Auxiliary New Hire Packet - Klein Independent School District

Auxiliary New Hire Packet - Klein Independent School District

Auxiliary New Hire Packet - Klein Independent School District


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I-9 Form –Fill in Section 1, sign and dateBring in your current Drivers License and Social Security Card on the dayof your contract signing.Acceptable Documents are listed on page 3General InformationThis is general information you will want to keep for your records.Human Resources Employee ListEmployee Health Plan-Notice of Privacy PracticesFederal ACA Notice for <strong>New</strong> <strong>Hire</strong>sNOTICE – KISD Workers’ Compensation InsuranceRequired Deduction for MedicareDrug Prevention Program Certification Policy Number C-10<strong>School</strong> Calendar<strong>District</strong> MapContract Signing Day InformationYour Payroll Specialist will call you for a signing appointment. In addition to thesecompleted forms, these items will be required or completed with your Payroll Specialiston your signing day:You must bring with you your current drivers license and Social Security Card.Bring with you your Original Official Transcript(s) with degrees posted (ifrequired) and Original Services Records if you have any and have received themfrom your previous employer. If you have requested these, please let your PayrollSpecialist know at the time of signing.

Other Important Information for<strong>New</strong> EmployeesBenefits Information:Please review Benefits Information under the “Important Links” Section Enrollment Guide for Health Plans <strong>Klein</strong> ISD Benefits Plan Information BookletNOTE: You will register for a required benefits meeting at the time of contract signing.

EMPLOYEE REGISTRATION/OPEN RECORDS INFORMATIONDate:___________________________________________I UNDERSTAND MY SALARY WILL BE PAID OVER 12 MONTHS.Full Name as will be shown on Payroll Check (please print)_________________________________Employee ID Number:__________________________Phone Number:__________________________Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________OPEN RECORDS INFORMATION__________________I give my permission to release my home telephone number and/or homeaddress. This allows your information to leave the district and becomepublic information outside of the school district.Please do not disclose my home address or home telephone number to anyonewithout my approval unless it is for emergency purposes as determined by mysupervising administrator. This request is being made in accordance with TexasGovernment Code Chapter 552 (Texas Public Information Act).Your social security number is confidentialDRUG PREVENTION PROGRAM CERTIFICATIONThe <strong>Klein</strong> <strong>Independent</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, in accordance with the requirements in the Drug-Free<strong>School</strong>s and Communities Act (41 U.S.C. 702) and as a condition of the receipt of any federalfunds and/or federal financial assistance, has developed the following statement regardingemployee conduct that must be made to all staff members and provided to the TexasEducation Agency for their official records:The unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on school premisesor as part of its activities is considered to be reprehensible conduct.Violators will be subject to the provisions of Board of Trustees’ policy C-61 that appearsin all staff handbooks. Any infractions will be considered on a case-by-case.Compliance with the requirements and prohibitions of this legislation is a mandatorycondition of employment.Information pertaining to Houston area drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitationprograms is published annually in the <strong>Klein</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>New</strong>s. Copies are available from <strong>Klein</strong> ISDHuman Resource Services Office and from the Office of the Superintendent of <strong>School</strong>s._________________________________________________________________Signature

Form W-4 (2014)Purpose. Complete Form W-4 so that your employercan withhold the correct federal income tax from yourpay. Consider completing a new Form W-4 each yearand when your personal or financial situation changes.Exemption from withholding. If you are exempt,complete only lines 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 and sign the formto validate it. Your exemption for 2014 expiresFebruary 17, 2015. See Pub. 505, Tax Withholdingand Estimated Tax.Note. If another person can claim you as a dependenton his or her tax return, you cannot claim exemptionfrom withholding if your income exceeds $1,000 andincludes more than $350 of unearned income (forexample, interest and dividends).Exceptions. An employee may be able to claimexemption from withholding even if the employee is adependent, if the employee:• Is age 65 or older,• Is blind, or• Will claim adjustments to income; tax credits; oritemized deductions, on his or her tax return.The exceptions do not apply to supplemental wagesgreater than $1,000,000.Basic instructions. If you are not exempt, completethe Personal Allowances Worksheet below. Theworksheets on page 2 further adjust yourwithholding allowances based on itemizeddeductions, certain credits, adjustments to income,or two-earners/multiple jobs situations.Complete all worksheets that apply. However, youmay claim fewer (or zero) allowances. For regularwages, withholding must be based on allowancesyou claimed and may not be a flat amount orpercentage of wages.Head of household. Generally, you can claim headof household filing status on your tax return only ifyou are unmarried and pay more than 50% of thecosts of keeping up a home for yourself and yourdependent(s) or other qualifying individuals. SeePub. 501, Exemptions, Standard Deduction, andFiling Information, for information.Tax credits. You can take projected tax credits into accountin figuring your allowable number of withholding allowances.Credits for child or dependent care expenses and the childtax credit may be claimed using the Personal AllowancesWorksheet below. See Pub. 505 for information onconverting your other credits into withholding allowances.Nonwage income. If you have a large amount ofnonwage income, such as interest or dividends,consider making estimated tax payments using Form1040-ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals. Otherwise, youmay owe additional tax. If you have pension or annuityiincome, see Pub. 505 to find out if you should adjustyour withholding on Form W-4 or W-4P.Two earners or multiple jobs. If you have aworking spouse or more than one job, figure thetotal number of allowances you are entitled to claimon all jobs using worksheets from only one FormW-4. Your withholding usually will be most accuratewhen all allowances are claimed on the Form W-4for the highest paying job and zero allowances areclaimed on the others. See Pub. 505 for details.Nonresident alien. If you are a nonresident alien,see Notice 1392, Supplemental Form W-4Instructions for Nonresident Aliens, beforecompleting this form.Check your withholding. After your Form W-4 takeseffect, use Pub. 505 to see how the amount you arehaving withheld compares to your projected total taxfor 2014. See Pub. 505, especially if your earningsexceed $130,000 (Single) or $180,000 (Married).Future developments. Information about any futuredevelopments affecting Form W-4 (such as legislationenacted after we release it) will be posted at www.irs.gov/w4.Personal Allowances Worksheet (Keep for your records.)A Enter “1” for yourself if no one else can claim you as a dependent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A• You are single and have only one job; orB Enter “1” if:{ • You are married, have only one job, and your spouse does not work; or . . . B• Your wages from a second job or your spouse’s wages (or the total of both) are $1,500 or less.C Enter “1” for your spouse. But, you may choose to enter “-0-” if you are married and have either a working spouse or morethan one job. (Entering “-0-” may help you avoid having too little tax withheld.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD Enter number of dependents (other than your spouse or yourself) you will claim on your tax return . . . . . . . . DE Enter “1” if you will file as head of household on your tax return (see conditions under Head of household above) . . EF Enter “1” if you have at least $2,000 of child or dependent care expenses for which you plan to claim a credit . . . F(Note. Do not include child support payments. See Pub. 503, Child and Dependent Care Expenses, for details.)G Child Tax Credit (including additional child tax credit). See Pub. 972, Child Tax Credit, for more information.• If your total income will be less than $65,000 ($95,000 if married), enter “2” for each eligible child; then less “1” if youhave three to six eligible children or less “2” if you have seven or more eligible children.• If your total income will be between $65,000 and $84,000 ($95,000 and $119,000 if married), enter “1” for each eligible child . . . GH Add lines A through G and enter total here. (Note. This may be different from the number of exemptions you claim on your tax return.) H{• If you plan to itemize or claim adjustments to income and want to reduce your withholding, see the DeductionsFor accuracy, and Adjustments Worksheet on page 2.complete all • If you are single and have more than one job or are married and you and your spouse both work and the combinedworksheets earnings from all jobs exceed $50,000 ($20,000 if married), see the Two-Earners/Multiple Jobs Worksheet on page 2 tothat apply. avoid having too little tax withheld.• If neither of the above situations applies, stop here and enter the number from line H on line 5 of Form W-4 below.Form W-4Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue ServiceSeparate here and give Form W-4 to your employer. Keep the top part for your records.Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate Whether you are entitled to claim a certain number of allowances or exemption from withholding issubject to review by the IRS. Your employer may be required to send a copy of this form to the IRS.1 Your first name and middle initial Last nameOMB No. 1545-007420142 Your social security numberHome address (number and street or rural route)City or town, state, and ZIP code3 Single Married Married, but withhold at higher Single rate.Note. If married, but legally separated, or spouse is a nonresident alien, check the “Single” box.4 If your last name differs from that shown on your social security card,check here. You must call 1-800-772-1213 for a replacement card. 5 Total number of allowances you are claiming (from line H above or from the applicable worksheet on page 2) 56 Additional amount, if any, you want withheld from each paycheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 $7 I claim exemption from withholding for 2014, and I certify that I meet both of the following conditions for exemption.• Last year I had a right to a refund of all federal income tax withheld because I had no tax liability, and• This year I expect a refund of all federal income tax withheld because I expect to have no tax liability.If you meet both conditions, write “Exempt” here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this certificate and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.Employee’s signature(This form is not valid unless you sign it.) Date 8 Employer’s name and address (Employer: Complete lines 8 and 10 only if sending to the IRS.) 9 Office code (optional) 10 Employer identification number (EIN)For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Cat. No. 10220Q Form W-4 (2014)

