Chapter 2 - Kerala Govt Logo

Chapter 2 - Kerala Govt Logo

Chapter 2 - Kerala Govt Logo

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Environmental Assessment Report<strong>Kerala</strong> Local Government Strengthening Projectcapable workers became more than willing to put in extra effort to make up for thosewho genuinely could not do hard work beyond a point, like the women and the elderly.(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)Public works have gained respectability. Hitherto they were seen as highjacked eitherby a contractor or a local leader. Now the workers see it as their right. They tend todistinguish between wages provided by a contractor and wages directly given by thePanchayat. The latter is almost equated with a salary. This has motivated a largesection of people who were hitherto unwilling to work and join the work force.NREGS has suddenly increased purchasing power of the poor and there is visible localeconomic development. This is particularly true of Wayanad which was ridden withfarmer suicides. The peasants have managed to get substantial relief from NREGS bygetting over their inhibition in working as labourers in richer farmer‟s lands by movingon to the now-respectable public works.NREGA has a niche for people who are willing to do physical labour and for whom anadditional annual income of Rs.12,500/- obtained from the Scheme would be asubstantial boost in income and purchasing power. Therefore right at the beginning apolicy decision was taken to target the eligible families, visualizing NREGS as thenucleus of a concerted and convergent anti-poverty initiative.Experience of the last three years of NREGA implementation reveal that in a State like<strong>Kerala</strong> with proven track record in participatory planning and with strong PanchayatiRaj Institution, NREGA could dramatically increase levels of empowerment. The visibleresults include:With trained facilitators to assist Grama Sabha, there has been a perceptibleimprovement in the quality of deliberations of Grama Sabha. NREGA has alsostrengthened the sub Grama Sabha fora of workers Grama Sabha and NeighborhoodGroups (NHG) of women as they have been given clear role and responsibilities inLabour Budget preparation.The planning capacity of Panchayats has increased in response to the challenge ofplanning for NREGA as it has multiple dimensions of space and time in relation tohuman and financial resources.Panchayats are moving on to more complex areas of planning related to naturalresource management.NREGA has improved the capacities of panchayats for organizing works without amiddleman and keeping a well designed set of records.Panchayats have been able to forge a closer relationship with the working poor.Natural Resource Management has been given policy priority. This has brought thePanchayat into closer interaction with the small and marginal farmers. Now with theaccent on watershed management and food security, this relationship is expected tostrengthen further.Successful Village Panchayats have shown that they can bring about local economicdevelopment as well as provide social security through NREGA.46

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