APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice

APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice APTI ijopp - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice


Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009Table 2. Categorisation of medication-related problems (after Strand et al.)Indication without drug therapyThe patient has a medical problem that requires medication therapy (an indication formedication use) but is not receiving a medication for that indication.Patient with heavy alcohol abuse but no thiamine has been ordered.Drug use without indicationThe patient is taking a medication for which there is no medically valid indication.Patient with acute agitation in hospital that has resolved post-discharge continuestreatment with tranquillisers initiated as an inpatient.Improper drug selectionThe patient has a medication indication but is taking the wrong drug.Delirium due to a urinary tract infection has been diagnosed, and antibiotic therapy hasbeen prescribed, but the organism involved is not sensitive to the antibiotic that has beenchosen.Sub-therapeutic dosageThe patient has a medical problem that is being treated with too little of the correctmedication.After initiation of an antipsychotic drug, blood glucose concentrations remainunacceptably elevated despite the use of insulin; dosage must be increased to achievedesired control.Over-dosageThe patient has a medical problem that is being treated with too much of the correctmedication.A patient is prescribed a very large dose of an antipsychotic drug: the magnitude of thedosage does not create additional antipsychotic benefit but generates severeextrapyramidal side effects.Adverse drug reaction (ADR)The patient has a medical problem that is the result of an ADR or adverse effect.The patient develops nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea as a result of treatment with anantidepressant.Drug interactionThe patient has a medical problem that is the result of a medication-medication,medication-laboratory, or medication-food interaction.Elevated serum haloperidol concentration with toxicity secondary to hepatic enzymeinhibition arising from SSRI treatment.Failure to receive a drugThe patient has a medical problem that is the result of not receiving a medication thatwas intended as a part of the designed treatment regimen.Patient is prescribed an expensive, non-subsidised drug therapy and has not received anycounselling about the expected benefits of therapy. The patient does not have theprescription filled and does not adhere to the established treatment plan.6

Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009References1 Taylor K, Nettlesdon S, Harding G. Sociology for health facilities. Hospitals 1977; 51: 71–74.ndpharmacists: an introduction. 2 ed; Taylor and 17 Berchou RC. Effect of a consultant pharmacist onFrancis, New York, USA; 2003.medication use in an institution for the mentally2 Anderson S. The state of the world's pharmacy: a retarded. Am J Hosp Pharm 1982; 39: 1671 – 1674.portrait of the pharmacy profession. J Interprof Care 18 Saklad SR, Ereshefsky L, Jann MW, Crimson ML.2002; 16: 391 – 404.Clinical pharmacists' impact on prescribing in an3 Kirk EG. Ward pharmacist - regional pharmacist. acute adult psychiatric facility. DICP; 1984; 18: 6324Aust J Hosp Pharm 1971; 1:27 – 30. –634.Calder G, Barnett JW. The pharmacist in the ward. 19 Stanislav SW, Barker K, Crimson L, Childs A.Pharm J 1967; 198: 584 -586.Effects of a clinical psychopharmacy consultation5 Francke GN. Evolvement of "clinical pharmacy".service on patient outcomes. Am J Hosp PharmDrug Intell Clin Pharm 1969; 3: 348 – 354.1994; 51: 778 –7 81.6 Borgsdorf LR, McLeod DC, Smith Jr WE, Tatro DS.20 Baigent, B. Evaluation of clinical pharmacy in aImplementing clinical pharmacy services an AJHPmental health unit. Pharmaceutical Journal 1993;roundtable discussion. Am J Hosp Pharm 1973; 3:250: 150 – 153.672 – 682. 21 Cloete BG. Costs and benefits of multi-disciplinary7 Cousins HD, Luscombe D. Re-engineering pharmacymedication review in a long-stay psychiatric ward.practice. Forces for change and the evolution ofPharmaceutical Journal 1992; 249: 102 – 103.clinical pharmacy practice. Pharm J 1995; 225: 771 22 Lobeck F, Traxler WT, Bibinet DD. The cost-–77 6.effectiveness of a clinical pharmacy service in an8 Hepler CD. The third wave in pharmaceuticalout-patient mental health clinic. Hosp Communityeducation: the clinical movement. Am J Pharm EducPsychiatry 1989; 40: 643 – 645.1987; 51: 369 – 385.23 Dorevitch A, Perl E. The impact of clinical pharmacy9 Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing andinterventions in an acute psychiatric hospital.Community Services. A policy on the quality use ofJournal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeuticsmedicines. Canberra: Commonwealth Department of1996; 21: 45 - 48.Health, Housing and Community Services; 1992.24 Ewan MA, Greene RJ. Evaluation of mental health10 Anon. Preliminary report of the task force oncare interventions made by three communityspecialties in pharmacy. J Am Pharm Assoc 1974; 14:58 – 60.pharmacists - a pilot study. Int J Pharm Pract 2001; 9:11 Augustin SG, Puzantian T, Caley CF, Marken PA, 225 –2 34.Richards AL, Levin GM. Psychiatric pharmacists.25 Haw C, Stubbs J. Prescribing errors at a psychiatricAm J Psychiatry 2001; 158.hospital. Pharmacy Prac 2003; 13: 64 –6 6.12 Canales PL, Dorson PG, Crismon ML. Outcomes 26 Stubbs J, Haw C, Taylor D. Prescription errors inassessment of clinical pharmacy services in a psychiatry–a multi-centre study. J Psychopharma-psychiatric inpatient setting. Am J Health-Sys Pharm col. 2006 Jan 9; [Epub ahead of print]27 Alderman CP. A prospective analysis of clinical2001; 58: 1309 – 16.13 Alderman CP. Doctoral research thesis: Specialist pharmacy interventions on an acute inpatientclinical pharmacy services in the care of patients with psychiatric unit. J Clin Pharm Ther 1997; 22: 27 - 31.psychiatric illness: An assessment of the contribution28 O'Hare JD, McKee HA, D'Arcy PF. Analysis of drugto optimal health outcomes and implications forinformation queries received by the pharmacy in apharmacy practice. University of South Australialarge psychiatric hospital. J Clin Hosp Pharm 1984;2008.9:139 –1 42.14 Psychotherapeutic medication in Australia: report of 29 Strand LM, Morley CP, Cipolle RJ, Ramsey R,the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee. Lamsam GD. Drug-related problems: their structure(1995) Canberra, AGPS.and function. DICP 1990; 24: 1093 –1097.15 Lacro JP, Jeste DV. Physical co-morbidity and 30 Dooley MJ, Bogovic A, Carroll M, Cuell S, Galpolypharmacyin older psychiatric patients. Biol bratith K, Matthews H. SHPA Standards of practicepsychiatry 1994; 36: 146 –152.for clinical pharmacy. J Pharm Pract Res 2005; 35:16 Stimmel GL. Clinical pharmacy services in mental 122 – 146.7