NEWProfessional and Paraprofessional StaffInternet/E-Mail, Student Information Services and <strong>New</strong> Teacher OrientationEmployee Agreement FormI have read and understand the <strong>Klein</strong> ISD’s electronic communication and data management policy/directives and Acceptable Use Procedurefor the Network/Internet and agree to abide by their provisions. I further understand that any violation of these policies and directives willresult in the revocation of my privileges regarding <strong>Klein</strong> network access and that other disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action will betaken. I hereby release <strong>Klein</strong> ISD, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of anynature arising from my use of or inability to use the system including, without limitation, the type of damages identified in the policy andadministrative directives. You may find the Acceptable Use Procedure at http://www.kleinisd.net - under Policies and Procedures – AcceptableUse Procedures.Employee’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________________Please Print (Last) (First) (MI)Address _________________________________________ City:__________________________ Zip: _____________Job Title: __________________________________________________________Alternate ID # (5digit) ___________________(Given to you at Signing)Social Security # _____________________________Assigned Campus/Campuses: ______________________Subject/Grade _________Start Date:______________Teachers Only Select A or B:A_____1 st Time Employed as Classroom Teacher OR B_____1 st Time Employed as Classroom Teacher in <strong>Klein</strong>Employee’s Signature: ________________________________________________Date: ___________________***********************************************************************************************This space reserved for SIS only:SMS User Name: ____________________ Date Issued: ______________ SIS Initials_____SMS Password: ____________________ Date E-Mailed: ______________

KLEIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICTAUTHORIZATION AGREEMENT FOR DIRECT DEPOSIT (CREDITS)SUBMITTING INSTRUCTIONS1. Please sign form in any color, NO BLACK INK2. Print out and bring this form to <strong>Klein</strong> Central Office – Payroll Room #2393. Bring check for verification of your bank routing # and your account #4. For identity theft protection please do not send inter-school mail5. Retain one copy for your recordsNAME KLEIN ID #CHECK ONE : ___ADD NEW ___CHANGE EXISTING ___CANCELACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNTCHECK ONE: ___CHECKING___SAVINGS Amount $________________If no specific amount put ALLIf change, put new amountBANK / DEPOSITORY NAMEBANK ACH ROUTING NO.ACCOUNT NO.Verified by payroll _____ (First nine digits on bottom of check) Verified by payroll _____The KLEIN ISD is not responsible for overdraft charges that might result from an inactivated account. I hereby authorize KLEININDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT hereinafter to initiate credit entries and, if errors occur, authorize correcting entries to myACCOUNT indicated below and the depositary name below to credit the same to such account credit entries or change amounts asstated above:SIGNATUREDATEOFFICE USE ONLYTest Date_________________ Active Date _________________Bank Code # ________ Ded Code # 1530 – 1510 CheckingCircle One 1520 – 1500 SavingsBank Code # 578 Ded Code # 1501 – Smart Financial SavingDate Entered: _________ Entered By: _________

EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE ALLIANCEDIRECT CONTRACTING PROGRAMI have received information that tells me how to get health care under my employer’s workers’compensation coverage. If I am hurt on the job and live in a service area described in this information, Iunderstand that:1. I must choose a treating doctor from the Alliance list of doctors designated as treating doctors.2. I must go to my treating doctor for all health care for my injury. If I need a specialist, my treatingdoctor will refer me. If I need emergency care, I may go to any licensed medical professionalwithin the United States.3. Even though my treating doctor should refer me to a specialist of providers contracted with theAlliance, I understand that I need to verify that the referral doctor is a member of the Allianceprovider panel.4. The Texas Association of <strong>School</strong> Boards Risk Management Fund will pay the treating doctorand other Alliance providers for all health care related to my compensable injury.5. I may have to pay the bill if I receive health care from a provider other than an Alliance providerwithout prior approval from the Fund.6. Making a false or fraudulent workers’ compensation claim is a crime that may result in fines andor imprisonment.7. If I want to change doctors after my first choice, I can only choose from the Alliance list ofproviders. A third choice requires approval from my adjuster._____________________________________________________ / /SignatureDatePrinted NameI reside at: ____________________________________Street Address___________________,______,_________________City State Zip CodeName of Employer: <strong>Klein</strong> ISDName of Direct Contracting Program: Political Subdivision Workers’ Compensation Alliance (theAlliance)Direct contracting service areas are subject to change. To locate a treating doctor within your area, visitthe PSWCA web site at www.pswca.org or call your adjuster at 800-482-7276.To be completed by the employer onlyPlease indicate whether this is the:Initial Employee NotificationInjury Notification (Date of Injury: / / )DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM TO THE TASB RISK MANAGEMENT FUND UNLESS REQUESTED.

EMPLOYEE NOTICE OF ALLIANCE REQUIREMENTSImportant Contact InformationTo locate a provider, go to www.pswca.org or call (866) 997-7322To contact your adjuster at the TASB Risk Management Fund, visit www.tasbrmf.org or call (800) 482-7276.Information, Instructions, Rights and ObligationsIf you are injured at work, tell your supervisor or Workers’ Comp Coordinator immediately. Theinformation in this notice will help you to seek medical treatment for your injury. Your employer will alsohelp with any questions about how to get treatment. You may also contact your adjuster at the TASBRisk Management Fund (the Fund) for any questions about treatment for a work related injury. The Fundis <strong>Klein</strong> ISD’s workers’ compensation coverage provider and they are working with your employer toensure you receive timely and appropriate health care. The goal is to return you to work as soon as it issafe to do so.• How do I choose a treating doctor?If you are hurt at work and you live in the Alliance service area, you are required to choose a treatingdoctor from the provider list. This is required for you to receive coverage of healthcare costs for yourwork related injury. A provider listing is available through the Alliance website at www.pswca.org anda link to that site is also contained on the Fund’s website at www.tasbrmf.org. It identifies providerswho are taking new patients.If your treating doctor leaves the Alliance, we will tell you in writing. You will have the right to chooseanother treating doctor from the list of Alliance doctors. If your doctor leaves the Alliance and you havea life threatening or acute condition for which a disruption of care would be harmful to you, your doctormay request that you treat with him or her for an extra 90 days.• What if I live outside the service area?If you believe you live outside of the service area, you may request a service area review bycalling your adjuster.• How do I change treating doctors?If you become dissatisfied with your first choice of a treating doctor, you can select an alternatetreating doctor from the list of direct contract treating doctors in the service area where you live.The Fund will not deny a choice of an alternate treating doctor. Before you can change treatingdoctors a second time, you must obtain permission from your adjuster.• How are treating doctor referrals handled?Referrals for health care services that you or your doctor request will be made available on atimely basis as required by your medical condition. Referrals will be made no later than 21 daysafter the request. Your doctor should refer you to another Alliance provider unless it becomesmedically necessary to make a referral outside of the Alliance. You do not have to get a referral ifyou are in need of emergency care.• Who pays for the healthcare?Alliance providers have agreed to seek payment from the Fund for your health care. They shouldnot request payment from you. If you obtain health care from a doctor who is not in the Alliancewithout prior approval from your adjuster, you may have to pay for the cost of that care. You maytreat with medical providers that are not contracted with the Alliance only if one of the followingsituations occurs:oooEmergencies: You should go to the nearest hospital or emergency care facility.You do not live within an Alliance service area.Your treating doctor refers you to a provider or facility outside of the Alliance. This referralmust be approved by your adjuster.1

EMPLOYEE NOTICE OF ALLIANCE REQUIREMENTS – PAGE 2How to File a ComplaintYou have the right to file a complaint with the Alliance. You may do this if you are dissatisfied with anyaspect of direct contract program operations. This includes a complaint about the program and/or yourAlliance doctor. It may also be a general complaint about the Alliance. A complainant can notify theAlliance Grievance Coordinator of a complaint by phone, from the Alliance website www.pswca.org or inwriting via mail or fax. Complaints should be forwarded to:PSWCA (The Alliance)Attention: Grievance CoordinatorP.O. Box 763Austin, TX 78767-0763866-997-7322A complaint must be filed with the program grievance coordinator no later than 90 days from the date theissue occurred. Texas law does not permit the Alliance to retaliate against you if you file a complaintagainst the program. Nor can the Alliance retaliate if you appeal the decision of the program. The law doesnot permit the Alliance to retaliate against your treating doctor if he or she files a complaint against theprogram or appeals the decision of the program on your behalf.What to do when you are injured on the jobIf you are injured while on the job, tell your supervisor or Workers’ Comp Coordinator as soon as possible.A list of Alliance treating doctors in your service area may be available from your employer. A completelist of Alliance treating doctors is also available online at www.pswca.org. Or, you may contact us directlyat the following address and/or toll-free telephone number:TASB Risk Management FundP.O. Box 2010Austin, TX 78768(800) 482-7276In case of an emergency…If you are hurt at work and it is a life threatening emergency, you should go to the nearest emergencyroom. If you are injured at work after normal business hours or while working outside your service area,you should go to the nearest care facility. After you receive emergency care, you may need ongoing care.You will need to select a treating doctor from the Alliance provider list. This list is available online atwww.pswca.org. If you do not have internet access call (800) 482-7276 or contact your Workers’ CompCoordinator for a list. The doctor you choose will oversee the care you receive for your work relatedinjury. Except for emergency care you must obtain all health care and specialist referrals through yourtreating doctor.Emergency care does not need to be approved in advance. “Medical emergency” is defined in Texaslaws. It is a medical condition that comes up suddenly with acute symptoms that are severe enough that areasonable person would believe that you need immediate care or you would be harmed. That harmwould include your health or bodily functions being in danger or a loss of function of any body organ orpart.2

