APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice

APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice


Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009Figure 2. Statistical Evaluation Data of DIC in KarnatakaStatistic data of DICNumber of calls1800160014001200100080060040020001997-2000 2000-2002YearSeries1enquiries was from patient, pharmacist and drug very important for drug information centre to frameregulatory authorities. The majorities of queries (75%) guidelines on ethical issues.were received from Bangalore. Response time was Quality of informationrecorded and about 80% of enquiries were answered Providing quality information is one of the crucial task ofwithin 30 minutes.DIC. In order to maintain the flow of quality informationCompetency of Drug Information Centrethe staff should be well trained & comprehensive aboutCompetent evaluation of drug information service andthe quality framework provided by DIC is very the new trends in drug discoveries. It is also highlightedimportant. The development of DIC is the beginning of that information is not knowledge and knowledge comesthe clinical pharmacy concept to provide adequate7from the interpretation of information .information for those who consume, prescribe, dispense Conclusion& administer drug. Factors like information technology Drug Information Centres are regarded as a gateway ofchanges, sophistication of drug therapy, changing drug information. The future of drug information centresphilosophies of pharmacy practices, the education of in India lies in the quality of service, credibility amongpharmacist in the field of drug information and the moreusers and the evaluation of its progress. The future ofknowledgeable patient are very influential in theclinical pharmacy and drug information centre is veryevolution of pharmacist's role in drug informationbright so the government, private hospitals andprovider. To maintain the competency in DIC time totime assessment program is mandatory.regulatory bodies should come forward to establish moreEthical Facetnumber of DIC in future time so that clinical pharmacistAt present, drug information centres are confronted with and drug information centre can work to locate thequestions from public that pose ethical dilemmas. Thequality in community.truthful answer to drug information question mayAcknowledgementcompete with values such as privacy, interference in the The author is thankful to Karnataka State Pharmacypatient-physician relationship and social respons-Council (KSPC), Karnataka, Dr. B Gopalakrishna,4ibilities .New drug like sildenafil used in male erectilePrincipal, R R College of Pharmacy, Bangalore fordysfunction may cause social problem such as abuse by providing useful Information. The author also owe to thehealthy men and indiscriminate prescription by the PKM Educational Trust Management for providingprimary care physician s.For ethical aspect it becomes excellent facility.26

Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009References1. Pradhan SC. The Performance of drug information 1990;47:2245-50.centre at the university of Kansas medical center,5. Vernon GM, Woods DJ. Development of anKansas city, USA-Experiences and Evaluation. Ind JPharmacol 2002;34:123-129.International Network of drug Information Center2. Karnataka state pharmacy council. Available from (indices). Aust J Hosp Pharm 1998;28:115-6URL:www.kspcdic.com 6. Lakshmi PK, Gundu Rao DA, Gore SB, Shyamala3. Rajesh DH, Kudagi BL, kamadod MA, S S Biradara. Bhaskaran. Drug information service to doctors ofDrug information Center-Is the window that lets usKarnataka, India. Ind J Pharmacol 2003;35:245-247see the world. The Pharma Review April 2008.4. Kelly WN, Krause EC, Krowiniski WJ, Small TR,7. Malone PM, Mosdell KW, Kier KL, Stanovich JE.Drana JF. National survey of ethical issues presented Drug information: A guide for pharmacists.to drug information centre. Am J Hosp Pharm Stamford ct: Appleton & Lange; 1996.27

<strong>Indian</strong> J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009Figure 2. Statistical Evaluation Data <strong>of</strong> DIC in KarnatakaStatistic data <strong>of</strong> DICNumber <strong>of</strong> calls1800160014001200100080060040020001997-2000 2000-2002YearSeries1enquiries was from patient, pharmacist and drug very important for drug information centre to frameregulatory authorities. The majorities <strong>of</strong> queries (75%) guidelines on ethical issues.were received from Bangalore. Response time was Quality <strong>of</strong> informationrecorded and about 80% <strong>of</strong> enquiries were answered Providing quality information is one <strong>of</strong> the crucial task <strong>of</strong>within 30 minutes.DIC. In order to maintain the flow <strong>of</strong> quality informationCompetency <strong>of</strong> Drug Information Centrethe staff should be well trained & comprehensive aboutCompetent evaluation <strong>of</strong> drug information service andthe quality framework provided by DIC is very the new trends in drug discoveries. It is also highlightedimportant. The development <strong>of</strong> DIC is the beginning <strong>of</strong> that information is not knowledge and knowledge comesthe clinical pharmacy concept to provide adequate7from the interpretation <strong>of</strong> information .information for those who consume, prescribe, dispense Conclusion& administer drug. Factors like information technology Drug Information Centres are regarded as a gateway <strong>of</strong>changes, sophistication <strong>of</strong> drug therapy, changing drug information. The future <strong>of</strong> drug information centresphilosophies <strong>of</strong> pharmacy practices, the education <strong>of</strong> in India lies in the quality <strong>of</strong> service, credibility amongpharmacist in the field <strong>of</strong> drug information and the moreusers and the evaluation <strong>of</strong> its progress. The future <strong>of</strong>knowledgeable patient are very influential in theclinical pharmacy and drug information centre is veryevolution <strong>of</strong> pharmacist's role in drug informationbright so the government, private hospitals andprovider. To maintain the competency in DIC time totime assessment program is mandatory.regulatory bodies should come forward to establish moreEthical Facetnumber <strong>of</strong> DIC in future time so that clinical pharmacistAt present, drug information centres are confronted with and drug information centre can work to locate thequestions from public that pose ethical dilemmas. Thequality in community.truthful answer to drug information question mayAcknowledgementcompete with values such as privacy, interference in the The author is thankful to Karnataka State <strong>Pharmacy</strong>patient-physician relationship and social respons-Council (KSPC), Karnataka, Dr. B Gopalakrishna,4ibilities .New drug like sildenafil used in male erectilePrincipal, R R College <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, Bangalore fordysfunction may cause social problem such as abuse by providing useful Information. The author also owe to thehealthy men and indiscriminate prescription by the PKM Educational Trust Management for providingprimary care physician s.For ethical aspect it becomes excellent facility.26

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