Postgraduate Program Guide - Navitas

Postgraduate Program Guide - Navitas

Postgraduate Program Guide - Navitas


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Why study the MBA (International)at ACBTBOI ApprovalACBT is one of the few post secondarycolleges in Sri Lanka to have BOI approvalto offer full international degrees.Course Accreditationand RecognitionACBT works in association with ECU whichmeans all courses are registered on theAustralian Government CommonwealthRegister of International Courses forOverseas Students (CRICOS).Flexible entry datesACBT runs a trimester system whichmeans students can commence their MBA(I) program in March, July or October.Fast track course completionThe trimester system means you cancomplete your MBA (I) on a part timebasis in two years, thereby saving timeand money.Weekend and Night classesAll units in the MBA (I) are offered atnight or over the weekend which enablesstudents to attend classes without takingtime off work.Receive an Australian awardUpon completion of the MBA (I) you willhave the award conferred by ECU.Academic StaffAll academic staff employed at ACBT haveexcellent academic qualifications andmany staff have strong links to industry.Robust Quality Control SystemsACBT has implemented stringent qualitycontrol systems to ensure comparabilityof academic standards with ECU. Allexaminations are set and marked by therelevant Unit Coordinators at ECU.Supporting You While You StudyAll students have access to theACBT Library, the ECU on line library,computer laboratories (full internetaccess available), a postgraduate studentlounge (WIFI), student café, and individualconsultation hours with lecturers at nocost to the student.Orientation/Induction <strong>Program</strong>A comprehensive orientation/inductionprogram is conducted by ECU staff for allnew students.ECU – An outstandingAustralian UniversityThe ECU Business School is rankedNo 1 in Western Australia for graduatesatisfaction. The school is the 6th largestbusiness school in Australia.3

About ECUEdith Cowan University4

Course structureThe MBA (I) consists of twelve (12) compulsory units. Students must complete and passall 12 units to be awarded the MBA (International). The units are:Full unit descriptions can be obtained from theECU website:http://handbook.ecu.edu.au/CourseStructure.asp?disyear=2008&CID=983&USID=0&UCID=0&UID=0&Ver=6&HB=HB&SC=PG* It is highly recommended that studentschoose units from those highlighted intheir first 2 – 3 semesters of study.Unit CodeMBA5710MBA5711MBA5712MBA5716MBA5715MBA5714MBA5705MBA5718MBA5713INB5700INB5607MKT5708Unit NameManaging Globally and Locally*Leadership and Change ManagementManaging People for PerformanceFinance for Business DecisionsAccounting for Management Decision Making*Information Systems Challenges in Management*Marketing Management*Business Economics*Business StrategyInternational Management*International BusinessInternational MarketingCourse FactsCourse FactsStart Dates:Available:Tuition Fees:Pass Mark:March, July and OctoberFull time or part timeRs 78,500 per unit (includes 12% VAT)**A minimum mark of 50% in all 8 unitsAssessment:Assessment for all units is ongoing and continuous comprising assignments, presentations, testsand a three hour final examination.Units to be completed for award: 12Medium of instruction:Further Information:** fees are reviewed on an annual basisEnglishLog on to the ECU website – www.ecu.edu.au6