EMPLOYEE NOTICE OF ALLIANCE REQUIREMENTS – PAGE 3Non-emergency care…Report your injury to your supervisor or Workers’ Comp Coordinator as soon as you can. Select a treatingdoctor from the Alliance provider list. This list is available online at www.pswca.org. If you do not haveinternet access, call 800- 482-7276 or contact your Workers’ Comp Coordinator for a list.Treatments Requiring Advance ApprovalCertain treatments or services prescribed by your doctor need to be approved in advance. Your doctor isrequired to request approval from the TASB Risk Management Fund before the specific treatment orservice is provided. For example, you may need to stay more days in the hospital than what was firstapproved. If so, the added treatment must be approved in advance.The following non-emergency healthcare treatment requests must be approved in advance:Inpatient hospital admissionsOutpatient Surgical or ambulatory surgical servicesSpinal SurgeryAll non-exempted work hardeningAll non-exempted work conditioningPhysical or occupational therapy except for the first six (6) visits if those sixvisits were done within the first 2 weeks immediately following date of injuryor date of surgeryAny investigational or experimental serviceAll psychological testing and psychotherapyRepeat diagnostic studies greater than $350.All durable medical equipment (DME) in excess of $500Chronic pain management and interdisciplinary pain rehabilitationDrugs not included in the TDI Division of Workers’ Compensation FormularyAll narcotic medications dispensed greater than 60 daysAny treatment or service that exceeds the Official Disability Guidelines.The number your doctor must call to request one of these treatments is 800-482-7276, ext. 6654. Ifa treatment or service request is denied, we will tell you in writing. This written notice will have informationabout your right to request a reconsideration or appeal of the denied treatment. It will also tell you aboutyour right to request review by an <strong>Independent</strong> Review Organization through the Texas Department ofInsurance.3

EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE ALLIANCE DIRECTCONTRACTING PROGRAMRECONOCIMENTO DEL EMPLEADO PARA EL PROGRAMA DE CONTRATARDIRECTAMENTE CON MEDICOSHe recibido la información que explica como obtener tratamientos médicos si me lastimo en eltrabajo. También entiendo si me lastimo en el trabajo:1. Tengo que escoger un doctor de la lista de Alliance (PSWCAA), que son designados paratratar.2. Tengo que ir al doctor escogido por mí para tratamiento relacionado a mi lastimadura. Sinecesito un especialista, el doctor que escogí tiene que referir me a ese especialista. Sinecesito tratamientos de emergencia, yo entiendo que puedo ir a cualesquier doctorlicenciado en los Estados Unidos.3. Si el doctor que escogí me refiere a un especialista, tengo que verificar que el especialistatambién es aprobado por la PSWCA.4. La compañía TASB le pagara al doctor escogido por mí y a doctores también que sonpartidos de PSWCA.5. Si voy a un doctor que no es aprobado por TASB, y no pertenece al partido de la PSWCA,y no he obtenido aprobación, entiendo que es posible que tendré que pagar esa cuenta.6. Reportando un reclamo falso de lastimadura en el trabajo es un crimen que pueda resultaren multas o encarcelamiento.7. Si deseo cambiar doctor después del primer doctor escogido, nada mas puedo escoger dela lista de doctores aprobados por PSWCA. Si deseo cambiar doctor por la tercera ves,tendré que recibir aprobación de mi ajustador de la compañía TASB, antes de cambiar.Signature (firma):______________________________ Date (Fecha)_________________Printed Name (Nombre en imprenta): ___________________________________________Address (Dirección de domicilio incluyendo cuidad, estado y zip):______________________________________________________________________________________________Employer (Nombre de empleador): <strong>Klein</strong> ISDNombre del programa de contratar doctores directamente: POLITICAL SUBDIVISION WORKERS’COMPENSATION ALLIANCE (PSWCA)El servicio de contratar doctores directamente en las áreas de servicio, son subjetivos a cambiar.Para localizar un doctor de tratamiento en su área, visite al Internet en: www.pswca.org o llame asu ajustador al numero: 800-482-7276.To be completed by the employer only (Para completar por el empleador solamente)Please Indicate whether this is the:□ Initial Employee Notification□ Injury Notification (Fecha de lastimadura _________)DO NOT RETURN THIS FOR TO THE TASB RISK MANAGEMENT FUNDUNLESS REQUESTED. (NO REGRESE ESTA FORMA A TASB SOLO QUE SEAREQUERIDA)

AVISO DEL EMPLEADO DE LOS REQUISITOS DE LA ALIANZAInformación de contacto importantePara localizar a un proveedor, visite www.pswca.org o llame al (866) 997-7322.Para contactar a un ajustador en el Fondo de Control de Riesgos de TASB, visite www.tasbrmf.org o llameal (800) 482-7276.Información, Instrucciones, Derechos y ObligacionesSi se lesionó en el trabajo, avise a su supervisor o Coordinador de Compensación de Trabajadoresinmediatamente. La información en este aviso le ayudará a recibir tratamiento médico para su lesión. Suempleador también le asistirá con cualquier pregunta que tenga para recibir tratamiento. También puedecontactar a su ajustador en el Fondo de Control de Riesgos de TASB (el Fondo) para cualquier preguntaque tenga sobre el tratamiento de una lesión relacionada con el trabajo. El Fondo es su proveedor decobertura de compensación al trabajador y está trabajando con su compañía para asegurarse de que recibacuidados médicos a tiempo. La meta es que regrese a trabajar sin riesgos tan pronto como sea posible.• ¿Cómo elijo a un doctor?Si se lastimó en el trabajo y vive en el área de servicio de la Alianza, se requiere que elija a un doctorde la lista de proveedores. Esto se requiere para que reciba cobertura de los costos de cuidadosmédicos para su lesión relacionada con el trabajo. Puede encontrar una lista de proveedores en lapágina de Internet de la Alianza en www.pswca.org y la liga a este sitio también se encuentra en lapágina de Internet del Fondo en www.tasbrmf.org. La lista identifica a los proveedores que estánaceptando pacientes nuevos.Le avisaremos por escrito si su doctor deja la Alianza. Tendrá el derecho de elegir a otro doctor de lalista de doctores de la Alianza. Si usted tuviera una enfermedad seria y la interrupción del tratamientopusiera su vida en riesgo y su doctor dejara la Alianza, su doctor podría pedir continuar el tratamientopor 90 días más.• ¿Qué pasa si vivo fuera del área de servicio?Si usted cree que vive fuera del área de servicio, puede llamar a su ajustador y pedirle que revise elárea de servicio.• ¿Cómo cambio de doctor?Si está insatisfecho con su doctor, puede elegir un doctor diferente de la lista de doctores en el área deservicio donde usted vive. El Fondo le da la opción de elegir un doctor diferente. Antes de que cambiede doctores una segunda vez, debe obtener el permiso de su ajustador.• ¿Cómo se maneja la referencia de doctores?Las referencias de los servicios médicos que usted y su doctor soliciten estarán disponibles en el tiemporequerido en base a su condición médica. Las referencias serán hechas en menos de 21 días despuésde su petición. Su doctor debe referirlo a otro proveedor de la Alianza a menos de que seamédicamente necesario hacer la referencia afuera de la Alianza. No tiene que obtener una referencia sinecesita de cuidados de emergencia.• ¿Quién paga por los cuidados médicos?Los proveedores de la Alianza han acordado pedir el pago al Fondo para sus cuidados médicos. Nodeben pedirle pagos a usted. Si obtiene cuidados médicos de un doctor que no está en la Alianza sintener aprobación previa de un ajustador, tal vez tenga que pagar los costos de su cuidado. Puederecibir tratamiento de los proveedores médicos que no pertenezcan a la Alianza sólo si sucede una delas siguientes situaciones:oooEmergencias: Debe de acudir al hospital o instalaciones de emergencia más cercanas.Si no vive dentro del área de servicio de la AlianzaSi su doctor lo manda a un proveedor o instalación fuera de la Alianza. Esta instalación oespecialista debe ser aprobado por un ajustador.

