August 2014 - The Plainview-Old Bethpage School District

August 2014 - The Plainview-Old Bethpage School District

August 2014 - The Plainview-Old Bethpage School District

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A Message From <strong>The</strong> SuperintendentBoard of Education and SuperintendentDear Residents:A new school year always ushers in asense of great optimism and excitementfor the wonderful opportunities we canprovide our students. Soon we willwelcome in the Kindergarten class of2026, filled with the hopes and dreamsof every member of this communitythat they will have as distinguishedaccomplishments as the graduating classof 2013. Our graduates will be attendingmany of the most acclaimed collegesand universities in the nation. <strong>The</strong>yconfidently enter this next phase of their academic life having been supportedby the talents and dedication of our staff, administration, Board of Educationand the many wonderful families in this community.This past year we applauded as our students won national academiccompetitions, curated their own museums, wrote award winning magazinesand newspapers, performed plays that rival Broadway productions andreceived acknowledgement for their performances in athletics and the arts.Our POBOTS, Moot Court and DECA clubs have put POB on the map fortheir stellar performances, meeting and exceeding all expectations. While someof these achievements will be hard to top, that is exactly what we anticipatedoing for the 2013-14 school year. I am energized by the challenge of findingnew pathways for preserving the distinguished tradition of excellence in ourschools. Proudly we welcome all community residents to share in the manyfine student performances and programs offered in our schools and includedhere in our district calendar.Our theme for the year, One Voice for Excellence, will direct ouractivities. <strong>The</strong> Plan for Results will continue to have Student Performanceas one of the district’s priority areas. We have done a great deal of work toalign our curriculum to meet the demands of the new state assessments and toensure that our curriculum remains rigorous and challenging. This year wewill focus on Common Core Mathematics, Research and Technology.We are tremendously appreciative of the confidence you have shown inus by the overwhelming support of the 2013-14 budget. We are mindful ofthe financial burden placed on our residents by the way in which schoolsare funded. We will continue to actively work with our legislators to garnermore financial support for our schools. We are committed to being fiscallyaccountable by challenging ourselves to do more with less, and by makingwise decisions with the funds you provide. We will proceed through allbudget deliberations with the goal of presenting a budget that you will be ableto once again confidently support.I personally welcome you to our schools and encourage you to continue tooffer your suggestions and feedback. Log on to the district website at www.pobschools.org to stay informed about your district and give your insights forimprovement.I extend sincere wishes to all who live in this outstanding community fora healthy, productive and rewarding school year! You may reach me at 516-434-3001 or e-mail me at llewis@pobschools.org .Sincerely,Dr. Lorna R. Lewis, Superintendent of <strong>School</strong>sSeth Greenberg; Gary Bettan; Evy Rothman;President, Ginger Lieberman; Superintendent, Dr. Lorna Lewis;Amy Pierno; Debbie Bernstein; Vice-President, Emily Schulman<strong>The</strong> Board of Education establishes policies and adopts regulations for the operation ofthe district’s eight public schools. Its seven members serve without pay and are elected by thequalified voters of the district for a term of three years. Responsibility for administering Boardpolicies is vested in the Superintendent.<strong>The</strong> Board normally meets on two Mondays of each month at 7:45pm in the Board Room atHoward B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong>, B House, as designated in an advance schedule available tothe public. All district residents are invited to attend and to participate in these meetings.Board agendas and meeting minutes are available on the district website:www.pobschools.orgGuercio & Guercio, AttorneyHarriet Fischer, ClerkBoard Meetings are scheduled for:<strong>August</strong> 12; September 9, 30; October 15, 28; November 4, 18; December 2, 16;January 13, 27; February 10, 24; March 10, 17; April 7, 28; May 7, 19; June 2, 16All residents are encouraged to attend.

Our MissionTo provide an academically challenging andstimulating environment for all students, and to enablethem to realize their full potential to be happy, ethicaland analytical citizens of the world. We do this by:n making tolerance, acceptance, respect, honestyand kindness expectations for all students, and formembers of the <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> schoolcommunity;n identifying each student’s academic, social-emotional,aesthetic and physical needs, and striving to meetthose needs; andn encouraging communication between and amongstudents, teachers, parents, administrators andcommunity members.Notice to Parents/Guardians andParticipants in Privately ConductedActivities, Trips and Ski Tours<strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> doesnot sponsor or co-sponsor private enterprises whichconduct activities, trips and/or ski tours.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> hasno involvement whatsoever directly or indirectly, withany arrangements for such private enterprises, nor doesthe <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> have anyrelationship, affiliation or connection with any privateenterprise which conducts activities, trips, and/or skitours. Persons acting as chaperones, supervisors orinstructors for any such private activity, trips and/or skitour are not performing such a function as employees ofthe <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>. Consentingparents or guardians of participants and participants ofany privately conducted activity, trip and/or ski tour arehereby advised that the <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>District</strong> will not be responsible to any participant orto his/her parent or guardian for any bodily injuries orother losses to participants if such should occur arisingin the course of such privately conducted activity, tripsand/or ski tours.Should any parent, guardian or student haveany questions as to whether or not a trip or activity isschool-related or school-sponsored, please contact thebuilding principal.Voter QualificationsA person shall be eligible to vote at any schoolmeeting for the election of school board members, theschool district budget, and upon other matters whichmay be brought before such meeting, who is:1. A citizen of the United States.2. Eighteen years of age, or older.3. A resident within the district for a period ofthirty days preceding the meeting of the vote.4. Any person who is registered to vote forgeneral election purposes (Federal, State orCounty elections) will be entitled to votein school district elections without furtherregistration. In summary, you may vote if yourname appears on the school district registrationlists or on the county registration lists.No person shall be deemed to be ineligible to voteat any such meeting by reason of sex, who has the otherqualifications regarded by this section. Registrationdates for new voters are announced through publicnotices and school district mailings. Residents mayregister at the Jamaica Avenue <strong>School</strong>, POB Middle<strong>School</strong>, and <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Registration is onMay 13, <strong>2014</strong> from noon to 9:00pm, unless otherwisespecified.Absentee ballots may be utilized for voting on theschool district budget and on any propositions presented,and for voting for members of the Board of Education.Our <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>In 2013-<strong>2014</strong>, the <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Central<strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> will operate one high school, twomiddle schools, four elementary schools, and onekindergarten center, with an approximate enrollment of4840. Of the school system’s employees, approximately530 are professional staff, and 300 are support staff.Our Budget<strong>The</strong> school budget is reviewed and approved bythe Board of Education, and submitted to districtvoters after public hearings. Qualifications for votingand registration are made public in advance throughschool district publications distributed to all residents.Our Budget Vote will take place on May 20, <strong>2014</strong>.Any questions regarding our budget should be directedto Mr. Ryan Ruf at 434-3050.Student RegistrationKindergarten registration takes place in Februaryfor the full-day kindergarten classes beginning inSeptember. Parents of youngsters who will be fiveyears old by December 31 will receive letters from theKindergarten Center informing them of registrationdates for the coming school year. Kindergartenregistration schedules are also published in the POBHerald, Pennysaver and Educational Horizons,the district newsletter. Each child is registered byscheduled appointment.At registration, parents must furnish proof ofresidency and proof of age (original birth certificate,baptismal record or passport). As required by law,proof of immunization and a New York State 2013physical are necessary.Non-Discrimination Regulations<strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>,under the requirements of TITLE IX, Part 86, does notdiscriminate on the basis of gender in the educationalprogram or activities which it operates either in theemployment of personnel or the administration ofstudents.Inquiries regarding our sexual harassment ornon-discrimination policies may be made to the TitleIX Compliance Officer, Laurie Lynn, Director ofGuidance at 434-3150.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Central <strong>School</strong><strong>District</strong>, <strong>Plainview</strong>, New York 11803 hereby givesnotice that it does not discriminate on the basis ofdisability in violation of ADA or section 504 of theREHABILITATION ACT OF 1973. <strong>The</strong> schooldistrict further gives notice that it does not discriminatein admission or access to its programs and activities.No person shall be denied employment solelybecause of any physical, mental, or medical impairmentwhich is unrelated to the person’s ability to engage inthe activities involved in the job for which applicationhas been made.Inquiries concerning this policy may be referred tothe Section 504 Compliance Officer, 106 WashingtonAve., <strong>Plainview</strong>, New York 11803.

