University Police - Shippensburg University

University Police - Shippensburg University University Police - Shippensburg University


esidence hall staff and students. Students who are involvedin violations of the university’s alcohol and drug policy andrelated behavior problems may be referred to the ConnectionProgram. The Dean of Students Office may require attendanceand participation in this program as a sanction for studentsreferred through the disciplinary process. ShippensburgUniversity upholds Pennsylvania Laws as well as their ownpolicies and procedures for alcohol and other drug use thatcan be found the student handbook. The alcohol and otherdrug policies and procedures for Shippensburg Universitycan be found in our Swataney Student Handbook. TheShippensburg University community is encouraged to readand become familiar with this section.Individuals may contact the Connection Program at(717) 477-1164 for further information and assistance. Allinvolvement in the Connection Program is confidential.Notice of Non-Discrimination and Sexual HarassmentIt is the policy of Shippensburg University to prohibitdiscrimination on the basis of sex in any of its educationalprograms or activities. This policy is in accordance with TitleIX of the Education Amendments of 1972.Prohibited sex discrimination covers sexual harassmentincluding sexual violence. Sexual harassment is conduct thatis sexual in nature, and is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasivethat it adversely affects a student’s ability to participatein or benefit from the university’s activities or educational programsor creates a hostile or abusive educational environment.Sexual violence is a form of sexual harassment, prohibited byTitle IX which includes conduct that is criminal in nature.Acts may include rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexualcoercion, unwanted touching, dating violence and sexuallymotivated stalking.Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may bereferred to Shippensburg University’s Title IX coordinator orto the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights.Shippensburg University Title IX CoordinatorDr. Melodye WehrungExecutive Director of Social Equity, Old Main 2001871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 477-1161Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education400 Maryland Ave SW, Washington, DC 245-6700 Toll-free: (800) 421-3481 TTY: (800) 877-8339

What programs are offered to educate and prevent sexoffenses and what is the SU policy for reporting theseoffenses and assisting victims of reported sex crimes?Educational programs to prevent rape, sexual assault andother types of relationship violence as well as how to respondto these types of incidents are presented by various departmentson campus. The Women’s Center, the CounselingCenter, the Dean of Students Office, and the Student HealthCenter along with the Department of Public Safety are directlyinvolved in conducting seminars, distributing literatureand producing programming throughout the campus.Information regarding prevention and community responseto sexual violence is presented during new student orientationprogramming.Rape Educators and Contacts (REACT) is a programthat supports survivors of sexual assault and educates the campuscommunity on this issue. The REACT program is madeup of compassionate students who volunteer and go throughrigorous training recognizing the need to end violence andsexual assault. REACT is actively involved during orientationand throughout the academic year presenting programsrelated to various issues surrounding sexual assault, abuse andrape. Some of the topics that REACT typically presents are:Alcohol and date rape, campus rape, steps to maximize safety,taking action, filing charges on or off campus, how to help avictim/survivor date rape drugs, male/female communications.The university has established the REACT coordinators,which consist of staff members from the Women’s Center,Counseling Center, Judicial Affairs Office, and UniversityPolice who review reported incidents involving students bothon and off campus, who are survivors of sexual violence, inorder to address specific issues and ensure that the survivorsof these incidents are receiving assistance and support. TheREACT coordinators are involved in the recruiting and trainingof students for the REACT program. Lastly, they reviewexisting programs and brainstorm new ideas in order to increaseawareness and to educate the community to respondproactively to issues of violence, especially sexual assault.Survivors of rape, sexual assault and other types of relationshipviolence are encouraged to report these incidentsas soon as they are able to the Department of Public Safetyor the police department of jurisdiction. Timely reports arecrucial to evidence collection and preservation. If survivors areunsure who they should contact, the Department of PublicSafety will aid them in determining what agency would beresponsible for the investigation in addition to providing informationfor their physical and psychological well being.Survivors of sexual assaults should take every precautionto preserve all evidence of the assault by not tampering with23

What programs are offered to educate and prevent sexoffenses and what is the SU policy for reporting theseoffenses and assisting victims of reported sex crimes?Educational programs to prevent rape, sexual assault andother types of relationship violence as well as how to respondto these types of incidents are presented by various departmentson campus. The Women’s Center, the CounselingCenter, the Dean of Students Office, and the Student HealthCenter along with the Department of Public Safety are directlyinvolved in conducting seminars, distributing literatureand producing programming throughout the campus.Information regarding prevention and community responseto sexual violence is presented during new student orientationprogramming.Rape Educators and Contacts (REACT) is a programthat supports survivors of sexual assault and educates the campuscommunity on this issue. The REACT program is madeup of compassionate students who volunteer and go throughrigorous training recognizing the need to end violence andsexual assault. REACT is actively involved during orientationand throughout the academic year presenting programsrelated to various issues surrounding sexual assault, abuse andrape. Some of the topics that REACT typically presents are:Alcohol and date rape, campus rape, steps to maximize safety,taking action, filing charges on or off campus, how to help avictim/survivor date rape drugs, male/female communications.The university has established the REACT coordinators,which consist of staff members from the Women’s Center,Counseling Center, Judicial Affairs Office, and <strong>University</strong><strong>Police</strong> who review reported incidents involving students bothon and off campus, who are survivors of sexual violence, inorder to address specific issues and ensure that the survivorsof these incidents are receiving assistance and support. TheREACT coordinators are involved in the recruiting and trainingof students for the REACT program. Lastly, they reviewexisting programs and brainstorm new ideas in order to increaseawareness and to educate the community to respondproactively to issues of violence, especially sexual assault.Survivors of rape, sexual assault and other types of relationshipviolence are encouraged to report these incidentsas soon as they are able to the Department of Public Safetyor the police department of jurisdiction. Timely reports arecrucial to evidence collection and preservation. If survivors areunsure who they should contact, the Department of PublicSafety will aid them in determining what agency would beresponsible for the investigation in addition to providing informationfor their physical and psychological well being.Survivors of sexual assaults should take every precautionto preserve all evidence of the assault by not tampering with23

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