AVISO DEL EMPLEADO DE LOS REQUISITOS DE LA ALIANZA - PÁGINA 2Cómo Poner una QuejaTiene el derecho de poner una queja con la Alianza. Debe hacerlo si no está satisfecho con algún aspectode las operaciones del programa de contrato directo. Esto incluye una queja sobre el programa y/o su doctorde la Alianza. También puede ser una queja general sobre la Alianza. Puede poner su queja con elCoordinador de Quejas de la Alianza por teléfono, por medio de la página de Internet de la Alianza enwww.pswca.org, por escrito por correo o por fax. Las quejas se deben mandar a:PSWCA (The Alliance)Attention: Grievance CoordinatorP.O. Box 763Austin, TX 78767-0763866-997-7322Debe mandar la queja al coordinador de quejas del programa en menos de 90 días después de la fechaen que haya ocurrido el incidente. Las leyes de Texas no permiten que la Alianza tome represalias encontra de usted si pone una queja en contra del programa. La Alianza tampoco puede tomar represalias siusted apela la decisión del programa. La ley no permite que la Alianza tome represalias en contra de sudoctor si el o ella pone una queja en contra del programa o apela de su parte la decisión del programa.¿Qué se puede hacer cuando uno se lastima en el trabajo?Si se lastima mientras esté en el trabajo, avise a su supervisor o Coordinador de Compensación deTrabajadores tan pronto como le sea posible. Su empleador puede tener una lista de doctores de la Alianzaen su área de servicio. También puede encontrar una lista completa de doctores de la Alianza enwww.pswca.org. O también, nos puede contactar directamente a la siguiente dirección y/o llamar al númerode teléfono gratis:TASB Risk Management FundP.O. Box 2010Austin, TX 78768(800) 482-7276En caso de una emergencia...Si se lastima en el trabajo y es una emergencia con amenaza de muerte, puede ir a un hospital deemergencias más cercano. Si se lesiona en el trabajo después de horas de oficina o mientras estétrabajando afuera de su área de servicio, debe acudir a las instalaciones más cercanas. Después de quehaya recibido cuidados de emergencia, puede necesitar continuos cuidados. Necesita elegir a un doctorpara su tratamiento de la lista de proveedores de la Alianza. Esta lista está disponible en línea enwww.pswca.org. Si no tiene Internet, llame al (800) 482-7276 ó llame a su supervisor o Coordinador deCompensación de Trabajadores y pida la lista. El doctor que elija se asegurará de que reciba cuidados parasu lesión relacionada con el trabajo. Excepto por los cuidados de emergencia, usted debe obtenerreferencias para los cuidados médicos y especialistas por medio del doctor que lo atienda.Los cuidados de emergencia no necesitan ser aprobados con anticipación. Una "Emergencia Médica"como es definida por las leyes de Texas. Es una condición médica que sucede repentinamente consíntomas serios que son severos como para que una persona razonable crea que usted necesite cuidadosinmediatos o su no, podría sufrir un daño. Ese daño pudiera incluir peligros en contra de su salud ofunciones de su cuerpo o pérdida de funciones de cualquier órgano o parte del cuerpo.

AVISO DEL EMPLEADO DE LOS REQUISITOS DE LA ALIANZA - PÁGINA 3Cuidados no de emergencia...Reporte su lesión a su supervisor o Coordinador de Compensación de Trabajadores tan pronto comopueda. Seleccione a un doctor que lo atienda de la lista de proveedores de la Alianza. Esta lista estádisponible en línea en www.pswca.org. Si no tiene acceso al Internet, llame al 800- 482-7276 ó llame a sucompañía y pídale una lista.Tratamientos Que Requieren Aprobación PreviaCiertos tratamientos o servicios prescritos por un doctor necesitan ser aprobados con anticipación. Serequiere que su doctor pida aprobación del Fondo de Control de Riesgos de TASB antes de proporcionar untratamiento o servicio específico. Por ejemplo, puede necesitar quedarse más días en un hospital que losdías aprobados al principio. Si así es, los tratamientos adicionales deben ser aprobados con anticipación.Los siguientes tratamientos médicos que no son de emergencia deben ser aprobados con anticipación:Admisión del paciente en el hospitalServicios quirúrgicos o de ambulanciaCirugía de la ColumnaToda la terapia de fortalecimiento laboral no exentaToda la terapia de acondicionamiento laboral no exentaTerapia física u ocupacional excepto las primeras seis (6) visitas si las seis visitas fueronhechas en un periodo de 2 semanas inmediatamente después de la fecha de la lesión o lacirugía.Cualquier servicio de investigación o experimentalTodas las pruebas psicológicas y psicoterapiaEstudios repetidos de diagnósticos que sobrepasen $350Todo el equipo médico (DME) que sobrepase $500Manejo del dolor crónico y la rehabilitación del dolor interdisciplinarioMedicamentos no incluidos en el Formulario de la División de Compensación al Trabajador(TDI)Todos los medicamentos narcóticos proporcionados para más de 60 díasCualquier tratamiento o servicio que exceda las Pautas Oficiales de DiscapacidadSu doctor debe llamar al 800-482-7276, ext. 6654 para pedir uno de estos tratamientos. Si se le niegael tratamiento o servicio, le avisaremos por escrito. Este aviso por escrito tendrá información sobre suderecho de pedir que se le vuelva a considerar o apelar por el tratamiento negado. También se le explicarásu derecho de pedir una revisión por una Organización de Revisión Independiente por medio delDepartamento de Seguros de Texas.

