University Police - Shippensburg University

University Police - Shippensburg University University Police - Shippensburg University


heating appliances are not permitted, including kerosene heaters,charcoal stoves, propane or natural gas fired appliances.Open Flame: Any item that may produce an open flameis prohibited. Examples include incense burning, candles, oillamps, lanterns, and potpourri burners.Decorations: Posters, flags, tapestries, or decorationsshall not be hung from the ceiling, walls, windows, or coverexit doors. No natural Christmas trees or natural decorationsare permitted.Extension cords: Not permitted. A UL approved powerstrip is permitted, but cannot be daisy chained.Inspections: All apartments, rooms, suites, etc. are subjectto regular and routine maintenance and safety inspections.Students cannot refuse entry under these conditions.Evacuations: All individuals are to evacuate a buildingwith an alarm condition. Residence halls have establishedmeeting areas to which to report. Academic buildings exit onalarm, but do not have one designated meeting area. Periodicroom inspections during a drill are conducted to assure compliancewith the policy.Training programs: Various training programs are conductedon campus. Residence hall staff provide training tostudents on evacuation procedures, meeting areas, room regulationsconcerning items that are prohibited, smoking policies,etc. Other fire safety programs are conducted for new hires afterthey join the university, explaining policies for evacuation,what is permitted in their work space, and other information.Specialized training sessions are conducted for various staffmembers. Examples would be extinguisher usage for the residentlife staff and fire safety for daycare. Faculty members receivetraining during orientation.Plans for Future Fire Safety ImprovementsThere are currently no plans to upgrade the fire alarm/suppression systems in the existing residence halls. Fire alarm/suppression systems are upgraded during renovation projects.The new suite style halls have new fire alarm systems withroom smoke detection reporting to SUPD. The system will becapable of sending mass notification messages through the firealarm system. The buildings will be 100 percent sprinklered.What is the SU policy on housing assignments andrequests by students for assignment changes?Housing assignments are initially made for an entire academicyear. Returning students apply for university-ownedhousing during the first half of the spring semester each yearand receive their assignments by mid-March. Assignmentprocesses for affiliated housing begin later in the fall semester.First-year and transfer students are accepted as either16

“resident” or “commuter” students through the Office ofAdmissions, and those who plan to live on campus are notifiedof their assignments in early August prior to their arrival.The housing application includes a section for studentsto indicate their personal preference regarding quiet hours andsmoking (although all university housing facilities are smokefree).These preferences are met whenever possible. Roomchanges are permitted for all residents during the second weekof each semester if signed by the Residence Director (RD) ofthe hall and approved by the Housing Office. The RD handlesany extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis.How are student-housing facilities secured?All exterior doors to the residence halls are locked 24hours a day. The main entrances to each building are equippedwith card readers, which residents can use to gain access to thebuilding. All other entrances are alarmed and set for delayedegress, which will deny the ability to exit the building unlessthe emergency egress glass is broken or the fire alarm systemhas released the doors. Residents must provide access to thebuilding for their guests and applicable guest policies mustbe followed. Each main entrance is also monitored throughvideo camera surveillance. Additional cameras will be placedthroughout common areas of the facilities, such as laundry,kitchen, and study lounges.Doors in the residence halls are equipped with a standardlock and key system. The windows are equipped with screensand will lock in place. Ground-level resident rooms have securityscreens installed on their windows.How many and what types of SU employees areassigned to University housing facilities?Each hall has a live-in Residence Director who overseesall operational aspects of that hall/complex. All halls/complexeshave student Resident Assistants living on each flooror in each apartment building and a student Desk Assistantwho remains at the hall main desk during various hours, sevendays a week. The entire residence life staff, which totals approximately120 persons, receives varying levels of training onsecurity procedures and policies, crisis intervention, confrontation,alcohol and drug abuse, and responding to emergencysituations.What is the SU policy for housing students during lowoccupancy periods, such as holidays and vacations?During vacations and other low occupancy periods fromlate August to mid-May, most residence halls are vacated byresidents and are locked and secured. During these low occupancyperiods, entrance to the occupied residence halls is17

heating appliances are not permitted, including kerosene heaters,charcoal stoves, propane or natural gas fired appliances.Open Flame: Any item that may produce an open flameis prohibited. Examples include incense burning, candles, oillamps, lanterns, and potpourri burners.Decorations: Posters, flags, tapestries, or decorationsshall not be hung from the ceiling, walls, windows, or coverexit doors. No natural Christmas trees or natural decorationsare permitted.Extension cords: Not permitted. A UL approved powerstrip is permitted, but cannot be daisy chained.Inspections: All apartments, rooms, suites, etc. are subjectto regular and routine maintenance and safety inspections.Students cannot refuse entry under these conditions.Evacuations: All individuals are to evacuate a buildingwith an alarm condition. Residence halls have establishedmeeting areas to which to report. Academic buildings exit onalarm, but do not have one designated meeting area. Periodicroom inspections during a drill are conducted to assure compliancewith the policy.Training programs: Various training programs are conductedon campus. Residence hall staff provide training tostudents on evacuation procedures, meeting areas, room regulationsconcerning items that are prohibited, smoking policies,etc. Other fire safety programs are conducted for new hires afterthey join the university, explaining policies for evacuation,what is permitted in their work space, and other information.Specialized training sessions are conducted for various staffmembers. Examples would be extinguisher usage for the residentlife staff and fire safety for daycare. Faculty members receivetraining during orientation.Plans for Future Fire Safety ImprovementsThere are currently no plans to upgrade the fire alarm/suppression systems in the existing residence halls. Fire alarm/suppression systems are upgraded during renovation projects.The new suite style halls have new fire alarm systems withroom smoke detection reporting to SUPD. The system will becapable of sending mass notification messages through the firealarm system. The buildings will be 100 percent sprinklered.What is the SU policy on housing assignments andrequests by students for assignment changes?Housing assignments are initially made for an entire academicyear. Returning students apply for university-ownedhousing during the first half of the spring semester each yearand receive their assignments by mid-March. Assignmentprocesses for affiliated housing begin later in the fall semester.First-year and transfer students are accepted as either16

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