnairepreceding four weeks; (x) at riskin managing their ownmedications due to language difficulties, dexterityQuestions were asked regardingproblems or impaired sight.? 1. Disease of patient and medicines prescribed.RESULTSThis community based survey included 100 elderly ? 2. Patient compliance for medication. If no, then reason.patient.49% was males and 51% was females. Fig1? 3.Any other medications (ayurvedic, allopathic, homeopathic)shows prevelance of numerous chronic disorders inconcerned elderly population. The reasons for noncompliancetaken by the patient which neither pharmacist nor doctor knew.are shown in Fig 2.Difficulty in swallowingtablets (24%) was the most common cause of patient? 4. Risks associated with the structure of house and furnishing(such as poor lightning, stairs obstacles etc).non-compliance. A Total of 120 individual drugs were76

Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009Table-2 Classification of drugs prescribed to the elderly.Table 3-Reasons for Self-medicationS.N REASONS %PATIENTS %MALE %FEMALE1.Lack of time23%15%8%2.High consultation fee29%14%15%3.Quick relief18%18%0%4.Believes in Ayurveda16%3%13%5.Family members are not supportive5%0%5%6.Unable to walk9%0%9%77

<strong>Indian</strong> J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009with increased risk <strong>of</strong> adverse drugevents (ADEs) in the prescribed to the elderly patients (Table-2), out <strong>of</strong> which[7],elderly and hospital admission due to drug-related Antihypertensive drugs (31%), Anti-diabetic drugsproblems can result in patient morbidity, mortality and (22%), Antiplatelet agents (16%), Anti-rheumatic drugs[8].increased health costs It is possible that other (24%), Bronchodilators (7%), Hypolipidemic drugsmedication-related risk factors identified at home visits (2%), Anti-tubercular drugs (1%), and drugs acting oncould be associated with poor health outcomes, but Thyroid gland (1%) were prescribed. This survey alsothese medication-related risk factors have not, to date, revealed that 38% <strong>of</strong> the elderly does self-medication,been extensively studied.out <strong>of</strong> which 32% take allopathic medicines and 6% takeThis study has been conducted to observe the drug Ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines. Reasons for selfutilizationpattern and prevalence <strong>of</strong> chronic diseases in medication are listed in Table-3. Drugs likeelderly by visiting them in their community.Multivitamins, Iron and Calcium supplements wereMETHODOLOGYtaken by the elderly as Over the Counter preparationA Door to door survey was conducted to identify the(Table-4). Analgesics and Antipyretics were commonlyresidents <strong>of</strong> age 65 years and above from May 2008 totaken by the elderly for self medication (Table-5).July 2008. 100 subjects were included for the study DISCUSSIONafter informing them about the purpose <strong>of</strong> the study and The results from present study demonstrate that cardiacprior consent. A questionnaire was prepared, many disorders, diabetes and rheumatism were the mostpractical questions regarding diseases, medication prevalent diseases in geriatric patients <strong>of</strong> consideredprescribed, health status involving socioeconomic area. This study suggests that Difficulty in swallowing[9].status, family support, were included The geriatric tablets and economic factors are the majorly responsiblesubjects were quite cooperative and confident in for non-compliance <strong>of</strong> geriatric patients so alternativeanswering the questions since it was their familiar dosages form other than tablet may enhance thesurrounding i.e. home. Table-1 shows the questions, compliance <strong>of</strong> the geriatric patients and economic factorwhich were asked during medication review <strong>of</strong> elderly should be considered by general practitioners at the timepatients. Questionnaire was analyzed by using SPSS <strong>of</strong> prescribing. In our study, we found that self-Micros<strong>of</strong>t Excel.medication was the prevalent phenomenon for drugs,INCLUSION CRITERIAwhich may be responsible for the adverse drug reactionsPatients were included in this study if they satisfied one<strong>of</strong> drugs in geriatric patients. The study provides someor more <strong>of</strong> the following criteria: (i) on five or moreindication that the home medication review by a trainedregularmedications; (ii) taking twelve or more doses <strong>of</strong>pharmacist may help to rationalize prescribing by generalmedication per day; (iii) three or more medicalpractioners. The study also suggests that elderly patientconditions; (iv) suspected to be non-adherent with theireducation through home medication review canmedication regimen (v)on medication(s) with a narrowsignificantly improve patient knowledge and compliancetherapeutic index or requiring therapeutic monitoring;with medication. The teamwork <strong>of</strong> general practioners(vi) had significant changes made to their medicationand pharmacist is needed. The public health system needsregimen in the previous three months; (vii) had signs ormore specialists in this field. “We cannot heal the oldsymptoms suggestive <strong>of</strong> possible medication inducedage, but let us protect it, promote it and prolong it,”Sir Jproblems; (viii) had an inadequate response to [9]Rosmedication treatment; (ix) admitted to hospital inTable 1 – Questionnairepreceding four weeks; (x) at riskin managing their ownmedications due to language difficulties, dexterityQuestions were asked regardingproblems or impaired sight.? 1. Disease <strong>of</strong> patient and medicines prescribed.RESULTSThis community based survey included 100 elderly ? 2. Patient compliance for medication. If no, then reason.patient.49% was males and 51% was females. Fig1? 3.Any other medications (ayurvedic, allopathic, homeopathic)shows prevelance <strong>of</strong> numerous chronic disorders inconcerned elderly population. The reasons for noncompliancetaken by the patient which neither pharmacist nor doctor knew.are shown in Fig 2.Difficulty in swallowingtablets (24%) was the most common cause <strong>of</strong> patient? 4. Risks associated with the structure <strong>of</strong> house and furnishing(such as poor lightning, stairs obstacles etc).non-compliance. A Total <strong>of</strong> 120 individual drugs were76

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