<strong>August</strong> 201326September 2013“When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.”–Dalai Lama1MONDAYHS Fall Sports Begin<strong>School</strong>s ClosedSUNDAYTUESDAY272<strong>School</strong>s ClosedMONDAYWEDNESDAY28POBMS Gr. 5/6 Locker move-in9am-12pmMMS/POBMS Gr. 5 Orientation9-10:30amKC Open House 9am-12pmDrop Your Pride Parent Mtg.6:30 pm at HS3HS - research 9am - 2pm<strong>School</strong>s ClosedTUESDAYTHURSDAY29 30New Teacher OrientationBoard RoomMMS Gr. 5/6 Locker move-in9am-12pmPOBMS Gr. 7/8 Locker move-in9am-12pmHS Gr. 9 Marching Band 1-4pm<strong>School</strong>s ClosedWEDNESDAYDAY 14FRIDAYMMS Gr. 7/8 Locker move-in9am-12pmHS Gr. 9 Orientation<strong>School</strong>s ClosedTHURSDAY FRIDAY5 6 7<strong>The</strong> 6-Day CycleOur kindergarten/elementaryschools operate on a 6-day cyclefor “specials.” This means thatyour child will attend art, music,library, language, and physicaleducation classes once (except forphysical education which meetstwice) every 6 days. For example,your child’s schedule might looklike this:Day 1 – artDay 2 – libraryDay 3 – physical educationDay 4 – musicDay 5 – languageDay 6 – physical education<strong>The</strong> schedule of days is notedon this calendar. September 4this Day 1, September 9th is Day2, etc. Only days in which schoolis in session are so designated.If schools are closed becauseof snow, the days will continueas printed in the calendar. Forexample, if schools are closedfor snow on Day 3, when schoolresumes the next day, it will beDay 4. <strong>The</strong> make-up snow daywould be Day 3.SATURDAYSUPERINTENDENT’SCONFERENCE DAYTEACHERS REPORTSCHOOLS CLOSEDKC Early Dismissal 11:30am<strong>School</strong>s ClosedHS Sr. BBQ 3pmHS Gr. 9 Marching Band 4-7pmFirst Day of <strong>School</strong>K-12 First Day of Marking Period<strong>School</strong>s ClosedOct. SAT Reg. Deadline<strong>School</strong>s ClosedHS Marching Band 9am-1pm

DAY 2 DAY 3DAY 4DAY 5 DAY 68 9 101112 1314MS Fall Sports BeginHS Staff Welcome BreakfastPKWY PTA Mtg. 9:30amBOARD OF ED Mtg. 7:45pmAdult Ed. Open Reg. 6:30-8:30pmat POBMSKC Back to <strong>School</strong> Night 7pmHS Gr. 12 Parent Mtg. 7pmAthletic Booster Club 7:30pm at HSSEPTA Mtg. 7:30pm at POBMSSR PTA Mtg. 9:30amMMS/POBMS Gr. 5/6Back to <strong>School</strong> NightPKWY Class Parent Mtg. 9:30amMMS Gr. 5 BBQHS ID Picture DaysDAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3DAY 4 DAY 515 161718192021PAS PTA Mtg. 9:30amMMS/POBMS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmSR Class Parent Mtg. 9:30am/7:30pmHS Gr. 9 Research Parent Mtg. 6:30pmHS Back to <strong>School</strong> Night 7pmHS Senior Photo Make-upKC PTA Mtg. 9:30amMMS Club Fair, Pd. 9HS DECA Open House, Pd. 10OB/PAS/PKWY/SRBack to <strong>School</strong> NightHS Teen Driving Mtg. 7pmHS Club Fair, Pd. 9&10, GymPAS Family Picnic 5:15pm(rain date 9/24)OB Movie on the Lawn 7:30pmDAY 6 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 422 2324252627 28ACT AwayNFL Punt, Pass and Kick, 8am at HSHS Marching Band 1-5pm29Arts in Ed. Mtg. 9:30am at MMSOB PTA Mtg. 7:30 pm30DAY 5HS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmPAS Picnic Rain DateMMS/POBMS Gr. 7/8Back to <strong>School</strong> NightHS Gr. 9 Student GovtAssemblyHS Gr. 9 ElectionsHealth Advisory Mtg. 12pmat Board roomPOBMS PEP Rally & Club FairOct. ACT Reg. DeadlineAUGUST 2013S M T W T F SHS Marching Band 9am-2pmOCTOBER 2013S M T W T F S1 2 31 2 3 4 54 5 6 7 8 9 106 7 8 9 10 11 1211 12 13 14 15 16 1713 14 15 16 17 18 1918 19 20 21 22 23 2420 21 22 23 24 25 26Adult Ed. Fall Classes BeginBOARD OF ED Mtg. 7:45pm25 26 27 28 29 30 3127 28 29 30 31SEPTEMBER 2013ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS PUBLICATION<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> John F. Kennedy HSHoward B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Elementary <strong>School</strong>HSMMSPOBMSOBParkway Elementary <strong>School</strong>Pasadena Elementary <strong>School</strong>Stratford Road Elementary <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Kindergarten CenterPKWYPASSRKC

October 2013“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”–Eleanor RooseveltSUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY1 DAY 6 2 DAY 1 3DAY 2 4 DAY 3 5SATURDAYMMS/POBMS Gr. 5Parent welcome 7pmPKWY Gr. 4. Journeys ProgramPTA Council Mtg. 7:30pm at PASTransportation Comm. Mtg.9:30am at Board roomNov. SAT Reg. DeadlineOB Picture DayHS YAC Lee Denim DayOB Fall Festival 5pmSAT and Subject Tests at POBJFK HSHS Marching Band 2-5pm

DAY 4DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 1DAY 26 7 891011 12Elem. PTA Curr. 9:30amHS Teen Driving Meeting,7pmSR Picture DayMAPOB 7:30pm at MMSHS Gr. 9 Parent Mtg. 7pmMS PTA Curriculum MeetingGr. 5-12 Progress Reports PostedMMS Gr. 5/6 Picture DayMMS Gr. 7/8 Picture DayMS PTA Curr. 10amHS Cap & Gown Orders 9-1Title IX 1:45pm at HSOB PTA Mtg. 9:30amHS Research Colloquium 6pmHS Gr. 9/10 Fin Aid Mtg. 7pmSR PTA Mtg. 7:30pmBoard of Ed Mtg. 7:45pmPKWY PTA Mtg 7:30pmAthletic Booster ClubMS PTA Curriculum Meeting7:30pm at HSHS Marching Band Festival at HofstraHS SENIOR Spirit WeekPOBMS Gr. 7/8 Picture DayHS GSA Nat’l Coming out DayDAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 613 1415161718 19Columbus Day<strong>School</strong>s ClosedPOBMS Gr. 5/6 Picture dayNutrition Mtg. 9:30 at HSHS DECA Installation 7pmKC PTA Mtg. 7:30pmHS PEP Rally, Pd. 8KC Fall festival 4:30pmMMS Talent Show 7:30pmDAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 520 2122232425 26HS Marching Band 1-5pmPSAT at POBJFK HSHomecoming 2:30pmHS YAC Breast Cancer Walkat Jones Beach27PAS Picture DayESL Parent Orientation 7pm at HSHS PTA Mtg. 7:30pm28PAS PTA Mtg. 7:30pm29SEPTA 9:30am at POBMSPOBMS/MMS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmMMS BOOK FAIRMMS Pride WeekDAY 6 DAY 130DAY 2HS Parent/Teacher Conf,A-K, aft & eveHS YAC Pink & White Day31DAY 3MMS Pride Week PEP Rally pd. 7&8PAS/PWKY Halloween EventSR Halloween EventPOBMS Halloween EventHS DECA Fashion Show 7pmSEPTEMBER 2013S M T W T F SACT AwayNOVEMBER 2013S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 6 71 28 9 10 11 12 13 143 4 5 6 7 8 9Arts in Ed. Mtg. 9:30am at MMSPKWY Picture DayPAS Gr. 4 PanoramicHS PTA Curr. 1:45pmBoard of Ed Mtg. 7:45pmHS Parent/Teacher Conf.L-Z aft & eveNSLIJ Health Fair 4-7 at MMS15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 3010 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 30OCTOBER 2013ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS PUBLICATION<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> John F. Kennedy HSHoward B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Elementary <strong>School</strong>HSMMSPOBMSOBParkway Elementary <strong>School</strong>Pasadena Elementary <strong>School</strong>Stratford Road Elementary <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Kindergarten CenterPKWYPASSRKC

