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PDF; 1,44 MB - Brenntag North America

PDF; 1,44 MB - Brenntag North America


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PROCESSES 16Sustainable processes also require a responsible approachto the environment. In line with our “Adding value” strategy,we put the focus on measures and programmes thatboost the environmental awareness of our employees andbusiness partners. Another major aspect in this regard is occupationaland chemical safety, which we have maintainedby implementing various quality management systems.Our employees are highly dedicated to their work, asshown by our REACH representative, Marianne Lyngsaaefrom <strong>Brenntag</strong> Nordic, who had won an award for hercommitment and dedication. The next chapter will outlinehow third parties benefit from the established programmesand our employees’ dedication.Quality – a system of its own<strong>Brenntag</strong> guarantees the quality of products and servicesthrough ISO standards and certifications, as well as throughaudits. The implementation of quality management systemsgenerates trust and is a symbol of safety – both for our customersand suppliers as well as for our employees. Part ofour global HSE strategy is the “quality policy”. The internationallyapplicable ISO 9001 standard is the basis for qualitymanagement within the <strong>Brenntag</strong> Group. This qualitymanagement standard aids the optimisation of processesand workflows.To receive the ISO 9001 standard, a company‘s managementsystem has to fulfil certain requirements in the implementationof its quality management system. In addition, it isexpected that the management system is subject to a continuousimprovement process. By 31 December 2012, 86%of our operating sites had introduced quality managementsystems certified according to this standard. Furthermore,96 sites are certified according to the international standardISO 14001 for environmental management systems. This standardprovides specific guidelines on what a company’s environmentmanagement strategy should involve and achieve.Another important step we have taken on the path to becomingthe safest chemical distributor is our certification withthe OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety AssessmentSeries) standard. This standard is considered the mostimportant in the field of occupational health and safety andis closely related to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. OHSAS 18001defines the introduction of a standardised occupationalsafety management system with the aim of establishingfixed standards and procedures for ensuring occupationalhealth and safety and avoiding accidents.Safety and environmental protectionAs an international chemical distributor, the safe and environmentallyfriendly handling of our products is of greatimportance to us. For this reason, <strong>Brenntag</strong> takes part inthe International Council of Chemical Trade Associations’(ICCTA) Responsible Care/Responsible Distribution (RC/RD)programme.Responsible Care (RC) is a global initiative set up by thechemical industry to address the topics of safety and theenvironment. <strong>Brenntag</strong> Group companies signed up yearsago to their respective national Responsible Care/ResponsibleDistribution (RC/RD) association programmes.The programmes set guidelines and structures for environmentallyfriendly and future-oriented business practices.Responsible Distribution (RD) is a third party-verifiedenvironmental, health, safety and security programmefor companies based in the US.With the support of its members, the International Councilof Chemical Trade Associations (ICCTA) has developed aconsistent, global RC/RD programme that covers the principlesof both of these approaches. This latest approach has createdthe basis for facilitating global cooperation and exchanginginformation and experiences. The programme also aims toboost trust and confidence in the chemical industry.Overview of the ISO standards of <strong>Brenntag</strong> (2009-2012)Year ISO 9001 (% of relevant ISO 14001 OHSAS 18001locations and companies) Number of Locations Number of Locations2009 71 65 282010 75 69 352011 81 97 582012 86 96 60

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