APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice

APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice


Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009Table No.2: Percentage value of ABC Analysis for Medicines with least number of Brand NamesNames of Medicines% Value from ABC AnalysisRituximab 15.951%Cetuximab 6.194%Traztuzumab 2.649%Bevacizumab 2.135%Epirubicin 1.981%Gefitinib 1.795%Capecitabine 1.481%Cisplatin 1.458%Vinorelbine 1.309%Fludarabine 1.205%Irinotecan 1.196%Ifosfamide 1.020%Goserelin 0.735%Letrozole 0.733%Thalidomide 0.726%Dacarbazine 0.617%Bleomycin 0.390%Cytarabine 0.382%Exemestane 0.312%Cyclophosphamide 0.296%Erlotinib 0.255%Etoposide 0.201%Asparginase 0.173%Anastrazole 0.158%Tamoxifen 0.153%Melphalan 0.132%Chlorambucil 0.132%5-Fluorouracil 0.107%Vinblastine 0.104%Daunorubicin 0.095%Bortezomib 0.094%Dactinomycin -D 0.086%Lenalidomide 0.083%Leuprolide 0.078%Arsenic Trioxide 0.062%Vincristine 0.057%Imatinib 0.048%Methotrexate 0.047%Hydroxy Urea 0.040%Megesterol 0.028%Altretamine 0.025%Lomustine 0.018%Mitoxantrone 0.007%Mitomycin 0.005%Interferon 0.002%50

Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009Conclusion14. Hochla PK, Tuason VB. Pharmacy and TherapeuticsPharmacy and Therapeutics committee in BIO has beencommittee. Cost containment considerations. Archused effectively in initiating the rational inventory andIntern Med 1992; 152(9):1773-1775.procurement of chemotherapy medicines to start with.15. Hutchinson RA, Hatoum HT, Kolinski R, Riley DW.The advisory and educational objectives of the PTC arebeing initiated to promote rational use of medicines. The The use of pharmacy personnel to positively impacteconomic spin offs of rational inventory management not hospital finances. Hosp Formul 1989; 24(8):450-453.only results in effective pharmaceutical procurement but 16. Jenkings KN, Barber N. What constitutes evidence init also paves the path in a stronger a role for PTC in hospital new drug decision making? Soc Sci Medrational use of medicines. 2004; 58:1757-1766.References17. Laupacis A. Hard decisions about fundamental1. Bagozzi RP, Ascione FJ, Mannebach MA . Inter-rolerelationships in hospital based pharmacy and values. Healthc Pap 2004; 4(3):60-66.therapeutics committee decision making. J Health 18. Levy AR, Gagnon YM. Getting the cat back in thePsychol 2005; 10(1):45-64.bag: reforming the way provinces manage drug2. Bair JN, Lee GF. Developing a hospital pharmacyexpenditures to make them manageable. Healthc Pappurchasing system. Am J Hosp Pharm 1984;2002; 3(1):32-37.41(8):1574-1578.3. Bochner F, Martin ED, Burgess NG, Somogyi AA,19. Mannebach MA, Fijn R, Brouwers JRB, Knaap RJ,Misan GMH. Controversies in treatment. how can De Jong-Van Den Berg. Drug and Therapeuticshospitals ration drugs?. BMJ 1994; 308:901-908.(D&T) committees in Dutch hospitals: a nation-wide4. Borreson R. P & T Committee role in advocatingsurvey of structure, activities, and drug selectionrational therapeutics. Hosp Formul 1986; 21(5):590-procedures. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1989; 48:239-246.598.5. Brougham M, Metcalfe S, McNee W. Our advice? 20. McAllister. Challenges in purchasing and inventoryGet a budget! Healthc Pap 2002; 3(1):83-85.control. Am J Hosp Pharm 1985; 42(6):1370-1373.6. Cohen MR, Klapp D, Miller KB, Shaffer VL, 21. Mehr SR. The evolutionary role of the pharmacy andSlotfeldt M, Miller DE. Improving pharmacy and therapeutics committee in technology assessment.therapeutics committee operations. Am J HospManag Care Interface 2006; 19(1):42-45.Pharm 1984; 41(9):1767-1777.7. Cruz MD, Paola Z. Pharmacy and therapeutics22. Noel MW. Quantitative measurements of inventorycommittees in Brazil: lagging behind international control. Am J Hosp Pharm 1984; 41(11):2378-2383.standards. Rev Panam Salud Publica 2006; 19(1):58- 23. Patel MS. Drug costs in developing countries and96. policies to reduce them. World Dev 1984; 11(3):195-8. Dreyfus R, Bender F. Communicating P & T204.guidelines: how one committee meets the challenge.24. Quick JD. Applying management science inHosp Formul 1987; 22(7):651-654.9. Dugal R, Mani A, Potvin K. Look beyond budgets to developing countries: ABC analysis to plan publicthe broader benefits. Healthc Pap 2002; 3(1):77-82. drug procurement. Socio-Econ Plan Sci 1982;10. Feld R. P & T Committee problem-solving in a 16(1):39-50.Canadian specialty hospital. Hosp Formul 1986; 25. Quick JD, Rankin JR, Laing RO, O'Connor RW,21(7):778-779.11. Fernandes A. Managing healthcare costs within anHogerzeil HV, Dukes MNG, et.al. Managing drugintegrated framework. Healthc Pap 2002; 3(1):70-76. supply. Management Sciences for Health in12. Ferrando MC, Henman MC. A survey of drug and collaboration with the World Health Organization.therapeutics committees operating in Ireland. J Clin West Hartford: 1987; CT Kumarian Press.Hosp Pharm 1986; 11(2):131-140.26. Rocchi F, Addis A, Martini N. Current national13. Hinthorn D, Godwin H. P & T Committee interview:communication and education contribute to aninitiatives about drug policies and cost control ineffective formulary system. Hosp Formul 1989; Europe: the Italy example. J Ambul Care Manage24(5):281-284. 2004; 27(2):127-131.51

<strong>Indian</strong> J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009Table No.2: Percentage value <strong>of</strong> ABC Analysis for Medicines with least number <strong>of</strong> Brand NamesNames <strong>of</strong> Medicines% Value from ABC AnalysisRituximab 15.951%Cetuximab 6.194%Traztuzumab 2.649%Bevacizumab 2.135%Epirubicin 1.981%Gefitinib 1.795%Capecitabine 1.481%Cisplatin 1.458%Vinorelbine 1.309%Fludarabine 1.205%Irinotecan 1.196%Ifosfamide 1.020%Goserelin 0.735%Letrozole 0.733%Thalidomide 0.726%Dacarbazine 0.617%Bleomycin 0.390%Cytarabine 0.382%Exemestane 0.312%Cyclophosphamide 0.296%Erlotinib 0.255%Etoposide 0.201%Asparginase 0.173%Anastrazole 0.158%Tamoxifen 0.153%Melphalan 0.132%Chlorambucil 0.132%5-Fluorouracil 0.107%Vinblastine 0.104%Daunorubicin 0.095%Bortezomib 0.094%Dactinomycin -D 0.086%Lenalidomide 0.083%Leuprolide 0.078%Arsenic Trioxide 0.062%Vincristine 0.057%Imatinib 0.048%Methotrexate 0.047%Hydroxy Urea 0.040%Megesterol 0.028%Altretamine 0.025%Lomustine 0.018%Mitoxantrone 0.007%Mitomycin 0.005%Interferon 0.002%50

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