November 2013“<strong>The</strong> difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given atest. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.”–Tom BodettSUNDAYOCTOBER 2013S M T W T F SMONDAYDECEMBER 2013S M T W T F STUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY1DAY 42SATURDAY1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5 6 76 7 8 9 10 11 128 9 10 11 12 13 1413 14 15 16 17 18 1915 16 17 18 19 20 2120 21 22 23 24 25 2622 23 24 25 26 27 2827 28 29 30 3129 30 31HS Talent Show 7pmFri. Night Rec. 7-9pmSAT and Subject Tests AwayHS DECA Little Shelter

3 4DAY 5 5DAY 6 DAY 167 8DAY 2 9HS DECA Kickball 2:30pm(Rain Date 11/8)Board of Ed Mtg. 7:45pmSUPERINTENDENT’SCONFERENCE DAYTEACHERS REPORTSCHOOLS CLOSEDMS Winter I Sports BeginPTA Council Mtg. 7:30pm at HSKC PTA Mtg. 9:30amHS Parent/teacher Conf. make-up dateGr. 5-12 Marking Period EndsKC Picture DayHS DECA Kickball, Rain DateSEPTA Night OutDec. ACT/SAT Reg. DeadlineDAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 610 1112131415 16VETERAN’S DAYSCHOOLS CLOSEDGr. 5-12 Marking Period BeginsPOB Family NightSR PTA Mtg. 9:30amMS PTA Curr. 10amHS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmOB WOW WEEKNutrition Mtg. 9:30am at HSTransportation Mtg. 9:30amat Board roomHS GR. 10 Parent Mtg. 7pmMMS/POBMS Gr. 7 Career Dayat MMSOB WOW Family NightFriday Night Rec. 7-9pmDAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 317 18192021DAY 422DAY 523HS YAC Awareness BrunchLISFA Gr. 8-12LISFA Gr. 8-1224HS Winter Sports BeginBoard of Ed Mtg. 7:45pm25HS Parents Night Out26OB Holiday BoutiqueDAY 6 DAY 1ELEM PTA Curr. 9:30amMAPOB 7:30pm at POBMSOB/PAS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmAthletic Booster Club7:30pm at HSPAS/SR Holiday BoutiqueKC/PWKY/MMS Holiday Boutique27DAY 2Gr. 5-12 Report Cards PostedMMS PTA 9:30amPOBMS PTA 7:30pmPOBMS Holiday Boutique28 29Health Advisory Mtg. 12pmat Board roomFriday Night Rec. 7-9pmHS Fall Play 8pmHS Fall Play 8pm30Gr. K-4 Marking Period EndsMMS/POBMS Gr. 5 Fin Literacy DayHS PTA Curr. Mtg. 1:45pmPKWY PTA Mtg. 7:30pmHS SADD Fall Blood DriveALL STUDENTS 10 MINUTEEARLY DISMISSAL DRILLTHANKSGIVING RECESSNOVEMBER 2013ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS PUBLICATION<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> John F. Kennedy HSHoward B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Elementary <strong>School</strong>HSMMSPOBMSOBParkway Elementary <strong>School</strong>Pasadena Elementary <strong>School</strong>Stratford Road Elementary <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Kindergarten CenterPKWYPASSRKC

December 2013“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”–Nelson MandelaSUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAYDAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6DAY 11 23456 7SATURDAYGr. K-4 Marking Period BeginsArts in Ed. Mtg. 9:30am at MMSOB Picture RetakePTA Council Blood Drive at POBMSBoard of Ed Mtg. 7:45pmPTA Council Mtg. 7:30pm at MMSSR Picture RetakeHS World Lang. Honor SocietyInduction 3pmMMS Concert 7pmPOBMS Book FairPAS Picture RetakeMMS/POBMS Gr. 5-8 Parent/TeacherConf, A-KGr. K-4 Report Cards PostedHS BHS POB ChallengeFriday Night Rec. 7-9pmSAT and Subject Tests AwayNYSSMA All-State MUSIC Conference

DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 68 910111213 14KC 1/2 DAY DISMISSALOB/PAS/PWKY/SR1/2 DAY DISMISSALNYSSMA All State ConferenceKC Parent/Teacher Conf. amSEPTA Mtg. 9:30am at POBMSMMS/POBMS Concert 7pmArt Gallery OpenKC Parent/Teacher Conf. aft and eveHS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmOB/PAS/PKY/SR Parent/TeacherConf. amMMS/POBMS Gr. 5-8Parent/Teacher Conf. L-ZHS Grim Reaper DayOB/PAS/PKWY/SR Book FairOB/PAS/PKY/SR Parent/TeacherConf. aft and eveHS Orchestra/Jazz Concert 7:30pmMMS Picture RetakeMMS Gr. 5/6 Winter Party 3-4:40pmHS METMunc Conf.Friday Night Rec. 7-9pmDAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 515 1617181920 21HS METMunc Conf.ACT Away22PAS PTA Mtg. 9:30amBOARD OF ED. Mtg. 7:45pm23OB/PAS/PKY/SR ConcertMMS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmAthletic Booster Club 7:30pm24MS PTA Curr. Mtg. 10amHS Sr. Citizen Tea 3-4:30pmMMS/POBMS Concert 7pm25Gr. 5-12 Progress Reports PostedHS Choir Concert 7pm26Friday Night Rec. 7-9pm2728Jan. SAT Reg. DeadlineWINTER RECESS2930 31NOVEMBER 2013S M T W T F SJANUARY <strong>2014</strong>S M T W T F S1 21 2 3 43 4 5 6 7 8 95 6 7 8 9 10 1110 11 12 13 14 15 1612 13 14 15 16 17 1817 18 19 20 21 22 2319 20 21 22 23 24 2524 25 26 27 28 29 3026 27 28 29 30 31DECEMBER 2013ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS PUBLICATION<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> John F. Kennedy HSHoward B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Elementary <strong>School</strong>HSMMSPOBMSOBParkway Elementary <strong>School</strong>Pasadena Elementary <strong>School</strong>Stratford Road Elementary <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Kindergarten CenterPKWYPASSRKC

January <strong>2014</strong>“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.”–Chinese ProverbSUNDAYDECEMBER 2013S M T W T F SMONDAYFEBRUARY <strong>2014</strong>S M T W T F STUESDAYWEDNESDAY1THURSDAY FRIDAY2 DAY 6 3DAY 1 4SATURDAY1 2 3 4 5 6 718 9 10 11 12 13 142 3 4 5 6 7 815 16 17 18 19 20 219 10 11 12 13 14 1522 23 24 25 26 27 2816 17 18 19 20 21 2229 30 3123 24 25 26 27 28HAPPY NEW YEARSCHOOLS CLOSEDFriday Night Rec. 7-9pm

DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 65 678910 11HS PTA Curr. Mtg. 1:45pmPTA Council Mtg. 7:30pm at OBKC Parent/Teacher Conf Makeup dateELEM PTA Curr. 9:30HS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmKC Picture RetakeOB/PAS/PKY/SR Parent/TeacherConf. makeup datePKWY PTA Mtg. 9:30amMMS/POBMS Incoming Gr. 8 ParentTransition Mtg. 7pmAll County Music Grade 5MMS/POBMS Parent/teacher conf.makeup dateNutrition Mtg. 9:30am at HSTransportation Mtg. 9:30amat Board roomHS Gr. 11/12Financial Aid Mtg. 7pmPAS PARP Kick OffHS Night of A Cappella 6:30, 8:30Friday Night Rec. 7-9pmACT Reg. DeadlineDAY 1DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 512 1314151617 18DECA Regional Comp.All County Music Gr. 5OB PTA Mtg. 9:30amAdult Ed. Open Reg. 6:30-8:30pmat POBMSBoard of Ed Mtg 7:45pmPAS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmPKWY Picture RetakeMS PTA Curr. Mtg. 10amTitle IX Mtg. 1:45 at HSHS Secko Basketball Tourn 2:30pmSR PTA Mtg. 7:30pmPAS PARP WeekALL COUNTY MUSIC GRADES 6-12KC PTA Mtg. 7:30pmAthletic Booster Club 7:30pmSR Heritage DayPAS PARP Guest Reader DayDAY 6 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 319 2021222324 25All County MusicGr. 6-12MARTIN LUTHERKING JR’S BIRTHDAYSCHOOLS CLOSEDMS Winter 2 Sports BeginSEPTA Mtg. 7:30pm at POBMSHS 101 at POBMS, Pd. 9HS Incoming Gr. 9 parent Mtg. 7pmMAPOB 7:30pm at MMSMMS PTA Mtg. 9:30amPOBMS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmDAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6DAY 126 2728293031KC PARP KickoffHS POB Idol 7pmOB Mad Science Family NightDAY 2SAT and Subject Tests AwayKC PARP EventBoard of Ed. Mtg. 7:45pmPTA President/Principals DinnerHS 101 at MMS 2pmMS PTA Curr. 10 am at Board roomKC Book FairMid-term/Regents ExamsGr. 5-12 Marking Period EndsGr. 8 HS VisitHealth Advisory Mtg.12pm at Board roomPAS Gr. 1&2 Family Night 6-8pmFriday Night Rec. 7-9pmkc PARP WEEKJANUARY <strong>2014</strong>ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS PUBLICATION<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> John F. Kennedy HSHoward B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Elementary <strong>School</strong>HSMMSPOBMSOBParkway Elementary <strong>School</strong>Pasadena Elementary <strong>School</strong>Stratford Road Elementary <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Kindergarten CenterPKWYPASSRKC