KLEIN ISD HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICESEMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION LISTThe Human Resource Department has a specialist to helpyou with your employee personnel file after you havecompleted your new hire packet. Each specialist has a part ofthe alphabet (determined by your last name) to help you throughout youremployment with <strong>Klein</strong> ISD.HUMAN RESOURCE PERSONNEL Employees with Last Name A-F:Call Jamie Turner - (832) 249-4217Email: jturner4@kleinisd.net Employees with Last Name G-OCall Sharon Gaylord- (832) 249-4221Email: sgaylord@kleinisd.net Employees with Last Name P-ZCall Barbara Keller-(832) 249-4220Email: bkeller@kleinisd.net Administrators:Call Terri Smith- (832) 249-4215Email: tsmith8@kleinisd.net Substitutes:Call Bonnie Bereck - (832) 249-4219Email: bbereck1@kleinisd.net Insurance/Benefits: (<strong>New</strong> <strong>Hire</strong>s/Changes)Call Erica Hernandez-(832) 249-4673Email: ehernandez2@kleinisd.net Insurance/Benefits: (Leave of Absence/Changes)Call Fran Bearden-(832) 249-4674Email: fbearden1@kleinisd.net Insurance/Benefits:Call Claudia “Kaye” Parker-(832) 249-4691Email: cparker4@kleinisd.netThe Human Resource Department has a Notary Public for your convenience.Revised 01-13-14

Notice to Employees:Requirements of the Affordable Care ActAs of January 1, 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires you to have health insurance foryourself and your dependents. Some people are exempt from this requirement. To learn how to applyfor an exemption see Questions and Answers on the Individual Shared Responsibility Provision,www.irs.gov/uac/Questions‐and‐Answers‐on‐the‐Individual‐Shared‐Responsibility‐Provision. If you donot have health insurance and you are not exempt, you may be subject to a penalty (seewww.healthcare.gov/what‐if‐someone‐doesnt‐have‐health‐coverage‐in‐2014).The penalty takes effect on the first day of the 2014 plan year (September 1, 2014).Enrollment in TRS‐ActiveCare satisfies the requirement to have health insurance. The TRS‐ActiveCareEnrollment Guide explains who is eligible to enroll in ActiveCare.Enrollment in another plan, such as through a spouse, parent, or association, also satisfies therequirement to have health insurance if the plan provides minimum essential coverage.As an alternative to ActiveCare or another health insurance program, you may enroll in insurancethrough the Health Insurance Marketplace. In Texas, the Marketplace is a federal government programthat will offer “one‐stop shopping” to find and compare private health insurance options. Mostindividuals are eligible to enroll in insurance through the Marketplace. The Marketplace will beginenrollment in October 2013 for coverage beginning in January 2014. For information on theMarketplace, see www.healthcare.gov.You may be eligible for a premium tax credit or other assistance toward insurance obtained throughthe Marketplace, depending on your household income. More information on the premium tax creditand other cost sharing provisions is available at www.healthcare.gov. Please note that the district willnot contribute to premium costs if you enroll in insurance through the Marketplace. Also, you will losethe benefit of paying the premium with pre‐tax income if you purchase insurance through theMarketplace.If you are eligible for the KISD group plan, you can enroll during the next annual enrollment in May orAugust 2014 and still avoid the penalty. Whether you decided to enroll or not to enroll in ActiveCare inAugust 2013, the district’s section 125 plan (cafeteria plan) does not permit you to add or dropinsurance before the end of the plan year, unless you experience a special enrollment event.Additional information. If you have questions or concerns about the health insurance offered throughthe district, please contact the Benefits Department, at 832‐249‐4691. Questions about theMarketplace and how the Affordable Care Act impacts you as an individual should be addressed towww.healthcare.gov or your personal attorney.Revision Date: August 12, 2013

Basic Information About Health Care Offered By The <strong>District</strong>(to be completed by the district)If you decide to shop for coverage in the Marketplace, below is the employer information you will enterat HealthCare.gov to find out if you are eligible for a premium tax credit.This information is numbered to correspond to the Marketplace application.3. Employer name<strong>Klein</strong> <strong>Independent</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>5. Employer Address7200 Spring Cypress Rd.4. Employer Identification Number(EIN) 74‐60023376. Employer phone number832‐249‐40007. City<strong>Klein</strong>,8. StateTexas9. Zip code7737910. Who can we contact about employee health coverage at this job?<strong>Klein</strong> ISD Benefits Department11. Phone number (if different from above)832‐249‐469112. Email addressrstockton@kleinisd.netThe district offers health coverage through TRS‐ActiveCare to all eligible employees and their eligibledependents. Eligibility is described in the ActiveCare Enrollment Guide. The coverage offered byActiveCare meets the minimum value standard and the cost of this coverage to you is intended to beaffordable.Revision Date: August 12, 2013

KLEIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT7200 Spring Cypress Road, <strong>Klein</strong>, Texas 77379Phone: 832.249.4218 Fax: 832.249.4018NOTICEKLEIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICTWORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSURANCEIn accordance with the state law, <strong>Klein</strong> <strong>Independent</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> provides workers’ compensation insurancecoverage through <strong>Klein</strong> I.S.D. Self‐Insured Plan for any employee who is injured or becomes disabled or ill as aresult of their employment responsibilities. A staff member or a person acting on the staff member’s behalfmust notify the employer of an injury or illness no later than the 30 th day from the date on which the injuryoccurs or the date the staff member knew or should have known of an illness, unless the Texas Department ofInsurance Division of Workers’ Compensation determines that good cause existed for failure to provide timelynotice.The Texas Department of Insurance Division of Workers’ Compensation provides free information about howto file a workers’ compensation claim. Texas Department of Insurance staff will explain your rights andresponsibilities under the Workers’ Compensation Act and assists in resolving disputes about a claim. You canobtain this assistance by contacting your local Houston West Field Office or by calling 1‐800‐252‐7031.AVISOAseguraanza para Compensacion de Trabajadores del Distrito Independiente de <strong>Klein</strong>De acuerdo a la Ley del Estado, El Distrito Escolar Independiente de <strong>Klein</strong>, provee cobertura de aseguranzapara los casos de compensacion de trabajadores. Un plan de seguro esta disponible para el empleado que seaccidente, quede deshabilitado o enfermo como resultado de algun accidente dentro del trabajo. La personaencargada de su personal debera notificar al empleador acerca del accidente o lesion a no mas tardar de 30dias a partir de la fecha en que ocurrio el accidente o de la fecha en que se le notifico a su superior, a menosque El Departamento de Aseguranza de la Division de Compensacion para Trabajadores en Texas determineque existe una buena causa por la que se omitio la informacion a tiempo.El Departamento de Aseguranza de la Division de Compensacion para Trabajadores en Texas proveeinformacion gratuita acerca de como llenar las formas de un reclamo de compensacion para los trabajadores.El Personal de la Comision le puede explicar sus derechos y responsabilidades bajo el Acto de Compensacionpara Los Trabajadoes y asistirle en resolver disputas acerca de cualquier caso. Usted puede obtener asistenciallamando a la Oficina de Zona Oeste en Houston, o puede Ilamar al 1‐800‐252‐7031.Revised: 10/27/2011

KLEIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT7200 Spring Cypress Road, <strong>Klein</strong>, Texas 77379Phone: 832.249.4218 Fax: 832.249.4018REQUIRED DEDUCTION FOR MEDICAREOn April 7, 1986, former President Reagan signed into law the “Consolidated OmnibusReconciliation Act of 1985” P.L. 99‐272, which implements changes to the social securitymedicare contributions and affects Texas public schools. Under prior law, state and localgovernment (including school districts) employees were not required to be subject to anyportion of social security tax.In general, under the new law, employees hired after March 31, 1986, are subject to themedicare portion of the social security tax. <strong>School</strong> districts, as employers, are required to pay1.45 percent of salaries of employees hired after March 31, 1986, as the employer’s share, inaddition to deducting 1.45 percent from the employee’s salary.The deduction of 1.45 percent will be shown on the employee’s paycheck (earning statementon direct deposit) as F.I.C.A. deduction.Revised: 10/27/2011

C-34KLEIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT7200 Spring-Cypress Road, <strong>Klein</strong>, Texas 77379DRUG PREVENTION PROGRAM CERTIFICATIONThe <strong>Klein</strong> <strong>Independent</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, in accordance with the requirements inthe Drug-Free <strong>School</strong>s and Communities Act (P.L. 101-226) and as a conditionof the receipt of any federal funds and/or federal financial assistance, hasdeveloped the following statement regarding conduct that must be made to allstaff members and provided to the Texas Education Agency for their officialrecords: The unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol onschool premises or as part of its activities is considered to bereprehensible conduct. Violators will be subject to the provisions of Board of Trustees’ policy C-61that appears in all staff handbooks and any infractions will be consideredon a case-by-case basis.Compliance with the requirements and prohibitions of this legislation is amandatory condition of employment.Information pertaining to Houston-area drug and alcohol counseling andrehabilitation programs is published annually in the <strong>Klein</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>New</strong>s. Copiesare available from the human resource department and the office of thesuperintendent of schools for <strong>Klein</strong> ISD.Cross references (s):C-30.1 Code of Ethics and Standards of ConductC-36 Drug/Alcohol Testing and ScreeningC-61 Dismissal and Suspension11-38 Drug/Alcohol Testing GuidelinesAdopted: July 9, 1990

Dear <strong>Klein</strong> ISD staff and teachers:We must never lose sight of the fact that, in societytoday, a school is much more than a place to learn. Theyears a child spends in school have a profound impacton the life, perspective and future of every person.As we continue to uphold the <strong>Klein</strong> ISD standards, it isimportant for employees to be role models for ourstudents. We do this by acting with integrity anddisplaying strong values of honesty, respect,consideration and fairness, even when doing so may beunpopular.If you ever feel that someone who works for or with<strong>Klein</strong> ISD is acting in a fraudulent manner, and youwould like to bring the matter to our attention, youhave a couple of options:1. Contact your supervisor/principal regarding:• Theft• Fraudulent accounting or financial reporting• Misuse or abuse of district assets2. Call the Fraud Line, 888-703-0083The <strong>Klein</strong> ISD has a great reputation for honesty andintegrity, and that is due in part to individuals such asyourself. We are not initiating this process because wefeel that fraud is occurring; however, we want tomaintain the high standards that have alwayscharacterized our district.Thank you for your continued support, and forupholding the standard of excellence for the benefit ofall the students in the <strong>Klein</strong> ISD.Sincerely,Dr. Jim CainSuperintendent<strong>Klein</strong> ISDThe Fraud Line888-703-0083https://www.submitreport.com/kleinisd.jspThe Fraud Line888-703-0083A Source of Knowledge…A Source of Integrity

SafeReliableConvenientToll freeAnonymousAvailable 24/7The Fraud Line is a toll-free number that you can call if you are not comfortablediscussing your concerns face-to-face. It is available 24/7, allowing you to callfrom the privacy of your own home. No call-tracing or recording devices areever used, and if you wish, you may remain completely anonymous.The Fraud Line888-703-0083https://www.submitreport.com/kleinisd.jspHow it works:• When you call the Fraud Line, an operator, who does not work directly for the district,asks you a series of questions to better understand the nature of your concern.• At the end of your call, the operator will give you a unique report number, PIN and acall-back date to follow-up on your report. Simply reference the identificationnumber when you call.• The operator next prepares a report and then forwards it to the <strong>Klein</strong> ISD internalaudit department for review, and if necessary, investigation. If we need additionalinformation to resolve the issue, the operator will ask for it when you call back.It is important to note that the Fraud Line is not intended to be a substitute for communicationbetween you and your supervisor. If you wish to discuss normal operating procedures or ways tomake your department more efficient, please bring them directly to your supervisor.

