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PDF; 1,44 MB - Brenntag North America

PDF; 1,44 MB - Brenntag North America


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SOLUTIONS 28We want to put our “Adding value“ strategy into practicehere, along with the aim to facilitate and promote sustainablepractices.Water treatment is one of <strong>Brenntag</strong>’s main industries. Wesupport our business partners in improving water qualityand promoting renaturation thanks to our wide-rangingproduct portfolio, one-to-one consultancy, an extensive rangeof services, an excellent network and our highly qualifiedemployees. As a result, we are able to create real addedvalue.<strong>Brenntag</strong> also supplies chemicals to purification plants.Sustainability is a multifaceted, important topic of the future.It constantly requires new answers to rapidly changingrequirements.In the previous chapters entitled “Strategy”, “Processes” and“People”, we showed the different ways in which we areaddressing the complex issue of sustainability.In our last chapter, we will also look ahead to address ourresponsibility to future generations by showing our dedicationfor the protection and maintenance of the environment.Water treatment in particular is a major topic for <strong>Brenntag</strong>.Water, the source of all life, is of prime importance and keepingit clean is vital around the world. In the past few years,there has been a resurgence in environmental awareness.The demand for environmentally produced and sustainableproducts has continued unabated. This is catered for by theGreen Product Line, which was launched in Europe in 2012.This way, we help support our customers in the manufactureof “green” products.The sale of the NOx-reducing agents Air1 and DEF is anotherimportant step towards the consistent implementation ofour sustainability strategy as is the area of chemical leasing,which is described in more detail later in this chapter. Ourfourth chapter is entitled “Solutions”. For us, this chapter isabout much more than just taking stock of what we haveachieved so far. Instead, we see it as a challenge to takealternative paths. After all, looking for solutions meansfinding answers.Water treatment –naturally sustainableWater is one of our most precious resources, and its treatmentand purification plays a major role worldwide. Froman economic and environmental point of view, sustainabilityis more important now than ever when it comes to water.Water treatment is a topic of global relevance facing localchallenges. As a result of the constantly changing statementsand regulations with regard to water quality, the demandfor innovative water-conditioning product solutionscontinues to rise.The field of water treatment is divided into several areas,with the two biggest being wastewater and sludge treatment,and the provision of clean drinking water. Wastewatertreatment involves purifying wastewater from industrialand municipal sources so that it can be reused. Anotherbranch of this industry is the treatment of sewage sludge,which is formed as a result of the residues from the mechanicaland biological purification of wastewater during thetreatment process.We offer our local and municipal customers a wide rangeof products and provide advice on all topics relating to watertreatment. To this end, our water treatment colleaguesdiscuss the product in detail with the customer so that thecustomer obtains a process- and cost-optimised version.We are faced with the challenge of eliminating pollutionand the unsustainable use of water resources while simultaneouslyincreasing efficiency and maintaining quality. Weare happy to take on this challenge in cooperation with ourbusiness partners in order to protect water as an essentialresource.Green –the colour of the futureSustainability and environmental protection play a significantrole in our society and within companies. For manyyears, we have been supporting our customers with a widerangingproduct portfolio and extensive expertise in thedevelopment and manufacture of environmentally friendlyproducts – with increasing emphasis on ecological sustain-

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