February <strong>2014</strong>“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”–Benjamin FranklinSUNDAYJANUARY <strong>2014</strong>MONDAYMARCH <strong>2014</strong>TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY1SATURDAYS M T W T F SS M T W T F S1 2 3 415 6 7 8 9 10 112 3 4 5 6 7 812 13 14 15 16 17 189 10 11 12 13 14 1519 20 21 22 23 24 2516 17 18 19 20 21 2226 27 28 29 30 3123 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31

DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 12 34567 8Gr. 5-12 Marking Period BeginsArts in Ed. Mtg. 9:30am at MMSHS PTA Curr. 1:45HS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmPTA Council 7:30pm at SRPOBMS Drama Cadets 4:30pmMMS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmFriday Night Rec. 7-9pmPOBMS Drama Cadets 7:30pmMar. SAT Reg. Deadline9DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 510 11121314DAY 6 15POBMS Drama Cadets 7:30pmBoard of Ed. Mtg. 7:45pmHS Orchestra Exchange Concert7:30pmGr. 5-12 Reports Cards PostedELEM PTA Curr. Mtg. 9:30amOrchestra Exchange snow dateOB PTA Mtg. 7:30pmPOBMS Spirit and Tolerance WeekNutrition Mtg 9:30am at HSHS Band Concert 7pmFriday Night Rec. 7-9pm16 171819202122*Additional Inclement WeatherDay #5Inclement WeatherDay #4MID-WINTER RECESSDAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 423 2425 262728DAY 5Adult Ed. Spring Classes BeginBoard of Ed. Mtg. 7:45pmPTA Chili Cook-off 6pm at HSAthletic Booster Club Mtg. 7:30pmTitle IX Mtg. 1:45 at HSSEPTA Mtg. 7:30pm at POBMSHS Battle WeekPOBMS PTA Mtg. 9:30amPTA Mah Jongg Tourn. 7pm at OBHS Battle of the Classes 3pmFriday Night Rec. 7-9pmLISFA Gr. 5-7FEBRUARY <strong>2014</strong>ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS PUBLICATION<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> John F. Kennedy HSHoward B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Elementary <strong>School</strong>HSMMSPOBMSOBParkway Elementary <strong>School</strong>Pasadena Elementary <strong>School</strong>Stratford Road Elementary <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Kindergarten CenterPKWYPASSRKC

March <strong>2014</strong>“<strong>The</strong> goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.”–John F. KennedySUNDAYFEBRUARY <strong>2014</strong>S M T W T F SMONDAYAPRIL <strong>2014</strong>S M T W T F STUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY1SATURDAY11 2 3 4 52 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 286 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30LISFA Gr. 5-7

DAY 6 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 42 34567 8LISFA Gr. 5-7HS Spring Sports Begin(except Tennis and Golf )PKWY PTA Mtg. 7:30pmHS PTA Curr. 1:45pmParent Univ. 6:15pm at MMSELEM PTA Curr. 9:30amMS PTA Curr. 10amGr. 3 Concert at SRPTA Council 7:30pm at KCTransportation Mtg. 9:30amat Board roomPAS Gr. 3 Hoedown 6-8pmHS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmDECA State ConferencePAS PTA Mtg. 9:30amPKWY Family Night 6-8pmOB Wingo 7pmFriday Night Rec. 7-9pmApr. ACT Reg. DeadlineDAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 39 1011121314 15SAT AwayHS Tennis BeginsOB PTA Mtg. 9:30amBoard of Ed. Mtg. 7:45pmMMS/POBMS Incoming Gr. 7Parent Mtg. 7pmFounder’s Day 6:15pmSR – PARP WEEKNutrition Mtg. 9:30am at HSMMS/POBMS Incoming Gr. 6Parent Mtg. 7pmAthletic Booster Club 7:30pmGr. K-4 Marking Period EndsNYSSMA Piano FestivalKC Family Night 6:30pmHS SING 7pmFriday Night Rec. 7-9pmDAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 1 DAY 216 17181920 2122NYSSMA Piano FestivalHS SING 7pm2330Gr. K-4 Marking Period BeginsHS Golf BeginsBoard of Ed. 7:45pm24OB/PAS/PKY/SR Parent/Teacherconf. AMMMS/POBMS PTA Mtg. 7:3031MS Spring Sports BeginArts in Ed. Mtg. 9:30am at MMSFoundation Dinner 6pmHS Gr. 11 College Roundtable 7pmSR PTA Mtg. 7:30pmOB/PAS/PKY/SR Parent/teacherConf. aft & evePAS/PKWY/SR Staff AppreciationGr. 5-12 Progress Reports PostedKC PTA Mtg. 9:30amHS 101 at POBMS 2:45pmSt. Baldrick’s Event 3-7pm at TBDMAPOB Instrument Petting Zoo at MMS Musical 4:30pmPOBMS 7:30pmSEPTA Mtg. 7:30 at POBMSOB PARP WEEK25DAY 426DAY 5 DAY 6DAY 327DAY 2OB/PAS/SR/PKWY Book FairOB/PAS/PKY/SR1/2 DAY DISMISSALKC Parent/Teacher Conf, AMTitle IX 1:45 at HSHS 101 at MMS 2pmPOBMS Charity Volleyball Game 7pmHS College Essay Night 7pmKC 1/2 DAY DISMISSALKC Parent/Teacher Conf. aft & evePAS Spring PicturesKC Staff AppreciationSpecial Ed. Parent Mtg., Gr. 4/57pm; Gr. 8/9 8:15 pm at HSGr. K-4 Report Cards PostedOB/PAS/PKWY/SR Book FairMMS Musical 7:30pmFriday Night Rec. 7-9pmDAY 128 29MMS Musical 7:30pmHealth Advisory Mtg. 12pmat Board roomNYSSMA Classical Guitar FestivalMARCH <strong>2014</strong>ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS PUBLICATION<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> John F. Kennedy HSHoward B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Elementary <strong>School</strong>HSMMSPOBMSOBParkway Elementary <strong>School</strong>Pasadena Elementary <strong>School</strong>Stratford Road Elementary <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Kindergarten CenterPKWYPASSRKC

April <strong>2014</strong>“<strong>The</strong> best way to predict your Future is to create it.”–Abraham LincolnSUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY1DAY 32DAY 43DAY 54FRIDAYDAY 65SATURDAYGr. 5-12 Marking Period EndsPTA Council 7:30pm at POBMSGr. 3-8 ELA ExamGr. 5-12 Marking Period BeginsHS Moot Court Tourn.PAS Parents Night OutOB Parents Night OutPKWY Parents Night OutHS SR SHOW 7pmMay SAT Reg. DeadlineSr. Citizen Prom 5-8pmSEPTA Fun Day

