Chapter 2 - Kerala Govt Logo

Chapter 2 - Kerala Govt Logo

Chapter 2 - Kerala Govt Logo

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<strong>Chapter</strong> 2Policy, Legislation and Regulationsegregation BMW. About 40-50% of the private hospitals have set up their own BMW treatmentand disposal facility. The awareness on the various provisions of the rule is only moderate.Especially, the compliance by nursing homes, clinics, dispensaries, veterinary institutions,pathological laboratories, blood banks etc is poor. Plastics Manufacture, Sale and Usage Rules, 1999In order to regulate the manufacture and usage of recycled plastics, carry bags and containers,the government of India introduced a set of new rules under the provisions of section 3(2) and25 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 on 2nd September 1999. The salient features ofthe rules are:Restrictions on manufacture, sale, distribution and use of virgin and recycled plastic carrybags and plastic containersProhibition on manufacturing, stocking, distribution or selling of carry bags with thicknessless than 20 micron.Prohibition on storing, carrying, dispensing or packaging of foodstuffs in carry bags made ofrecycled plastics.Stipulation of maintaining natural shade or white colour for carry bags and containers madeof virgin plastics.Usage of pigment colourants for carry bags and containers made of recycled plastics.Provision for grant or renewal of registration for plastic recycling unitEnforcement of the provisions contained in the notification by the <strong>Kerala</strong> State PollutionControl Board.The powers to check the use, collection, segregation, transportation and disposal of carry bagsor containers, use of recycled plastics for carrying foodstuffs etc has been delegated to theDistrict Collector by the State Government.The Government of <strong>Kerala</strong>, State Pollution Control Board and LSGs have initiated various measuresfor enforcement of the provisions contained in the rule. The State PCB has prohibited themanufacture, transport, storage, sale and use of plastic carry bags of thickness less than 30microns. As per the order, the Secretaries of different LSGIs, Station House Officer of theconcerned Police Station and the District Collector/Dy Superintendent of Police are maderesponsible for enforcement, prevention of violation of the order and overall responsibility ofpreventing violations respectively. In addition, some of the LSGs are pursuing projects forrecycling of plastic discards and such projects will have to be brought under the proposed ESMF2.2.2.10. Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000The Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000 was introduced on 25thSeptember 2000 under section 3, 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The ruleis applicable to every Municipal authority and makes them responsible for collection,segregation, storage, transportation, processing and disposal of municipal solid wastes (MSW).The salient features of the rules are:Requirement of the Municipality to obtain authorization from the State PCB to set up wasteprocessing and disposal facility including landfills

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