Unit descriptionsMBA5710 Managing Globally and LocallyPrerequisites: NilDescription: This unit is an introduction tomanaging in organisations and integrates thediversity of elements that are the concernsof managers operating in global as well asdomestic business environments. It will beachieved through a critical discussion ofthe roles of managers and characteristics ofmanagerial work; the environment, structureand culture of organisations. The courseincludes the of the analysis of the evolution ofmanagement as well as the analysis of currentmanagerial practice: ways of understandingmanaging, approaches to learning aboutmanaging; the nature of managerial work suchas planning, organising, leading and controlling.The course will also critically examine themanagement of the organisation’s internal andexternal environments, the structural controlof organisations. This unit will also examine themanager as a person, their roles and activities.Assessment: Coursework and final examinationMBA5711 Leadership & Change ManagementPrerequisites: NilDescription: The capability to lead change iscritical for ambitious organisational managersworking in complex 21st century organisations.This unit aims to take the theories andapproaches to leading and managing changeoff the page of texts and into the workplacepractice. This unit examines both the strategiesand the practices of leading change to generatea critical understanding of effective changeleadership and process management in diversecontexts. It aims to build practitioner capabilitythrough the experience of exploring multiplecase studies of change agent methodologiesand practices. The class interaction will helpthe student build a taxonomy of differentchange approaches and practices, throughanalysing organisational case studies, anddetermining best fit change options forspecific contexts. Participants will review thecapabilities underpinning successful changeleadership and make a personal self-assessmentand development plan. Participants will useframeworks developed in class to investigate theleadership of change within a workplace withwhich they are familiar as a progressive actionresearch assignment to apply their learning.Assessment: Coursework and final examinationMBA5712 Managing People for PerformancePrerequisites: NilDescription: This unit examines themanagement of people as key organisationalassets in achieving high performanceorganisations and competitive advantage.Managing people from both a strategic andoperational perspective is covered showing thatHuman Resource Management (HRM) is for bothspecialists and line managers. The link betweenHRM, strategy and performance is exploredalong with developing high commitment peoplestrategies and the impact which this can have onorganisational performance. Key research andcase study material is covered. The contributionof HRM functions and activities such asresourcing and staffing, HRM planning, trainingand development, performance and rewardmanagement and compensation and effectivepeople management is covered.Assessment: Coursework and final examinationMBA5713 Business StrategyPrerequisites: MBA5710, MBA5715 & MBA5705Description: The unit introduces, outlinesand explores the major themes, models,principles and practices of strategicmanagement. This will include and emphasisethe contrast between conventional intendedstrategy and the new concept of emergentstrategy. The unit commences with a reviewof a strategic management model and threeways or “lenses” of examining strategicmanagement in organizations and thenmoves to the description and discussionof each major element in the strategicmanagement model. It also covers the strategydevelopment processes and the emergenttheory embedded in chaos/complexity.Assessment: Coursework and final examinationMBA5718 Business EconomicsPrerequisites: NilDescription: The aim of the unit is for studentsto develop a grasp of economic theory and itsapplications to business management. This unitenables students to master selected aspectsof economic theory and their application tobusiness management. The unit follows a‘constructivist’ approach to student learningthrough a student-centred program of study.Students select a real world enterprise ororganisation that they study in depth. Eachstudent will construct a scenario for the businessthey have selected and develop a 4-yearcompetitive strategy using the tools of economicanalysis acquired in unit studies.Assessment: Coursework and final examinationMBA5716 Finance for Business DecisionsPrerequisites: NilDescription: Financial decisions are made tocreate value. This unit is designed to developan understanding of how value creation iscritical to a firm. It examines the critical rolethe finance manager plays in providing supportto the various areas within the organisationin determining the use of limited resources toobtain optimal reward. The unit will introduce youto the basic analytical skills required to evaluateassets and investments and make corporatefinancial decisions. The functions of the capitalmarket and financial institutions, and the toolsused in the valuation of securities traded withinthe markets will be examined. The unit willintroduce you to capital budgeting techniquesand risk analysis through the use of appropriatecase studies. It will also look briefly at somecontemporary issues facing the finance managerlike corporate governance and ethical dilemmas.Assessment: Coursework and final examinationMBA5715 Accounting for ManagementDecision MakingPrerequisites: NilDescription: This unit addresses the fundamentalprinciples of financial and managementaccounting, financial statement, analysis, andthe use of management accounting in planning,control and decision making. The unit has a ‘user’focus. It is not concerned with the preparationof accounts (i.e. debits and credits, and journalentries), but rather the interpretation of financialinformation. Performance measurement andfinancial statement analysis are employed tofacilitate ethical internal decision making. Theunit adopts a case study approach to highlightthe effective use of financial resources a a keyelement in successful management and exploressome of the tools that are available through thefinancial system of a business organisation.Assessment: Coursework and final examination7

Course structure (continued)MBA5714 Information System Challengesin ManagementPrerequisites: NilDescription: Increasingly high demands aremade on business managers to develop processand product innovations in rapidly changing,global markets. There is a considerable rangeof strategic responses which may improveoperational effectiveness and address threatsand opportunities in the business environment.Underpinning many of these strategies isinformation technology. This unit introducesbasic information systems principles andterminology to help managers understandhow information technology can be used toformulate responses to strategic and operationalchallenges. Using leading edge thinkingand practice in information and knowledgemanagement, we focus on understandingbusiness issues and requirements and linkingthese to the potential of information technology.Assessment: Coursework and final examinationMBA5705 Marketing ManagementPrerequisites: MBA5705Description: This unit provides a foundationfor understanding marketing management ata post-graduate level. This includes a study ofthe principles and practices of contemporarymarketing planning which are critical to thesuccess of every organisation. A strategic andtactical approach is taken in the developmentof the unit. The management of the marketingprocess will be the focus, with a sound coverageof global concepts and impacts. The unitprovides students with a broad comprehensionof the key marketing practices relevant tobusinesses today.Assessment: Coursework and final examinationINB5607 International BusinessPrerequisites: NilDescription: The major objective of this unit isto help students think internationally. It providesan introduction to the major social, politicaland economic challenges facing internationalbusiness in the 21st century. The unit will look atthe internationalisation of markets; Australia’sposition in the international marketplace; anddevelop a strategic approach for entering theinternational business arena.Assessment: Coursework and final examinationMKT5708 International MarketingPrerequisites: MBA5626 MarketingManagementDescription: The unit examines the nature andpractice of international marketing and includesan introduction to economic, political and legaldimensions.Assessment: CourseworkINB5700 International ManagementPrerequisites: NilDescription: This unit is based upon therecognition that the management practiceswithin organisations are no longer shieldedbehind national barriers and operate in a globalcontext. The main objectives are to discussspecific managerial challenges and opportunitiesfaced by firms operating internationally; todevelop multiple perceptions of the implicationsfor managing within a cross cultural environmentand develop skills critical for internationalmanagers. The unit will explore the conceptualframeworks necessary for understandinginternational and cross cultural management.Assessment: Coursework and final examination8