DAY 1DAY 2 DAY 36 78910 DAY 4 11DAY 5 12PKWY PTA Mtg. 9:30amBoard of Ed. Mtg. 7:45pmBudget AdoptionHS Nat’l Art HS Induction 3pmHS College Fair 7pmKC PTA Mtg. 7:30pmMS PTA Curr. 10amNYSESLAT Speaking Exam BeginsMMS/POBMS Incoming Gr. 5 ParentMtg. 7pmHS SADD Blood DriveHS Senior Portraits Class of 2015PAS PTA Mtg. 9:30amTransportation Mtg. 9:30amat Board roomHS Pre-prom Student /Parent Mtg.7pmPOBMS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmPOBMS BOOK FAIR13 14 15161718Gr. 5-12 Report Cards PostedGSA Day of SilenceACT Away19SPRING RECESS202122DAY 6 DAY 1 DAY 223 242526*Additional Inclement WeatherDay #627APRIL <strong>2014</strong>28HS PTA Curr. 1:45pmBoard of Ed. Mtg. 7:45pmSPRING RECESSHS Pre-prom Student/Parent Mtg7pmABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS PUBLICATIONSEPTA Mtg. 9:30am at POBMSHS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmHS Spring Musical 8pm at POBMSDAY 3 DAY 4DAY 5MARCH <strong>2014</strong>MAY <strong>2014</strong>29 30S M T W T F SS M T W T F SHS Orchestra Concert 7:30 pmGr. 3-8 Math ExamMMS/SR PTA Mtg. 9:30amHS Spring Musical 4:30pm at POBMSAthletic Booster Club 7:30pm at HSOB PTA Mtg. 7:30pm<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> John F. Kennedy HSHoward B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Elementary <strong>School</strong>HS Spring Musical 8pm at POBMS2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31HSMMSPOBMSOB1Parkway Elementary <strong>School</strong>Pasadena Elementary <strong>School</strong>Stratford Road Elementary <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Kindergarten Center1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31PKWYPASSRKC

May <strong>2014</strong>“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”–Anthony J. D’AngeloSUNDAYAPRIL <strong>2014</strong>MONDAYJUNE <strong>2014</strong>TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY1 2FRIDAYDAY 6 DAY 13SATURDAYS M T W T F SS M T W T F S1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5 6 76 7 8 9 10 11 128 9 10 11 12 13 1413 14 15 16 17 18 1915 16 17 18 19 20 2120 21 22 23 24 25 2622 23 24 25 26 27 2827 28 29 3029 30HS NHS Induction 7pmKC PTA Mtg. 7:30pm NYSSMA Solo Festival Levels 1-6Gr. 3-8 Math ExamSAT & Subject Tests at POBJFK HSNYSSMA Solo Festival Levels 1-6DECA International Conf.

DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 64 56789 10NYSESLAT Listening, Reading &Writing Exam BeginsPAS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmELEM PTA Curr. 9:30amPOBMS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmDECA International Conf.PKWY PTA Mtg. 9:30amBoard of Ed. Mtg. Budget Hearing7:45pmMMS Book FairNutrition Mtg. 9:30am at HSPTA Council Mtg. 7:30pm at PKWYMAPOB 7:30pm at MMSLittle Doctors Blood Drive at POBMSDAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4DAY 511 1213141516 17AP ExamsNYSSMA All State Solo FestivalPAS Talent Show 6:30pmJune ACT/SAT Reg. DeadlinePKWY/PAS/SR/POBMS Plant SaleOB Plant SaleNYSSMA All State Solo FestivalSEPTA/Athletic BoosterTrack and Field DayOB PTA Mtg. 9:30amHS PTA Curr. 1:45pmPKWY/OB Concert 7pmHS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmPKWY Fitness Day (Rain Date 6/10)HS Science Honor Soc. Induction 3pmBoard of Ed. Mtg. 7:45pmKC Field Day (Rain Date 5/21)MMS/POBMS Concert 7pmHS YAC Garden Party 2:30pmELEM Art Expo, 4-5:30pm at POBMSSR/PAS Field Day Rain DateSEPTA Mtg. 7:30 at POBMSNYSSMA Major OrganizationSR Incoming Gr. 1 Mtg. 9:45amTitle IX Ceremony 1:30pmat Board roomHS Drama Class Production 7pmPTA Council Candidates Night7pm at POBMSAP EXAMSGr. 4 & 8 SciencePerformance TestKC Field Day Rain DatePOBMS Staff AppreciationMS PTA Curr. 10amHS 101 at POBMS, pd. 9HS Research Symposium 5:30-8pmMMS/POBMS Concert, 7pmAthletic Booster Club 7:30pmPAS Field Day (Rain Date 5/20)OB Staff AppreciationMMS Concert 7pmPAS/SR Concert 7pmGr. 5-12 Progress Reports PostedSR Field Day (Rain Date 5/20)PAS Incoming Gr. 1 Mtg. 9:45amNYSESLAT Exams EndHS Night of A Cappella 6:30, 8:30DAY 6 DAY 1 DAY 218 1920212223 24252627Voter Registration12pm-9pmSCHOOL BUDGET VOTE6am-9pmInclement WeatherDay #1DAY 3 DAY 428 2930Inclement WeatherDay #2DAY 5HS Junior Gala 7-11pm31MEMORIAL DAYSCHOOL CLOSEDInclement WeatherDay #3MMS/SR PTA Mtg. 9:30amHS 101 at MMS 2pmKC Incoming Parent Orientation6:30pmHS Underclass Award Ceremony 7pmHS Student Govt AssemblyHS Business Honor Soc. Induction3pmKindergarten ScreeningGr. 4 and Gr. 8 Science Performance TestOB Field Day (Rain Date 6/6)HS Student Gov’t. ElectionsHealth Advisory Mtg.12pmat Board roomSR Family PicnicMAY <strong>2014</strong>ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS PUBLICATION<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> John F. Kennedy HSHoward B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Elementary <strong>School</strong>HSMMSPOBMSOBParkway Elementary <strong>School</strong>Pasadena Elementary <strong>School</strong>Stratford Road Elementary <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Kindergarten CenterPKWYPASSRKC

June <strong>2014</strong>“Today is your day; your mountain is waiting, so get on your way.”–Dr. SuessSUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAYDAY 6DAY 1Day 2Day 3DAY 41 23 4 5 6 7SATURDAYGR. 4 & 8 ScienceWritten TestCommon CoreRegents Exam,Algebra – am;ELA - pmMMS Gr. 8 Studio Art ExhibitArts in Ed. Mtg. 9:30am at MMSBd. Of Ed. Mtg. 7:45pmHS DECA Year End Assembly 3pmHS Band Concert 7pmHS Senior Award/ScholarshipCeremony 7pmKindergarten ScreeningTransportation Mtg. 9:30amat Board room<strong>District</strong> Jazz Concert 7pmHS Orchestra Tea 2pmHS ASSA Soccer Tourn.OB Field Day Rain DatePKWY Family Picnic 6-8pmOB Family Picnic 5pmSAT and Subject Tests at POBJFK HS

DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 38 910111213 14PKWY Gr. 4 CarnivalDECA Kickball Tourn (Rain Date 6/10)PKWY PTA Mtg. 7:30pmDECA Kickball Rain DatePKWY Fitness Day Rain DateHS Choir Concert 7pm<strong>District</strong>-Wide Social Skills in our<strong>School</strong>s Celebration 7pm at SRKC PTA Mtg. 9:30amHS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmHS & MS Earth Science Lab Practical ExamGr. 8 Studio Art Show 6-7pm at POBMS<strong>The</strong>spian Honor Soc. Induction 5pmAthletic Booster Club Mtg/elections7:30pmOB PTA Mtg. 7:30pmPKWY Gr. 4 Year End EventPAS PTA Mtg. 9:30amHS Sign and Dine 2:30pmChoir Formal 5-8pmPAS Family Night 6-8pmSR CircusOB/PKWY Picnic Rain DateDAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 1 DAY 215 1617181920 21ACT at POBJFK HSRelay for Life at POBMS5 pm -12 midnight<strong>District</strong>-wide Celebration ofTeaching & Learning 3:45pmat Board roomBoard of Ed. Mtg. 7:45pmPTA Council Mtg. 7:30pm at HSKC Moving Up Day morn/aftAthletic Booster Club Dinner6:30pmPOBMS/MMS PTA Mtg. 7:30pmHS Final/Regents ExamsPAS Gr. 4 PartySR PTA Mtg. 9:30amSEPTA Mtg. 7:30 at POBMSMMS/POBMS Gr. 8Farewell Party 7-9pmPAS Family Night Rain DateSR Gr. 4 PartyDAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 122 2324252627 28Gr. K-8 Regrouping DayGr. K-8 Half Day DismissalLAST DAY OF CLASSESALL STUDENTSEARLY DISMISSAL29MMS Gr. 8 BreakfastHS Graduation Rehearsal11am Tilles CenterPTA Outgoing Presidents Dinner30PAS Moving Up Day 9:45amOB Moving Up Day 9:45amPKWY Moving Up Day 9:45amSR Moving Up Day 10:00amHS FinalS/Regents ExamsOB Gr. 4 BreakfastHS Senior PromGr. K-4 Report Cards PostedGr. K-12 Marking Period EndsPKWY/SR Gr. 4 BreakfastMMS Moving Up Day 8:30amPOBMS Moving Up Day 10amMAY <strong>2014</strong>S M T W T F SJULY <strong>2014</strong>S M T W T F S1 2 31 2 3 4 54 5 6 7 8 9 106 7 8 9 10 11 1211 12 13 14 15 16 1713 14 15 16 17 18 1918 19 20 21 22 23 2420 21 22 23 24 25 26HS Graduation 1pm at Tilles Center25 26 27 28 29 30 3127 28 29 30 31JUNE <strong>2014</strong>ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS PUBLICATION<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> John F. Kennedy HSHoward B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Elementary <strong>School</strong>HSMMSPOBMSOBParkway Elementary <strong>School</strong>Pasadena Elementary <strong>School</strong>Stratford Road Elementary <strong>School</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Kindergarten CenterPKWYPASSRKC

