APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice

APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice


Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009APTIAbstractGood Pharmacy Practice in Chronic Disease ManagementNeelam Mahajanlecturer, MSIP C-4 Janakpuri, Delhi-58*Address for correspondence: neelam_4247@yahoo.comKey words: Chronic diseases, pharmaceutical care, Quality of life.ijoppChronic diseases have been reported to be leading cause of death in world. The WHO report had proposed the globalgoal to reduce the projected trend of chronic disease death rates by 2% by 2015. Various individual, institutional &organizational healthcare interventions in academic, hospital and community settings are required and have beenreported to achieve this aim. Ironically, the provision of pharmaceutical care to the patient of chronic diseases bycommunity pharmacist in community settings had remained a far reality on one hand and on the other hand theescalating healthcare costs, unstable disease state, changing disease patterns, multiple complications requiringadministration of multiple drugs ,complex dosage regimens, non compliance to therapy, associated multiple psychosocial problems make chronic disease and chronic disease therapy management problematic. Quality of life of thechronic disease patients and reduction of chronic disease death rates depends not only on the quality of drugssupplied by community pharmacies but also on the necessary psycho social support and pharmaceutical care ofpharmacist. It is proposed that, community pharmacies should be projected as places where the chronic diseasepatients can get pharmaceutical care. Adherence to good pharmacy practices by community pharmacies is viableintervention required to maintain the quality of therapy received by the patients of chronic diseases.INTRODUCTIONChronic diseases have been reported to be leading cause tions due to adverse drug reactions leading to reduction inof death in world. The WHO report had proposed the overall healthcare cost and agony of chronic diseaseglobal goal to reduce the projected trend of chronic patients. In other words, the focus of the communitydisease death rates by 2% until 2015. Various individual, pharmacy practice should be oriented towards qualityinstitutional & organizational healthcare interventions pharmaceutical products first, then to a well informedare required and have been reported to achieve this aim. patient equipped with necessary knowledge ofTo achieve this aim;medication prescribed by him/her & lastly to provision1. Good manufacturing practices are required to be of pharmaceutical care.followed to produce cost effective quality drugs for Ironically, the provision of pharmaceutical care to thethis segment.patient of chronic disease by community pharmacist had2. Adherence to good pharmacy practices in community remained a far reality. It is because of the minimumpharmacies is required to maintain the quality of eligibility of qualification for a registered pharmacist istherapy received by the patient. It is because D.Pharma and Diploma Holders in India receivecommunity pharmacy is the end point of the channel of practical training which is inadequate to train them in thedistribution & a vital link between suppliers of quality provision of pharmaceutical care to the patients. They aredrugs & the patients. If the pharmacist in-charge of the theoretically ill equipped due to teaching of obsoleteCommunity Pharmacy follows Good Pharmacy subjects in the light of slow curricula revisions. MajorityPractices, then the benefits of the medication therapy of the retail pharmacy outlets are either owned byreceived by the patients are maximized while the diploma holders or run by diploma holders. Hence, it isadverse side effects are minimized. This is followed common practice to witness the absence of two vitalby reduction in the number of unnecessary hospitalizaelementsof pharmacy practice i.e. patient andprofessional practice.Traditionally, retail pharmacies are the communityIndian Journal of Pharmacy PracticeReceived on 06/09/2008 Modified on 11/09/2008pharmacies where OTC and non OTC products forAccepted on 14/09/2008 © APTI All rights reservedchronic disease are sold.The pharmacist in-charge of18

Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009community pharmacies, though theoretically well versedlack the necessary competencies and skills to educate thepatient about the therapy received for the chronic diseaseand to provide pharmaceutical care through services likepharmacovigilance. Even if the retail pharmaoutlets/community pharmacies are manned by pharmagraduates, the situation remains more or less the same.It is because though theoretically better equipped thendiploma holders, they show total lack of clinicalorientation due to industrial orientation of B.Pharmsyllabi & lack of clinical training. Though introduction ofPh.D. programme is heartening yet it is required to giveclinical training to the large pool of existing registeredPharmacists running community pharmacies.Good community pharmacy practicesSince Chronic Disease Management is problematic dueto the administration of multiple drugs to the patients, itrequires speciality pharmacies dedicated to variouschronic diseases like Cancer, AIDS, Diabetes etc.. Thishighlights the need of having super special communitypharmacies. Such Pharmacies will demand pharmacistwith clinical training in super-specialities of chronicdiseases. Though a structured continuing educativeprogramme for registered pharmacists in India is missingyet by attending various workshops in clinical training,symposia, conferences etc. and by means of internet, theregistered pharmacist can stay in touch with latestadvancement in chronic disease management. The superspecialitypharmacies catering to particular chronicdisease patients should provide the related medicines andinformation to the patients. The patients should getindividualized information on therapy. Such pharmaciesshould have the element of professional pharmaceuticalare where pharmacist can act as a warrior and keep undercheck the unwanted adverse drug reactions due topolypharmacy in chronic diseases. These pharmaciesshould cater to the disease specific pharmaceutical needsof chronic disease patients, should have A to Z of therequirement of all drugs, diagnostics and otheraccessories for routine and emergency management ofchronic diseases.All chronic diseases lead to psycho-social problems likeanxiety about hospitalization, restricted diet, diseaseprogression, financial problems, anger, depression,restricted movements etc. These psycho-social problemsand the complex dosage regimens of the drugsadministered, the unstable/serious disease state, nonadherence to therapy highlight the need ofpharmaceutical care and psycho social support ofpharmacist. The community pharmacies should beprojected as places where the chronic disease patients canget the necessary psycho-social support andpharmaceutical care. The Pharmacist should identifyand mobilize the strength and resources of patient toendure and manage their health concerns. This requires avigorous training of such pharmacist for patientcounseling. The retail pharma outlets should put upposters or distribute pamphlets to patients of chronicdisease to inform them about special patient counselingservices of the pharmacy. Such pharmacies should buildthe public opinion on the accessibility andapproachability of the community pharmacist as a wellinformed health care professional. These should also actas platform to spread awareness about the significance ofthe super-speciality pharmacies in provision ofprofessional pharmaceutical care in chronic diseases likehealth care screening services in detection andprevention of chronic diseases at early stages by referringthem to referral services.The patients should be given computer generatedinformation on the medications and the therapy receivedby the patients. The pharmacist should give spontaneousor planned detailed individualized medicationinformation and answer the queries of the patients ofchronic diseases related to prescribed therapy and thedrug product as per individual requirement. Thepharmacist should do value addition to the knowledge ofthe patient regarding proper and safe use of medicines forspecific chronic disease. The pharmacy should impartplanned education to chronic disease patients on themedications received in groups. The education of thegroups of Patients of such diseases can take place throughan interactive learning experience between thepharmacist & patients. Besides, the pharmacist shouldbe groomed to carry out detailed discussions to guide thepatients in management of their disease state and thetherapy prescribed for the same.The focus of counseling to the patients of chronicdiseases should be on active participation of the patientsin safe and proper use of medications & management ofspecific disease states rather than passive participation. Itis very important because of the agony suffered bychronic disease patients and the huge healthcare costsinvolved. This shifting of foci can lend to tremendousreduction in their agony and healthcare cost involved.The Pharmacist should encourage the filling of selfreporting forms of adverse drug reactions of drugsprescribed to chronic disease patient so that these can be19