<strong>Klein</strong> ISD <strong>School</strong> Calendar2013 - 2014August 20 through 23Staff Development DaysAugust 24 SUMMER HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION, 2013August 26FIRST DAY OF CLASSESSeptember 2Labor Day HolidayOctober 14Student Holiday/Staff Development Day/Elementary Parent Conference DayNovember 25 - 26Staff Development Day/Student HolidayNovember 27 - 29Thanksgiving HolidaysDecember 23 - January 3 Christmas/Winter HolidaysJanuary 6Classes ResumeJanuary 16END OF FIRST SEMESTERJanuary 17Staff Development Day/Student HolidayJanuary 20Martin Luther King HolidayJanuary 21SECOND SEMESTER BEGINSMarch 10 - 14Spring BreakApril 17Staff Development Day/Student HolidayApril 18Easter BreakMay 26Memorial Day HolidayJune 5LAST DAY OF CLASSESJune 6Staff Development DayJune 7HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATIONS4111825S6132027S18152229August 2013M T W T15 6 7 812 13 14 1519 20 21 2226 27 28 29October 2013M T W T1 2 37 8 9 1014 15 16 1721 22 23 2428 29 30 31F29162330F4111825S310172431S5121926S18152229S3101724September 2013T W T3 4 510 11 1217 18 1924 25 26M29162330November 2013M4111825T5121926W6132027T7142128F18152229December 2013 January 2014T W T F S S M T W T3 4 5 6 71 210 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 917 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 1624 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 233126 27 28 29 30M29162330F6132027F310172431S7142128S29162330S4111825Grading PeriodsELEMENTARY Grades Pre-K - 5Dates of Nine-Week Grading PeriodsFirst SemesterAug. 26– Oct. 25, 2013 43)Oct. 28 - Jan. 16, 2014 44) 87Second SemesterJan. 21 - March 28, 2014 44)March 31 - June 5, 2014 46) 90Total Days for Students 177<strong>School</strong> HoursSECONDARY Grades 6 - 12Dates of Six-Week Grading PeriodsFirst SemesterAug. 26 - Oct. 4, 2013 29)Oct. 7 - Nov. 15, 2013 29)Nov. 18 - Jan. 16, 2014 29) 87Second SemesterJan. 21 - Feb. 28, 2014 29)March 3 - April 16, 2014 28)April 21 - June 5, 2014 33) 90Total Days for Students 177<strong>School</strong> Level Instructional Day Teacher Day on CampusHigh <strong>School</strong> 7:25 a.m. – 2:25 p.m. 7:10 a.m. – 2:40 p.m.Intermediate <strong>School</strong> 8:55 a.m. – 3:55 p.m. 8:40 a.m. – 4:10 p.m.Elementary <strong>School</strong> 8:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. 7:50 a.m. – 3:20 p.m.*Morning Prekindergarten 8:15 a.m. –11:05 a.m.*Afternoon Prekindergarten 12:25 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.All Day Kindergarten 8:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.*Student must meet specifi c guidelines in order to qualify.Inclement weather make-up days for students will bechosen from among the following dates:October 14, 2013 November 25 - 26, 2013 January 17, 2014April 17, 2014 June 6, 2014S2916236132027S18152229February 2014M T W T F3101724M7142128M29162330411182551219266132027April 2014 May 2014T W T F S S M T W T1 2 3 4 518 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 815 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 1522 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 2229 3025 26 27 28 29June 2014T3101724W4111825T51219267142128F6132027S181522S7142128Calendar Design by Region 4 Education Service CenterS29162330S6132027March 2014M T W T F310172431M7142128411182551219266132027July 2014T18152229W29162330T3101724317142128F29162330F4111825S18152229S310172431S5121926

ADMINISTRATIONCentral Office 7200 Spring-Cypress Road, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-249-4000<strong>Klein</strong> ISD Annex 7302 <strong>Klein</strong>green Lane, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-249-4800<strong>Klein</strong> Instructional Center 4411 Louetta, Spring 77388 832-249-4000<strong>Klein</strong> ISD Police Headquarters 7403 Louetta Road, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-249-4266KISD Multipurpose Center 7500 FM 2920, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-249-4240ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSBenfer 18027-B Kuykendahl Road, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-484-6000Benignus 7225 Alvin A. <strong>Klein</strong> Dr., <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-484-7750Bernshausen 11116 Mahaffey, Tomball, TX 77375 832-375-8000Blackshear 11211 Lacey Road, Tomball, TX 77375 832-375-7600Brill 9102 Herts Road, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-484-6150Ehrhardt 6603 Rosebrook Lane, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-484-6200Eiland 6700 North <strong>Klein</strong> Circle Drive, Houston 77088 832-484-6900Epps Island 7403 Smiling Wood Lane, Houston 77086 832-484-5800Frank 9225 Crescent Clover Drive <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-375-7000Grace England Early Childhood/Pre-Kindergarten Center 832-375-79007535 Prairie Oak Dr., Houston 77086Greenwood Forest 12100 Misty Valley, Houston 77066 832-484-5700Hassler 9325 Lochlea Ridge Dr., <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-484-7100Haude 3111 Louetta Road, Spring 77388 832-484-5600Kaiser 13430 Bammel N. Houston Road, Houston 77066 832-484-6100Klenk 6111 Bourgeois Road, Houston 77066 832-484-6800Kohrville 11600 Woodland Shore Drive, Tomball 77375 832-484-7200Krahn 9502 Eday, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-484-6500Kreinhop 20820 Ella Boulevard, Spring 77388 832-484-7400Kuehnle 5510 Winding Ridge Drive, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-484-6650Lemm 19034 Joanleigh Drive, Spring 77388 832-484-6300McDougle 10410 Kansack Lane, Houston 77086 832-484-7550Metzler 8500 W. Rayford Road, Spring 77389 832-484-7900Mittelstädt 7525 <strong>Klein</strong>green Lane, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-484-6700Mueller 7074 FM 2920, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-375-7300Nitsch 4702 West Mt. Houston, Houston 77088 832-484-6400Northampton 6404 Root Road, Spring 77389 832-484-5550Roth 21623 Castlemont, Spring 77388 832-484-6600Schultz 7920 Willow Forest, Tomball 77375 832-484-7000Theiss 17510 Theiss Mail Road, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-484-5900Zwink 22200 Frassati Way, Spring 77389 832-375-7800INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLSDoerre 18218 Theiss Mail Road, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-249-5700Hildebrandt 22800 Hildebrandt Road, Spring 77389 832-249-5100Kleb 7425 Louetta, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-249-5500<strong>Klein</strong> 4710 West Mt. Houston, Houston 77088 832-249-4900Krimmel 7070 FM 2920, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-375-7200Schindewolf 20903 Ella Boulevard, Spring 77388 832-249-5900Strack 18027-S Kuykendahl Road, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-249-5400Ulrich 10103 Spring-Cypress Road, Houston 77070 832-375-7500Wunderlich 11800 Misty Valley, Houston 77066 832-249-5200HIGH SCHOOLS<strong>Klein</strong> High 16715 Stuebner-Airline Road, <strong>Klein</strong> 77379 832-484-4000<strong>Klein</strong> Forest 11400 Misty Valley, Houston 77066 832-484-4500<strong>Klein</strong> Oak 22603 Northcrest Drive, Spring 77389 832-484-5000<strong>Klein</strong> Collins 20811 Ella Boulevard, Spring 77388 832-484-5500Vistas High <strong>School</strong> Program 12550 Bammel N. Houston, Houston 77066 832-484-7650PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE:http://www.kleinisd.net

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