July <strong>2014</strong>SUNDAYMONDAY1TUESDAYWEDNESDAY23THURSDAYFRIDAY4 5SATURDAY6Gr. 5-12 Report Cards Posted7 891011 1213 14 15161718 1920 21 22232425 2627 28293130 JUNE <strong>2014</strong>S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30AUGUST <strong>2014</strong>S M T W T F S1 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3031

<strong>August</strong> <strong>2014</strong>SUNDAYJULY <strong>2014</strong>S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31MONDAYSEPTEMBER <strong>2014</strong>S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY SATURDAY1 234 5678 910 11 12131415 1617 18 19202122 2324 25 2627 28293031

Attendance Policy<strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> iscommitted to the success of all its students. A criticalcomponent of academic success is coming to school ona regular, consistent basis. Students who are in schooleach day, all day, learn in a consistent, orderly way. <strong>The</strong>yapply the knowledge they have gained one day to the newinsights and understanding they will gain in the next day.A disruptive attendance pattern interferes with the continuityof instruction that is essential to the learning process. <strong>The</strong>reis simply no substitute for being in class: to listen, toparticipate, to question, to experiment, to challenge. <strong>The</strong>stimulation of being in a classroom with other learners,guided by a knowledgeable, insightful teacher, is at thecore of a sound education. Learning builds day by day, andconsistent attendance is vital to make learning meaningful.In order to encourage students to achieve excellence intheir attendance habits, and thereby provide themselveswith the best opportunity to succeed in school, the Boardof Education, has adopted the following attendance policy.In accordance with New York State Law, the Boardof Education requires that students attend school full timefrom the age of six (6) years old until the last day of theschool year in which they turn sixteen (16), unless thestudent has completed an approved four-year high schoolcourse of study.<strong>The</strong> following is a summary of the district’s attendancepolicy. <strong>The</strong> full text is available from your schoolprincipal, or on the district’s web site: www.pobschools.org.Excused and Unexcused AbsencesIf a student is absent from school for all or part ofthe school day, the student must provide a reason for theabsence to the building principal or his/her designee. <strong>The</strong>building principal or his/her designee shall then determinewhether the absence is considered excused or unexcused.Excused AbsencesA. <strong>The</strong> district recognizes the following absences as“excused” absences:• Family death, illness, or emergency• Student illness• Chronic/Extended Illness• Pre-arranged appointments with the court, socialservice agencies or other state agencies as well asappointments with health care providers that cannotbe scheduled outside of school hours.• Religious observances, exclusive of religiousinstruction• Approved college visits (with documentation)• Suspensions• Exceptional circumstances: <strong>The</strong> principal mayapprove a pre-arranged absence where the absencefrom attendance is in the best interests of the studentand his/her family. Approval for such absences mustbe requested of the principal in writing. In extenuatingcircumstances that are supported by adequatedocumentation, the principal may approve anexceptional circumstance after it has occurred.B. Documentation of AbsencesAbsences for any of the aforementioned reasons maybe considered excused by the building principal or his/her designee upon receipt of a written, signed explanationfrom the student’s parent(s)/person(s) in parental relation,together with any supporting documentation that maybe required. This information should be submitted to theschool immediately by the student or parent/person inparental relation upon return from his/her absence and inno case later than within five (5) school days upon thestudent’s return.C. Make-up Work for Excused AbsencesStudents with properly excused absences will be giventhe opportunity and are expected to make up all missedwork. It is the responsibility of students to arrange makeupwork/tests with their teachers. All work missed mustbe satisfactorily completed by a date set by the student’steacher(s) for the class(es) in which the absence(s)occurred. Students who fail to make up all missed workresulting from an excused absence will have that absenceconverted to an unexcused absence.Unexcused AbsencesAbsences for any reason other than those set forth as“excused absences” under this policy, shall be considered“unexcused.”Students who leave early or arrive late for any otherreason than those set forth as “excused absences” underthis policy, shall be considered “unexcused.”Nonattendance Disciplinary SanctionsDenial of Course CreditA student will be denied course credit when he/she hasexceeded eighteen (18) absences for a full year course orexceeded nine (9) absences for a half year course exclusiveof absences for approved school sponsored trips andactivities and pre-arranged school appointments.However, if the absences are determined to be theresult of “unexcused” absences i.e. truancy/cutting, astudent will be denied credit when he/she has exceededsix (6) “unexcused” absences per full year course orexceeded four (4) “unexcused” absences per half year.In the middle school, 7th and 8th grade studentswho fall below the minimum standards for attendancewill be given a grade of “incomplete.” Students given anincomplete grade must attend summer school to earn a finalgrade. For courses not offered in summer school, studentsmust satisfactorily complete, over the summer, anindependent project under the supervision of the principalor his/her designee.In summer school, absences in excess of three (3)will result in denial of credit. Lateness of less than fifteenminutes will be considered 1/4 absence, and those in excessof fifteen minutes will be considered 1/2 absence.Other Disciplinary Sanctions Include:• Ineligibility for co-curricular and interscholasticactivity• Ineligibility for driver’s education• Detention or in-school suspension• Ineligibility for student parking• Ineligibility for summer school registrationPhysical Education AttendancePlease note that this policy was under review atthe time that the calendar was printed. For the mostup-to-date attendance policy, please visit our websiteat POB<strong>School</strong>s.org”. Students who exceed three (3)absences in a quarter in physical education class willreceive a failing grade for that quarter. For the purposes ofattendance, Physical Education will be considered a fullyear course that meets every other day.Appeals ProcessStudents faced with loss of credit in a course due toabsence may bring their appeals before the principal orhis/her designee no later than five (5) school days afterbeing informed of the decision to withhold credit orinvoke sanctions.An appeal of the principal’s decision may be made tothe Superintendent of <strong>School</strong>s.Students With DisabilitiesStudents with disabilities who receive unexcusedabsences shall be referred to the CSE or Section 504 team.Students Past the Age of CompulsoryAttendanceA student who is past the compulsory age ofattendance may be dropped from enrollment if he/she hasbeen absent for twenty (20) consecutive days.

