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PROCESSES 18Outstanding: Marianne Lyngsae receiving the Fecc Award from the Presidentof the Fecc Edgar E. Nordmann.Award-winning dedicationMarianne Lyngsaae was delighted to accept special recognitionof her ten years’ work and commitment on theREACH project. The <strong>Brenntag</strong> Nordic employee and memberof the REACH Core Team at <strong>Brenntag</strong> Europe received theEuropean Association of Chemical Distributors (Fecc) Award2012. The chemical engineer, who had been involved in thedevelopment of the REACH Regulation right from the start,received the award for her outstanding work for the Fecc inthe development of solutions relating to the interpretationand communication of exposure scenarios. Since exposurescenarios from different suppliers often vary in structureand content, even for the same substance, <strong>Brenntag</strong> decidedto create consolidated exposure scenarios for its own extendedsafety data sheets. Marianne Lyngsaae developed theconcept in partnership with Joachim Aust, <strong>Brenntag</strong> Europe,who heads the central European Master Data Managementteam at the European headquarters in Mülheim an der Ruhr,Germany. To manage the data and consolidation of ExposureScenarios a team was founded 2011. It consists of ten <strong>Brenntag</strong>employees from all nine European regions. They worktogether via web conferences, a portal and regular meetingsat <strong>Brenntag</strong> headquarters in Mülheim, Germany. In this way,extensive information regarding the safe handling of chemicalscan be provided in an aggregated form.“Project Respect” – award-winningenvironmental protectionIn the chemical distribution industry, enormous quantitiesof chemicals are transported every day. In order to ensureenergy efficiency at more than 450 locations across theworld, we are continuously working on our route optimisationprocess. In this way, we can ensure that when wevisit our business partners, we use as little fuel as possible.The excellent coverage offered by our network means thatwe are able to deliver items quickly and efficiently. Routeoptimisation is a good example of a sustainable work process.Another good example for our environmental engagementis shown in “Project Respect” at <strong>Brenntag</strong> UK & Ireland,which specifically deals with improving our own logisticsand thus minimises our annual CO 2emissions. However, thisis just one of the many measures that have been launchedthrough the initiative. “Project Respect“ was awarded theCarbon Trust Standard for its approach towards reducingCO 2emissions.It is primarily concerned with ensuring that CO 2emissionsare quantifiable in order to be able to reduce them.<strong>Brenntag</strong> UK & Ireland measures the emissions in accordancewith the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, a widely used standard.As part of “The Prince’s Mayday Network”, precise measurementshave been published in a report since 2010.Furthermore, annual comparisons show a percentagereduction in emis-sions over the years.Since the units are measured in CO 2/tonnes, improvementscan be calculated irrespective of the growth in volume. Inthis way, we can show the progress we have made for thebenefit of the environment. <strong>Brenntag</strong> UK & Ireland will continueto conduct emissions measurements to prove annualreductions in CO 2emissions – thus also proving our commitmentto protecting the environment. The absolute CO 2emission between 2010 and 2012 was 4 % CAGR and therelative CO 2emission reduction was 2.4 % CAGR. In addition,the aims and initiatives will be disseminated every quartervia internal campaigns and through the “Mayday Networkand Carbon Trust” website. These measures aim to maintainan external auditing structure that serves to act as motivationto encourage people to strive for progress.Many measures, one aimIn addition to specifically reducing emissions in the field oflogistics, the “Project Respect” also sparked the creationof a number of other environmentally friendly initiatives at<strong>Brenntag</strong> UK & Ireland. Some of these initiatives includedthe introduction of time-controlled lighting and furtherinvestment in reusable packaging. Training sessions wereheld for Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) drivers in order to trainthem to drive in a fuel efficient manner.Another project involves building a new warehouse inSwansea, UK, which is constructed in accordance with thehigh environmental standards of the BREnntag EnvironmentalAssessment Method (BREEAM). BREEAM is the leadingcertification method for buildings and is the indicator forthe environmental impact of a building. There have alsobeen suggestions for many other initiatives from <strong>Brenntag</strong>UK & Ireland, including improvements to heating systemsand insulation for improved energy efficiency, increasedlevels of recycling as well as improved and more efficient useof water. For us, “Project Respect” shows that also smallerprojects can make a difference. All <strong>Brenntag</strong> employeesshould feel responsible and continue to do their best toturn a good idea into a successful project.

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