Academic entry requirementsTo gain entry to the MBA (I) program students must:Have completed an undergraduate degree program from a recognized universityor other educational institution;ORHave a minimum of five (5) years work experience with at least two (2) of the five (5)years in a senior managerial capacity.Note: All applications for entry to the MBA (I) are assessed by the ECU InternationalAdmissions Office.English Language requirementsStudents must show evidence of post secondary studies in English.Academic calendar 2009-2010Year Trimester Orientation Classes Start Examination Commence2009 1 27 February 2 March 8 June2 3 July 6 July 5 October3 30 October 2 November 8 February2010 1 5 March 8 March 6 June2 2 July 5 July 4 October3 29 October 1 November 7 February 20119

Application procedureStudents who wish to study theMBA should:• Speak to an ACBT Marketing Counsellorand then complete the ECU Applicationform and the ACBT application form• Attach certified copies of all academicqualifications;• Attach two copies of passport sizephotographs;• Submit your application to theMarketing Counsellor together withthe application fee of Rs 10,000. Thisapplication fee is non refundable.All applications are sent to the AdmissionsOffice at ECU for approval. Incompleteapplications will not be processed.Letter of OfferWhen ACBT receives notification fromECU that a student’s application hasbeen successful you will be issued withan offer letter. This letter will explain thecommencement date for the course, theorientation date and fees payable.Accepting Letter of OfferTo accept the offer to study the MBA (I)program it is necessary to pay the tuitionfees by the due date. All course fees areto be paid directly to the ACBT HSBCaccount. Please collect a deposit slipfrom Reception.Application feesThe current course fee is Rs 78,500 perunit. This includes 12% VAT. There is alsoan application fee of Rs 10,000 which isnon refundable.The course fee includes attendanceat the Orientation/Induction weekendconducted by ECU in Colombo and givesstudents access to the ACBT Library, theECU on-line Library, computer laboratoriesand other services and facilities oncampus. Fees do not include textbooksor any stationery requirements.10

ECU-ACBT MBA AlumniOver 60 alumni, representing a wide cross section of thebusiness community in Colombo attended the formal launchof the ECU/ACBT MBA alumni society on 21 August 2008.Ms Colleen Kent, Director, AcademicAffairs said she was delighted to beinvolved with this Alumni as such asociety enabled people to stay in touchwith friends made during the periodof study in the MBA program as wellas providing extensive networkingopportunities for its members. MsKent also believes the ECU-ACBT MBAAlumni will also foster further goodwillbetween Australia and Sri Lanka.ACBT commenced delivery of the ECUMBA program in October 2004 with18 students. Today over 300 studentsare enrolled in the program whichis a testament to the internationalreputation of ECU and the appliedlearning approach of the MBA program.The ECU-ACBT MBA Alumni will beholding a number of functions, bothsocial and professional, throughoutthe year to facilitate networkingopportunities for the its members.Mr Sheahan Arasaratnam, Presidentof the Alumni stated that it is theresponsibility of the Alumni to assistto realize ACBT’s objectives. He wasconfident that there would be manyopportunities for past and currentstudents to obtain further value from theMBA by being part of a network whosemembership would increase annually.11