Our Education Program<strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> educational programat all district schools goes beyond the minimalrequirements established by New York State. Inaddition to providing a basic, district-wide curriculumthat is both nurturing and demanding, all elementaryand middle schools also develop special programsdesigned to meet the individual needs of their students.Our high school offers many programs: collegepreparatory, business, vocational, etc. More than 96%of the high school graduates go on to institutions ofhigher learning, including a large number of the moreselective four year colleges. An extensive variety ofcourse offerings enables students of greatly varyinginterests and abilities to find suitable programs.Qualified students may choose from a number ofadvanced placement courses. Students are encouragedto supplement their academic requirements with avariety of elective courses, which may include business,vocational and career offerings. Colleges, it should benoted, are interested in a well-rounded student whosehigh school experiences go beyond the academicrequirements.A district-wide effort of staff development for teachersfocuses on improving instruction by providing staff withthe best of current educational research and practice.Gifted Program<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> has a program for giftedstudents called Project Challenge. <strong>The</strong> selection ofstudents is based upon teacher recommendation,informal assessments and the child’s IQ. Screeningoccurs in the spring of 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade forparticipation the following year. Students in grades 3and 4 are pulled from their homeroom classes one daya week to attend; students in grades 5 and 6 attend on arotating schedule.Vocational EducationCommencing with the eleventh grade, studentsmay apply for approved technical or occupationalprograms in addition to their regular academic ortechnology subjects. <strong>The</strong> district cooperates withBOCES and other districts in meeting the needs ofvocational students. For additional details, parentsand students are encouraged to speak to guidancecounselors in the school.Music Education<strong>The</strong> music education program in <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong>is designed to provide students with opportunities toparticipate in music activities and experiences which willdevelop their understanding, appreciation and enjoyment ofmusic.<strong>The</strong> program includes general music, which is requiredof all students from kindergarten through 7th grade. Thisprogram introduces students to a variety of listening and“hands-on” experiences which draw from the musicalelements of rhythm, melody, harmony, form, tone, colorand expression. All 4 th grade students participate in chorus,and all students also have the opportunity to select a band ororchestra instrument for study in 4 th grade. Music teachersassist students in selecting an appropriate instrument.Students can continue to participate in large music groups,including chorus, band and orchestra through 12 th grade.Other opportunities exist for students to play in smallchamber ensemble groups. All performing groups presentday and evening school concerts for community enjoyment.Courses in elective music are offered to students ingrades 9-12. Course offerings include beginning andadvanced theory. High school students receive credit forelective courses and participation in performing musicorganizations.Some concerts may include holiday music. Please contactyour school’s music teacher if you have questions aboutconcert selections.Physical Education, Health,Athletics and RecreationA sequential K-12 Physical Education Program is inplace in the <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> schools. <strong>The</strong> curriculumgives students the opportunity to engage in diverse andchallenging activities which lead to positive, healthy lifestyles. Students in our high school also have the opportunityto select activities in fitness, adventure education and lifetimesports, the skills of which they can carry through their adultyears.Swim Programs are offered for students in our Saturdaymorning Instructional Swim Program. Saturday afternoonrecreational swims are available for the community, whileMonday and Wednesday recreational swims are reserved foradults.Our Intramural Programs, which are a direct outgrowth ofour physical education program, enjoy tremendous popularity.As students increase their skill development, they havean opportunity to participate in our Interscholastic Program,which presently consists of more than 90 teams in grades7-12. Our interscholastic programs are well attended andprovide an excellent opportunity for structured sportsactivities.Class Assignments and Testingon Religious HolidaysOur administrative procedures state that, whenpossible, no tests be given during religious holidays.Students who are absent for religious reasons will begiven an opportunity to make up any missed work,including homework assignments.Annual Asbestos NotificationIn accordance with 40CFR § 763.84.c, regardthis statement as the district’s annual notificationto all workers, students and/or their legal guardiansthat the district continues to maintain its AsbestosManagement Plan (AMP) which documents allperformed or planned asbestos related inspections,response actions, and post-response action activities,including periodic re-inspection and surveillanceactivities within the school district.A copy of this AMP is available for review and/orinspection at the district’s facilities office.Pesticide NotificationEducation Law 409-h requires that all publicand private schools in New York State establish apesticide notification procedure to inform parentsabout school pesticide practices and provide them theopportunity to be notified when pesticides are appliedin their children’s schools.It is the intent of the <strong>Plainview</strong> <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Central<strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> to continue to practice IntegratedPest Management (IPM) methods that do not employthe use of pesticides at your child’s school wheneverpossible. To maintain compliance with the requirementsof the law, the principal has been designatedas the contact person at your child’s school and he/she will keep you informed of all relevant issues. Inthe event the principal is not available, please callour Building and Grounds office (434- 3110) or Ms.Nadine Eiring (434-3074), <strong>District</strong> Safety Officer toassist you.

Holocaust/Genocide Studies CenterOne of the only centers of its kind to be housed ina high school library, the Holocaust/Genocide Centeris open to all residents during regular school hoursand also by appointment. Materials on the Holocaustand other acts of genocide may be borrowed and includebooks, videos, survivor testimonies, periodicals andpamphlets of interest to children and adults.<strong>District</strong> PublicationsOur district publication, Educational Horizons,is the official publication of the Board of Educationand highlights items of interest in our schools such as:board and budget information and news about staff,students and alumni. It is mailed to district residentsand is posted on our school district web site.Student publications abound in the district. Studenthandbooks, produced by the high school and the twomiddle schools, offer rules of conduct, regulations,student rights and responsibilities, and other importantinformation. In addition to the senior yearbook publishedby the high school, the high school and the middle schoolspublish their own newsletters and literary magazines.Other brochures describing programs, courses,college requirements and extra-curricular activitiesare given to students to take home, or are mailed toparents/residents, and are available online at www.pobschools.org.Adult Education ProgramPlease consult your Continuing Education brochurefor details regarding the fall and spring programs.<strong>The</strong>se programs are designed to appeal to a diversityof needs and interests in the community. Suggestionsfor new courses are always welcome. For furtherinformation, contact the Continuing Education Officeat 434-3122.Senior Citizens, 60 years of age and over, are given a50% discount on many courses. Proof of age is required.High school seniors may enroll in Adult Educationcourses at the senior citizen fee. Parental consent andapproval of the high school principal and guidancecounselor are required.Our Radio Station<strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Central <strong>School</strong><strong>District</strong> operates a radio station, WPOB 88.5 FM,which airs student produced programs that areeducational, informational and entertaining. <strong>The</strong> stationwill broadcast public service announcements fromcommunity organizations. Contact the department at434-3185 for details.Student ActivitiesA wide range of planned activities that takeplace outside of regular school hours is availableto students according to their interests and abilities.Such activities include sports, debates, plays, clubs,musical performances, social events, and additionalclubs organized as student interest indicates theneed. Information on such activities is available fromindividual schools, and where applicable, activities aredescribed in student handbooks and on our website.Pupil Personnel ServicesPupil Personnel Services is a team effort consistingof school guidance counselors, classroom teachers,psychologists, speech and language therapists, specialeducation teachers, social workers, related serviceproviders, AND YOU, THE PARENT, workingtogether to help your child. If you have a question andwish to speak with a member of the department, pleasecall 434-3020.Parents of students with disabilities who areparentally placed in non-public schools must requestspecial education services in writing to the schooldistrict of location by June 1 preceding the schoolyear for which the request for services is made, exceptthat when a student is first identified as a student witha disability after the first day of June preceding theschool year for which the request is made. In this casethe parent must submit the written request for serviceswithin 30 days after the student was first identified.Use of <strong>School</strong> BuildingsNon-profit organizations are granted the use ofschool facilities under appropriate circumstances.At least ten work days prior to the date on whicha facility is needed, an application form must befiled in the office of Buildings and Grounds (B&G).Information regarding fees and insurance requirementsmay be obtained from the B&G Department Office.Applications for the use of facilities will be acceptedby the Department of B&G during July. Assignmentsfor use of facilities at elementary schools will bepermitted two weeks after the start of school and fourweeks after the start of school for high school andmiddle schools.Child Care Program<strong>The</strong> Child Care Program is open to all districtstudents in Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Itprovides before and after school supervision on alldays in which school is in session. Each school has itsown child care facility enabling the children to remainin their building for the entire day. <strong>The</strong> before schoolportion of the program begins at 7:00 AM in eachschool* and runs until the beginning of the school day.<strong>The</strong> after school portion begins immediately after theschool days ends and runs until 6:00 PM at the Middle<strong>School</strong>s*, 6:15 PM at the Elementary <strong>School</strong>s, and6:30 PM at the Kindergarten Center.<strong>The</strong> Child Care Program provides a choice of cerealwith milk in the mornings and a snack with juice inthe afternoon. While at child care, the children willbe provided an opportunity to do homework andengage in various activities such as arts & crafts,reading, television/movies, or playing outdoors/indoors(weather and space permitting).Registration for the Program is open year-round.Additional information about the Child Care Programmay be found on the <strong>District</strong>’s website or by calling(516) 434-3124.Half-Day ProgramIndependent of the regular child care program, the<strong>District</strong>’s Half-Day Program is open to all districtstudents in Kindergarten through Fourth Grade for afee. Registration forms for the half-days will be senthome with the children a few weeks prior to the halfday.Additional information for the Half-Day Programcan be found on the Child Care page if the <strong>District</strong>’swebsite or by calling (516) 434-3124.*Middle <strong>School</strong> Program is contingent upon registration.Working PapersWorking papers are required up to age eighteen.<strong>The</strong>y are issued in the Guidance Department ofPOBJFK High <strong>School</strong>, Monday to Friday, 1:30pm to3:00pm (except school holidays). Summer hours forJuly and <strong>August</strong> are Monday, Wednesday and Friday,8:00am to 12:00pm and Tuesday and Thursday,8:00am to 3:00pm. Applications are required andmay be obtained at both middle schools and the highschool. For further information, call 434-3150.