<strong>Indian</strong> J. Pharm. Pract. 1(2), Jan-Mar, 2009References1 Taylor K, Nettlesdon S, Harding G. Sociology for health facilities. Hospitals 1977; 51: 71–74.ndpharmacists: an introduction. 2 ed; Taylor and 17 Berchou RC. Effect <strong>of</strong> a consultant pharmacist onFrancis, New York, USA; 2003.medication use in an institution for the mentally2 Anderson S. The state <strong>of</strong> the world's pharmacy: a retarded. Am J Hosp Pharm 1982; 39: 1671 – 1674.portrait <strong>of</strong> the pharmacy pr<strong>of</strong>ession. J Interpr<strong>of</strong> Care 18 Saklad SR, Ereshefsky L, Jann MW, Crimson ML.2002; 16: 391 – 404.Clinical pharmacists' impact on prescribing in an3 Kirk EG. Ward pharmacist - regional pharmacist. acute adult psychiatric facility. DICP; 1984; 18: 6324Aust J Hosp Pharm 1971; 1:27 – 30. –634.Calder G, Barnett JW. The pharmacist in the ward. 19 Stanislav SW, Barker K, Crimson L, Childs A.Pharm J 1967; 198: 584 -586.Effects <strong>of</strong> a clinical psychopharmacy consultation5 Francke GN. Evolvement <strong>of</strong> "clinical pharmacy".service on patient outcomes. Am J Hosp PharmDrug Intell Clin Pharm 1969; 3: 348 – 354.1994; 51: 778 –7 81.6 Borgsdorf LR, McLeod DC, Smith Jr WE, Tatro DS.20 Baigent, B. Evaluation <strong>of</strong> clinical pharmacy in aImplementing clinical pharmacy services an AJHPmental health unit. Pharmaceutical <strong>Journal</strong> 1993;roundtable discussion. Am J Hosp Pharm 1973; 3:250: 150 – 153.672 – 682. 21 Cloete BG. Costs and benefits <strong>of</strong> multi-disciplinary7 Cousins HD, Luscombe D. Re-engineering pharmacymedication review in a long-stay psychiatric ward.practice. Forces for change and the evolution <strong>of</strong>Pharmaceutical <strong>Journal</strong> 1992; 249: 102 – 103.clinical pharmacy practice. Pharm J 1995; 225: 771 22 Lobeck F, Traxler WT, Bibinet DD. The cost-–77 6.effectiveness <strong>of</strong> a clinical pharmacy service in an8 Hepler CD. The third wave in pharmaceuticalout-patient mental health clinic. Hosp Communityeducation: the clinical movement. Am J Pharm EducPsychiatry 1989; 40: 643 – 645.1987; 51: 369 – 385.23 Dorevitch A, Perl E. The impact <strong>of</strong> clinical pharmacy9 Commonwealth Department <strong>of</strong> Health, Housing andinterventions in an acute psychiatric hospital.Community Services. A policy on the quality use <strong>of</strong><strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong> and Therapeuticsmedicines. Canberra: Commonwealth Department <strong>of</strong>1996; 21: 45 - 48.Health, Housing and Community Services; 1992.24 Ewan MA, Greene RJ. Evaluation <strong>of</strong> mental health10 Anon. Preliminary report <strong>of</strong> the task force oncare interventions made by three communityspecialties in pharmacy. J Am Pharm Assoc 1974; 14:58 – 60.pharmacists - a pilot study. Int J Pharm Pract 2001; 9:11 Augustin SG, Puzantian T, Caley CF, Marken PA, 225 –2 34.Richards AL, Levin GM. Psychiatric pharmacists.25 Haw C, Stubbs J. Prescribing errors at a psychiatricAm J Psychiatry 2001; 158.hospital. <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Prac 2003; 13: 64 –6 6.12 Canales PL, Dorson PG, Crismon ML. Outcomes 26 Stubbs J, Haw C, Taylor D. Prescription errors inassessment <strong>of</strong> clinical pharmacy services in a psychiatry–a multi-centre study. J Psychopharma-psychiatric inpatient setting. Am J Health-Sys Pharm col. 2006 Jan 9; [Epub ahead <strong>of</strong> print]27 Alderman CP. A prospective analysis <strong>of</strong> clinical2001; 58: 1309 – 16.13 Alderman CP. Doctoral research thesis: Specialist pharmacy interventions on an acute inpatientclinical pharmacy services in the care <strong>of</strong> patients with psychiatric unit. J Clin Pharm Ther 1997; 22: 27 - 31.psychiatric illness: An assessment <strong>of</strong> the contribution28 O'Hare JD, McKee HA, D'Arcy PF. Analysis <strong>of</strong> drugto optimal health outcomes and implications forinformation queries received by the pharmacy in apharmacy practice. University <strong>of</strong> South Australialarge psychiatric hospital. J Clin Hosp Pharm 1984;2008.9:139 –1 42.14 Psychotherapeutic medication in Australia: report <strong>of</strong> 29 Strand LM, Morley CP, Cipolle RJ, Ramsey R,the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee. Lamsam GD. Drug-related problems: their structure(1995) Canberra, AGPS.and function. DICP 1990; 24: 1093 –1097.15 Lacro JP, Jeste DV. Physical co-morbidity and 30 Dooley MJ, Bogovic A, Carroll M, Cuell S, Galpolypharmacyin older psychiatric patients. Biol bratith K, Matthews H. SHPA Standards <strong>of</strong> practicepsychiatry 1994; 36: 146 –152.for clinical pharmacy. J Pharm Pract Res 2005; 35:16 Stimmel GL. Clinical pharmacy services in mental 122 – 146.7

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