Conditions of enrolmentGeneral• All conditions and special notes contained in the Letter of Offermust be met.• Students must meet the minimum English language andacademic course requirements to be offered at place at ACBT.• Attendance at the orientation/induction program iscompulsory. Special permission must be gained for nonattendance.Fees• All tuition fees must be paid by the date specified by ACBT.• Failure to pay by the due dates will result in latepayment penalties.• Students pay only for the number of units they are studying,that is, if a student studies only 2 units in a semester, then theyonly pay for the two units.• Students who have outstanding fees will not be allowed to sitfinal examinations.• Should it be necessary for a student to repeat a unit the fullunit fee will be charged.• ACBT reviews course fees on an annual basis.Refund PolicyAll MBA (I) students are enrolled as students of ECU andtherefore must abide by ECU policies and procedures. A copy ofthese procedures is given in the ACBT Student Handbook.Once an applicant has accepted an offer of a place at ACBT andpays tuition fees it means a binding contact has been madebetween the two parties and the ECU refund policy applies. Acourse is defined as one semester of study in any program atACBT. Please refer to the table below:Weeks 1 – 4 WEWeeks 5 – 8 WWeeks 9 – 13 WFFormal withdrawal within four (4) weeks ofthe beginning of the term – one hundredpercent (100%) of the fee will be refunded tothe student. Students will be withdrawn withoutacademic penalty and their transcript will notshow the unit. However, it will show on theECU database as “WE”.Formal withdrawal from week five of the term – norefund will be given to a student. Students will bewithdrawn without academic penalty but the unitwill show on the transcript.Students who do not formally withdraw by week9 of a 13 week semester will incur an academicpenalty as well as financial penalty. This isreflected as WF on the student’s transcript, whichmeans “withdrawn fail”.12

Application for Course Admission – Office Use Onlyin association withCampusIPGroup Course Code Teaching PeriodApplication formPlease print in BLOCK LETTERSStudent DetailsOffice Use OnlyBASIS FOR ADMISSIONHave you ever been enrolled at ECU or WACAE? Yes NoIf yes, you must supply your previous Student Number:Personal DetailsTitle: Mr Ms OtherSurname/Family name:Given names:If a previous ECU student, has your name changed since you were last enrolled?Yes NoGender: Male FemaleDate of birth: / / (day/month/year)Contact DetailsCorrespondence address (the address to which mail will be sent):Number, Street, Suburb/Town/City:DocumentationSatisfiedUnsatisfactoryReview ECU resultsDocumentation requestedOtherMarriage Certificate Requested?Yes NoEnglish Proficiency:SatisfiedUnsatisfactoryDocumentation requestedQualified?Country:Postcode/Zipcode:YesNoPermanent home address (print “AS ABOVE” if the same as correspondence address):Number, Street, Suburb/Town/City:Special conditions of entry:Country:Postcode/Zipcode:Contact details:Home telephone:Mobile telephone:Business telephone:Fax:E-mail:Course DetailsWhat course are you applying for:Course title:Major Field of Study/Specialisation (if applicable):Attendance type: Full Time Part TimeCourse commencement date:Expected year of completion:Day Month YearAdvanced Standing Approved?YesNoSignature, Executive Dean of Faculty(or Nominee):UNIT SET CODEApplication Approved?YesNoSignature, Executive Dean of Faculty(or Nominee):Centre/Partner Institution/Agent (please specify):1 of 4

English proficiencyIf your qualifications were gained outside Australia, please provide proofof competence in English language. You must supply evidence to shw thatyour English ability meets our requirements. Undergraduate: TOEFL score(minimum 550, including TWE 5); Computer based TOEFL score of 213with an Essay rating of 5 or better; GCSE ‘O’ Level, C Grade; University ofCambridge Certificate of Advanced English, A Grade, or Academic IELTSoverall band score of 6.0 (no individual band less than 6.0); <strong>Postgraduate</strong>:TOEFL score (minimum 570, including TWE 5); Computer based TOEFLscore of 230 with an Essay rating of 5 or better; Universty of CambridgeCertificate of Proficiency in English, Grade C or above; Academic IELTSoverall band score of 6.5 (no individual band less than6.0); a completedaward taught in English from an approved higher education institution.Country of Birth and CitizenshipCounrty of Birth:Citizenship:What is the main language spoken at your permanent home address?Disability registrationDo you have a disability, impairment or long term condition which mayaffect your studies? Yes NoIf yes, please indicate the area of impairment:Acquired Brain InjuryHearingIntellectualLearningMedicalMentalMobilityPhysicalVisionOtherPlease specify:Education QualificationsPlease indicate and attach certified copies if you have completed or commenced any of the following qualification:Tertiary Education Level(list your highest awardin each category)Higher Doctorate,Doctorate, Master’sDegree, <strong>Postgraduate</strong>diploma/certificatecourse from a tertiaryinstitutioneg. university, instituteof technology, college ofadvanced education etcBachelor’s degreecourse from a tertiaryinstitutioneg. university, instituteof technology, college ofadvanced education etc(list your highest award, ifequal, list most recent)Associate degree,Advanced Diploma orDiploma course from atertiary institutioneg. university, instituteof technology, collegeof advanced education,teachers’ college etcAssociate Diploma,Advanced Diploma orDiploma course from atertiary institutioneg. TAFE college, ortechnical collegeCompleted and/orcommenced a TAFE orTechnical College award(other than AssociateDiploma, AdvancedDiploma or Diploma)eg. Certificate IVCourse Title Name of Institution Completed Year lastenrolled orcompletedYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNo2 of 4

