APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice

APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice


Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009checked in time & unnecessary hospitalizations can be global goals (proposed by WHO) of reduction of deathavoided. These forms should form an essential tool for rates due to chronic diseases by 2% until 2015.providing pharmaceutical care to such patients along Referenceswith medication cards issued to the patient. The1. Preventing chronic diseases: a vital investment,Medication cards should contain the information onWHO2. Chronic trouble: 60m Indians at risk over next tenmedications taken by these patients and their dosageyears, The Times of India, 19-02-06regimen. This can help the patient in recovering the3. Pharmacy practice changing times, new roles,medication. The physicians in the area of super-specialityChronicle Pharmabiz, p.31, 13-12-2007pharmacies should be contacted to publicize their 4. Playing pivotal in patient care, Chronicle Pharmabiz,professional services of patient counseling on disease p.33, 13-12-2007state and medication management of chronic disease 5. Patient counseling the magic spell for betterpatients. The advice of physicians can be used for further healthcare, Scientific Abstracts, p.512, 60th IPC,improvement of the counseling services of the Pharmacy. 2008Further, the Community Pharmacies should adopt the 6. Patient awareness in cardiac diseases-today's need,nearby community where the chronic diseases are more Scientific Abstracts, p.504, 60th IPC, 2008prevalent. The Pharmacist should educate the patients 7. A study of interventions made by clinicaland susceptible patients of chronic disease on the various pharmacists, Scientific Abstracts, p.509,, 60thaspects of these diseases. A host variety of activities IPC,2008can be stated by the pharmacy to promote healthy life8. The cancer pharmacist, p.505, Scientific Abstracts,styles and curb unhealthy practices in the community, top.527, 60thIPC, 20089. Shaping Pharmacy Profession, B.Suresh, Chroniclescreen masses for early detection of diseases and to givePharmabiz, p.20, 13-12-2007.psychosocial reassurance to the patients of chronicdiseases. A to Z of pharmaceutical care should beprovided to the patients of chronic diseases in adoptedcommunity. The Pharmacist should help the patient todevelop understanding on the role of medicines topromote good health, to take suitable decisions related tothe medications (their dosage regimen) prescribed, tomanage adverse side effects and drug interactions and tobecome a well informed partner in the management ofhis/her chronic disease state.ConclusionIf these good pharmacy practices are adopted inCommunity Pharmacy settings, then the mortality ratedue to Adverse Drug Reactions of the drugs administeredto patients of chronic diseases will be reduced. It isbecause, the community pharmacist by virtue of goodcounseling skills will ensure proper and safe use of drugsby patients of such diseases. This in turn, will maximizethe benefits of therapy and quality of life of chronicdisease patients will improve. The added benefits willinclude public recognition of the role of the pharmacist inthe management of their diseases and medication.Moreover, due to health promotion and health screeningactivities, the spread of chronic disease in susceptiblemasses can be brought under control. The net result ofthese good pharmacy practices in communitypharmacies will be reduction in death rates due to chronicdiseases in India, achievement of national goals and20

Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009APTIDrug Information Centre (DIC)-An Indian Scenario1 1 1 1 1 2Nitesh S Chauhan , Firdous , R Raveendra , Geetha J , B Gopalakrishna , Roopa Karki1R R College of Pharmacy, Bangalore-560090, India2Acharya & B.M.Reddy College of PharmacyAddress for correspondence: nikki_srms@rediffmail.comijoppAbstractDrug information centre refer to facility specially set aside for, and specializing in the provision of drug information& related issues. The purpose of drug information centre is to provide authentic individualized, accurate, relevantand unbiased drug information to the consumers and healthcare professionals regarding medication relatedinquiries to the nation for health care & drug safety aspects by answering their call regarding the all criticalproblems on dug information, their uses and their side effects. Apart from that the centre also provides in-depth,impartial source of crucial drug information to meet the needs of the practicing physicians, pharmacists and otherhealth care professionals to safeguard the health, financial and legal interests of the patient & to broaden thepharmacist role visible in the society & community. Number of drug information centers are being opened with theprospective of safe health care & drug safety which will surely serve the community & enhanced the role ofcommunity pharmacist. Information present in the current paper will not only enlighten the role of drug informationcentre but also focused on the rational use of drug.Key words: Drug information, health careINTRODUCTIONDrug information is the provision of a written and/ or catering to the information needs of nursing staff. Theverbal information about drugs and drug therapy in staffs of the drug information center were expected toresponse to a request from other healthcare provider, take an active role in the education of healthorganizations, committees, patients, public or professionals within the institution. In 1973, the firstcommunity.formal survey identified 54 drug information centers inDrug information service refers the activities undertakenthe USA. According to a report published in 1995, thereby pharmacists in providing information to optimizedare about 120 full-fledged pharmacist-operated drugdrug use. Drug information centre provides in-depth,information centers in the United States, which accept aunbiased source of crucial drug information to meet the 1broad scope of requests from health care professionals .needs of the practicing physicians, pharmacists and otherIndian scenariohealth care professionals. In the country like India where Recognizing the need to provide organized drugthe national polices are industry focused rather than information to health care professionals as well ashealth focused, it became crucial to enlighten the role of consumers, the WHO India Country Office indrug information centre to spread the awareness aboutcollaboration with the Karnataka State Pharmacydrug information services & rational use of drug.Council (KSPC) is supporting the establishment of 5Global scenarioIn 1962, the first drug information center was opened at drug information centres. These centers have beenthe University of Kentucky Medical Center and was established in Haryana (Sirsa), Chhattisgarh (Raipur),intended to be utilized as a source of selected, comprehe- Rajasthan (Jaipur), Assam (Dibrugarh), and Goa2nsive drug information for staff physicians and dentists to (Panaji) .allow them to evaluate and compare drugs besides The Karnataka State Pharmacy Council established itsDrug Information Centre (DIC) in August 1997 todisseminate unbiased drug information to healthcareIndian Journal of Pharmacy Practiceprofessionals. In India, this was the first independent DICReceived on 09/09/2008 Modified on 19/09/2008Accepted on 23/09/2008 © APTI All rights reservedstarted by Karnataka State Pharmacy Council to21

