Chapter 2 - Kerala Govt Logo

Chapter 2 - Kerala Govt Logo

Chapter 2 - Kerala Govt Logo

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Environmental Assessment Report<strong>Kerala</strong> Local Government Strengthening ProjectSafeguardNOT TRIGGEREDPolicyInternational Waterways (OP 7.50)Description The OP 7.50 – Projects on International Waterways applies to the following types ofprojects: hydroelectric, irrigation, flood control, navigation, drainage, water and sewerage,industrial, and similar projects that involve the use or potential pollution of internationalwaterways (international waterways refer to any river, canal, lake, or similar body of waterthat forms a boundary between, or that flows through, two or more states – it also appliesReasonSafeguardto tributaries/components of such waterways).Since <strong>Kerala</strong> has no international waterways, the policy does not apply.TRIGGEREDPolicyPhysical Cultural Resources (OP 4.11)Description The Bank avoids or mitigates any adverse impacts on physical cultural resources (which aredefined as movable or immovable objects, sites, structures, groups of structures, andnatural features and landscapes that have archaeological, paleontological, historical,architectural, religious, aesthetic, or other cultural significance) from the Bank’s financeddevelopment projects. It is also triggered where civil works of any size are involved andReasonSafeguardthere are any possibilities of a chance finds.Though GP activities do not involve damage or alteration to any existing cultural property,however given the historical significance of the region any chance find while excavation forany civil structures such as pond, building etc. cannot be ruled out. The EMF prepared underOP/BP 4.01 is expected to have provisions for preventing modification of any existing site ofcultural or archaeological importance or address any eventuality pertaining to encounteringchance finds. Hence the policy is triggered.TRIGGEREDPolicyIndigenous Peoples (OP/BP 4.10)Description This policy contributes to the Bank's mission of poverty reduction and sustainabledevelopment by ensuring that the development process fully respects the dignity, humanrights, economies, and cultures of Indigenous Peoples. For all projects that are proposed forBank financing and affect Indigenous Peoples (Tribals), the Bank requires the borrower toengage in a process of free, prior, and informed consultation. The Bank provides projectfinancing only where free, prior, and informed consultation results in broad communitysupport to the project by the affected Indigenous Peoples. Such Bank-financed projectsinclude measures to (a) avoid potentially adverse effects on the Indigenous Peoples’communities; or (b) when avoidance is not feasible, minimize, mitigate, or compensate forsuch effects. Bank-financed projects are also designed to ensure that the IndigenousPeoples receive social and economic benefits that are culturally appropriate and gender andReasonintergenerationally inclusive.The policy is applicable when tribal populations are present in the project area. While thepresent project may not adversely affect Tribals, the project offers an opportunity forTribals to receive social and economic benefits that are culturally appropriate and genderand intergenerationally inclusive.88

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