Education Qualifications (continued)Secondary Education Level Qualification Name Name of Institution Year lastenrolled orcompletedCompleted final year of secondaryeducation, A Levels, TEE, SAM, VCEor otherHave you completed any otherqualification? Yes NoWill you be applying for advanced standing based on previous studies/ experience? Yes NoApplications for MBA and MastersRelevant Work ExperiencePlease complete detals of any work experience relevant to your application (attah an additional page if necessary).Employer/Institution Period of Employment Position/DutiesApplications for Masters or Doctor of Philosophy <strong>Program</strong>mes by ResearchPlease attach the following:1. A brief outline of the research work you wish to undertake (1-2 pages in length)and;2. If available, details of any publication, learned journals or copies of any published papers.Document Certification InstructionsAll supporting documents must be originals or correctly certified copies of the original documents.Phototcopies, scans, faxes and website printouts are not acceptable. Certification can be carried out by:• The official records department of the institution that originally issued the documents; or• Any persons designated and authorised as ‘Agents’ acting for and on behalf of ECU; or• Any Australian overseas diplomatic mission and Australian Educational Centres(for details of AECs refer to http://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au); or• Notary Public.Applicants are advised that the authorised officer should verify each document by writing ‘This is a tue copy of the original document sightedby me’, then signing the statement, printing their name, address, contact telephone number, profession or occupation or organisation,date verified and including the official stamp or seal of the verifier’s organisation on the copy, if the organisation has such a stamp.YOUR APPLICATION CANNOT BE ASSESSED WITHOUT RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION ATTACHED.3 of 4

DeclarationI, .......................................................................................................,(please print name)declare that the following information I have provided in thisapplication is complete and correct and I authorise Edith CowanUniversity fo verify any facts. I understand that if any information isfound to be false this application may be cancelled.If I subsequently accept an offer and enrol in the course I amapplying for, I hereby agree that I will observe the Staues, By-laws andregulations of Edith Cowan University.I acknowledge that it is my responsibilityto enrol correctly inaccordance with the Admissions, Enrolment and Academic ProgressRules and course requirements.I accept solde responsibility and hereby declare that the Universitywill be in no way liable for any breach by me of licenced and/or agreements covering the use of software or the breach of anyrelevant provisions of the copyright act 1968 (as amended).I understand that:• Authority to collect the information on this form is containfed inThe Higher Education Support Act 2003;• Information is collected for programme administration purposes;• Information may be shared for these purposes between theTaxation Office, Centrelink, the Department of Education Science,and Training and any other authorised departments;• Information may not otherwise be disclosed without my consentunless authorised or required by law.I consent to recieving information electronically unless alternatecommunication arrangements have been approved by ECU and agreeto access the contents of my Edith Cowan University student e-mailaccount on a regular basis.I understnad that giving false or misleading information is a seriousoffence under the Criminal Code.I understand that during the period of my enrolment, Edith Cowanuniversity may require me to provide documentation to verify mycitizenship status.ChecklistBefore submitting this application for Course Admission have you:Checked that you have completed all sections of this form(including Education Qualifications)?Attached certified copies of your education qualifications (excludingthose gained at ECU), proof of English proficiency (refer toDocumentation Certification Instructions on previous page)?Read and signed the Declaration (your application will not beprocessed without your signature)?Documents enclosedBefore submitting this application for Course Admission have you:Certified copies of entry/education qualificationsProof of English language proficiencyApplication for Advanced StandingUnit Selection formOtherPlease specify:Please forward all documentation toSigned:Date: / / (dd/mm/yy)4 of 4

Australian College of Business and Technology442 Galle RoadColombo 03, Sri LankaTelephone 011 4714393/ 077 3000900Fax 011 4714394Email info@acbt.lkPart of the <strong>Navitas</strong> Groupwww.acbt.netEdith Cowan University CRICOS Provider Code 00279BThe information contained in this brochure is correct at the time of publication,however, Australian College of Business and Technology (ACBT) reserves the rightto alter, amend or delete details at any time without notice. Printed December 2008.Selected photographs in this publication areCopyright © Paul Foley/Lightmoods 2008This brochure is provided free of charge.

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