<strong>Indian</strong> J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009<strong>APTI</strong>Drug Information Centre (DIC)-An <strong>Indian</strong> Scenario1 1 1 1 1 2Nitesh S Chauhan , Firdous , R Raveendra , Geetha J , B Gopalakrishna , Roopa Karki1R R College <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, Bangalore-560090, India2Acharya & B.M.Reddy College <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Address for correspondence: nikki_srms@rediffmail.com<strong>ijopp</strong>AbstractDrug information centre refer to facility specially set aside for, and specializing in the provision <strong>of</strong> drug information& related issues. The purpose <strong>of</strong> drug information centre is to provide authentic individualized, accurate, relevantand unbiased drug information to the consumers and healthcare pr<strong>of</strong>essionals regarding medication relatedinquiries to the nation for health care & drug safety aspects by answering their call regarding the all criticalproblems on dug information, their uses and their side effects. Apart from that the centre also provides in-depth,impartial source <strong>of</strong> crucial drug information to meet the needs <strong>of</strong> the practicing physicians, pharmacists and otherhealth care pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to safeguard the health, financial and legal interests <strong>of</strong> the patient & to broaden thepharmacist role visible in the society & community. Number <strong>of</strong> drug information centers are being opened with theprospective <strong>of</strong> safe health care & drug safety which will surely serve the community & enhanced the role <strong>of</strong>community pharmacist. Information present in the current paper will not only enlighten the role <strong>of</strong> drug informationcentre but also focused on the rational use <strong>of</strong> drug.Key words: Drug information, health careINTRODUCTIONDrug information is the provision <strong>of</strong> a written and/ or catering to the information needs <strong>of</strong> nursing staff. Theverbal information about drugs and drug therapy in staffs <strong>of</strong> the drug information center were expected toresponse to a request from other healthcare provider, take an active role in the education <strong>of</strong> healthorganizations, committees, patients, public or pr<strong>of</strong>essionals within the institution. In 1973, the firstcommunity.formal survey identified 54 drug information centers inDrug information service refers the activities undertakenthe USA. According to a report published in 1995, thereby pharmacists in providing information to optimizedare about 120 full-fledged pharmacist-operated drugdrug use. Drug information centre provides in-depth,information centers in the United States, which accept aunbiased source <strong>of</strong> crucial drug information to meet the 1broad scope <strong>of</strong> requests from health care pr<strong>of</strong>essionals .needs <strong>of</strong> the practicing physicians, pharmacists and other<strong>Indian</strong> scenariohealth care pr<strong>of</strong>essionals. In the country like India where Recognizing the need to provide organized drugthe national polices are industry focused rather than information to health care pr<strong>of</strong>essionals as well ashealth focused, it became crucial to enlighten the role <strong>of</strong> consumers, the WHO India Country Office indrug information centre to spread the awareness aboutcollaboration with the Karnataka State <strong>Pharmacy</strong>drug information services & rational use <strong>of</strong> drug.Council (KSPC) is supporting the establishment <strong>of</strong> 5Global scenarioIn 1962, the first drug information center was opened at drug information centres. These centers have beenthe University <strong>of</strong> Kentucky Medical Center and was established in Haryana (Sirsa), Chhattisgarh (Raipur),intended to be utilized as a source <strong>of</strong> selected, comprehe- Rajasthan (Jaipur), Assam (Dibrugarh), and Goa2nsive drug information for staff physicians and dentists to (Panaji) .allow them to evaluate and compare drugs besides The Karnataka State <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Council established itsDrug Information Centre (DIC) in August 1997 todisseminate unbiased drug information to healthcare<strong>Indian</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> <strong>Practice</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>essionals. In India, this was the first independent DICReceived on 09/09/2008 Modified on 19/09/2008Accepted on 23/09/2008 © <strong>APTI</strong> All rights reservedstarted by Karnataka State <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Council to21

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