<strong>Indian</strong> J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009community pharmacies, though theoretically well versedlack the necessary competencies and skills to educate thepatient about the therapy received for the chronic diseaseand to provide pharmaceutical care through services likepharmacovigilance. Even if the retail pharmaoutlets/community pharmacies are manned by pharmagraduates, the situation remains more or less the same.It is because though theoretically better equipped thendiploma holders, they show total lack <strong>of</strong> clinicalorientation due to industrial orientation <strong>of</strong> B.Pharmsyllabi & lack <strong>of</strong> clinical training. Though introduction <strong>of</strong>Ph.D. programme is heartening yet it is required to giveclinical training to the large pool <strong>of</strong> existing registeredPharmacists running community pharmacies.Good community pharmacy practicesSince Chronic Disease Management is problematic dueto the administration <strong>of</strong> multiple drugs to the patients, itrequires speciality pharmacies dedicated to variouschronic diseases like Cancer, AIDS, Diabetes etc.. Thishighlights the need <strong>of</strong> having super special communitypharmacies. Such Pharmacies will demand pharmacistwith clinical training in super-specialities <strong>of</strong> chronicdiseases. Though a structured continuing educativeprogramme for registered pharmacists in India is missingyet by attending various workshops in clinical training,symposia, conferences etc. and by means <strong>of</strong> internet, theregistered pharmacist can stay in touch with latestadvancement in chronic disease management. The superspecialitypharmacies catering to particular chronicdisease patients should provide the related medicines andinformation to the patients. The patients should getindividualized information on therapy. Such pharmaciesshould have the element <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional pharmaceuticalare where pharmacist can act as a warrior and keep undercheck the unwanted adverse drug reactions due topolypharmacy in chronic diseases. These pharmaciesshould cater to the disease specific pharmaceutical needs<strong>of</strong> chronic disease patients, should have A to Z <strong>of</strong> therequirement <strong>of</strong> all drugs, diagnostics and otheraccessories for routine and emergency management <strong>of</strong>chronic diseases.All chronic diseases lead to psycho-social problems likeanxiety about hospitalization, restricted diet, diseaseprogression, financial problems, anger, depression,restricted movements etc. These psycho-social problemsand the complex dosage regimens <strong>of</strong> the drugsadministered, the unstable/serious disease state, nonadherence to therapy highlight the need <strong>of</strong>pharmaceutical care and psycho social support <strong>of</strong>pharmacist. The community pharmacies should beprojected as places where the chronic disease patients canget the necessary psycho-social support andpharmaceutical care. The Pharmacist should identifyand mobilize the strength and resources <strong>of</strong> patient toendure and manage their health concerns. This requires avigorous training <strong>of</strong> such pharmacist for patientcounseling. The retail pharma outlets should put upposters or distribute pamphlets to patients <strong>of</strong> chronicdisease to inform them about special patient counselingservices <strong>of</strong> the pharmacy. Such pharmacies should buildthe public opinion on the accessibility andapproachability <strong>of</strong> the community pharmacist as a wellinformed health care pr<strong>of</strong>essional. These should also actas platform to spread awareness about the significance <strong>of</strong>the super-speciality pharmacies in provision <strong>of</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>essional pharmaceutical care in chronic diseases likehealth care screening services in detection andprevention <strong>of</strong> chronic diseases at early stages by referringthem to referral services.The patients should be given computer generatedinformation on the medications and the therapy receivedby the patients. The pharmacist should give spontaneousor planned detailed individualized medicationinformation and answer the queries <strong>of</strong> the patients <strong>of</strong>chronic diseases related to prescribed therapy and thedrug product as per individual requirement. Thepharmacist should do value addition to the knowledge <strong>of</strong>the patient regarding proper and safe use <strong>of</strong> medicines forspecific chronic disease. The pharmacy should impartplanned education to chronic disease patients on themedications received in groups. The education <strong>of</strong> thegroups <strong>of</strong> Patients <strong>of</strong> such diseases can take place throughan interactive learning experience between thepharmacist & patients. Besides, the pharmacist shouldbe groomed to carry out detailed discussions to guide thepatients in management <strong>of</strong> their disease state and thetherapy prescribed for the same.The focus <strong>of</strong> counseling to the patients <strong>of</strong> chronicdiseases should be on active participation <strong>of</strong> the patientsin safe and proper use <strong>of</strong> medications & management <strong>of</strong>specific disease states rather than passive participation. Itis very important because <strong>of</strong> the agony suffered bychronic disease patients and the huge healthcare costsinvolved. This shifting <strong>of</strong> foci can lend to tremendousreduction in their agony and healthcare cost involved.The Pharmacist should encourage the filling <strong>of</strong> selfreporting forms <strong>of</strong> adverse drug reactions <strong>of</strong> drugsprescribed to chronic disease patient so that these can be19

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