Smoke Free SubstanceUse/Abuse PolicyIt is the policy of the <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong><strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> to promote healthy life styles forstudents and staff using appropriate instructionalstrategies and to inhibit the use/abuse ofalcohol, tobacco, and other substances within itsjurisdiction. <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> is a substancefree district in which smoking is prohibited in allschool buildings and on school grounds. <strong>The</strong>refore,no person may use, possess, sell or distributealcohol or other substances, nor may use or possessdrug paraphernalia on school property or at schoolsponsored events, except drugs as prescribed by aphysician. Further, any person exhibiting behavior,conduct, or personal or physical characteristicsindicative of having used or consumed alcohol orother substances shall be prohibited from enteringschool grounds or school sponsored events.Dangerous Instruments andWeapons in <strong>School</strong><strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Board ofEducation, in order to provide a safe and healthyenvironment where students learn, has adopteda policy prohibiting dangerous instruments andweapons in school.Dangerous instruments, firearms, chemicals,explosive devices or weapons are prohibited fromschool grounds, buildings, buses and field trips.A weapon is any instrument capable ofinflicting bodily harm, such as, but not limitedto, Swiss army knives, pen knives, razor blades,switchblade knives, gravity knives, pilum ballisticknives, cane swords, electronic dart guns, chukkasticks and Kung Fu stars.Any student found guilty of bringing a firearmonto school premises shall be suspended fora period of one year, subject to review by theSuperintendent. In addition, he/she shall be referredto the appropriate criminal justice or juveniledelinquency authorities.Students who bring a weapon to school facea Principal’s suspension and the possibility of aSuperintendent’s suspension.Health Services and Guidelines<strong>The</strong> school nurse is responsible for the planning,coordination, and implementation of a health servicesprogram which meets all the requirements set forth inthe laws and Commissioner’s regulations. <strong>The</strong>se includeassessments of vision, hearing and scoliosis, and emergencycare procedures. A cumulative health record is maintained forall students. Registered nurses are available for consultationin all matters pertaining to the health and well-being of thestudents.Health ExaminationsIn addition to first aid and physical inspection, nurseskeep records of students’ height and weight as well as checkstudents’ vision and hearing each year. All students betweenthe ages of 8 and 16 are screened for scoliosis. Referrals aremade to private M.D.s whenever necessary.ImmunizationAccording to New York State law, students will not bepermitted to enter school or school-sponsored programs ifthey have not met the immunization requirements. Pleaseconsult your school nurse for a complete list of diseasesrequiring immunization.Contact Information CardIt is most important that the contact information cardgiven to your child at the beginning of the school year bereturned to the school nurse, listing the name and telephonenumber of two responsible adults (one of whom must livein <strong>Plainview</strong> or <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong>) who are to be notified if youare not readily available. <strong>The</strong> individuals you choose for thisresponsibility should be available to come to school duringthe day to pick up your child if necessary. <strong>The</strong> annual healthsurvey on the back of the card must also be completed.PLEASE UPDATE YOUR CONTACTINFORMATION CARD AS NECESSARY.MedicationIf medication prescribed by your physician must be takenduring school hours, please contact the school nurse. <strong>The</strong>school may not give your child any medication (includingover the counter) unless there is written direction by thefamily physician and parent.OtherIt is not uncommon for schools to have occasionalincidents of head lice. Please encourage your child not toshare combs, hats, and other personal items. <strong>The</strong> school nursemust be informed immediately if your child has head licein order to check the entire class. Please contact the schoolnurse if you have any questions about detection or treatment.Parents will be notified by the school nurse should anyproblems arise. Please feel free to contact the school nurse ifyou have any questions or concerns.Child Abuse and MaltreatmentEach year more than a million children in the UnitedStates are subjected to severe neglect or the agony ofphysical, sexual, or emotional abuse. To report suspectedchild abuse or maltreatment, call the NEW YORKSTATE CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE at 800-342-3720.<strong>The</strong> calls are completely anonymous.Child Find Statement<strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Central <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>recognizes its responsibility to provide a free andappropriate public education to eligible students withdisabilities within its geographical boundaries. <strong>The</strong><strong>District</strong> has a “child find” process that is designed tolocate, identify and evaluate children with disabilitiesresiding within its geographical boundaries preschoolthrough grade 12 or through age 21 if they have notreceived a high school diploma.If you know of a child who lives within the boundariesof the <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Central <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>and attends school in the <strong>District</strong> who may be inneed of special education and/or related services,please contact the <strong>District</strong>’s Office of Pupil PersonnelServices for further information regarding the referraland evaluation process. If the student is a school agestudent who attends a non-public private school thatis not located within the geographical boundaries of the<strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, the student may need to be referred to theschool district in which the non-public school is locatedin order to receive services during the regular schoolyear. Please contact that school district for informationregarding time deadlines for requests for services.<strong>The</strong> <strong>District</strong>’s Child Find process extends to studentswith physical or mental impairments that substantiallylimit a major life activity. Such students may be eligiblefor services or accommodations pursuant to Section 504of the Rehabilitation Act. Section 504 is a Federal civilrights statute that prohibits discrimination againstpersons with disabilities and programs receivingFederal financial assistance. Please contact yourchild’s building assistant principal for moreinformation regarding Section 504 eligibility andservices.

No Child Left Behind ActAccording to the No Child Left Behind Act,parents can request information regarding theprofessional qualifications of their child’s teachers.Information such as licensing criteria, certificationstatus, undergraduate degree major and graduatecertificates, if applicable, can be provided to allparents. Parents wishing to receive this informationshould contact the principal of their child’s school.Title IX CommitteeMission Statement<strong>The</strong> purpose of this committee is to develop,strengthen, and raise awareness of gender equitythrough education and communication.We accomplish this by securing and promotingcelebrations of women’s achievements that fostergender equity, distributing materials, monitoring issueswithin the school community, and encouraging studentparticipation in all endeavors toward this goal.Cafeteria<strong>The</strong> food service program sponsored by the Boardof Education is a self-sustaining operation. All schoolshave a complete hot and cold food service.Bus Transportation<strong>The</strong> Bus Transportation Policy for the 2013-<strong>2014</strong>school year is:K-8 All students are eligible for bustransportation9-12 Students are eligible for bus transportationwho live more than 1 mile from schoolBus Schedule<strong>School</strong> bus stops and time schedules canbe obtained from the Transportation Office,Administration, Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong>.Transportation Requests Due April 1, <strong>2014</strong>In accordance with New York State EducationLaw and Board of Education policy, all requests fortransportation of children to private and parochialschools for the <strong>2014</strong>-2015 school year must besubmitted in writing no later than April 1, <strong>2014</strong>.Transportation request forms can be obtained fromthe Transportation Office, Administration Building,Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong>, or by calling 434-3074.Transportation authorization is not automatic orcontinuous from one school year to the next. Requestsmust be filed each year for each child requiringsuch transportation. A parent who plans to apply,or who has applied to private or parochial schoolsand is awaiting acceptance, should complete anapplication for each school the child might attend. <strong>The</strong>application(s) must be submitted no later than April 1,<strong>2014</strong>. In this way, the district may include the cost oftransporting the child in the operating budget.<strong>The</strong> policy of the Board of Education is to providetransportation to private and parochial schools no morethan fifteen (15) miles from the child’s home.Parking on <strong>School</strong> GroundsPlease be informed, the Nassau County Police willticket, without warning, all vehicles parked illegally.<strong>District</strong> driveways and parking lots have been postedin accordance with the appropriate Town of OysterBay ordinance and Nassau County Parking regulation.Enforcement is now the responsibility of the NCPD.In general, parking within 20 feet of any districtfacility, on the curb that is adjacent to any building andwithin a designated handicapped parking space withouta valid permit is in violation of the above referencedparking regulations.Students’ Records PolicyParents and eligible students have the followingrights under the Family Educational Rights andPrivacy Act (FERPA). <strong>The</strong>se include the right to:1. Be informed about the Family EducationalRights and Privacy Acts rights.2. Inspect and review the student’s educationrecord.3. Exercise a limited control over other peoples’access to the student’s education record.4. Seek to correct the student’s education record,in a hearing, if necessary.5. Report violations of the Family EducationalRights and Privacy Act to the Department of Health,Education and Welfare.Under the Family Educational Rights and PrivacyAct, no personally identifiable information about anystudent, other than information classified as studentdirectory information (i.e. name, address, grade,school, photographs) may be released to a particularperson or agency without the written consent of theparent. A parent who wishes to restrict access todirectory information must inform the principal inwriting by November 1. In the absence of such arequest, directory information will be made availableto an outside group upon the principal’s or district’sdiscretion, including the posting of student pictures onthe school district website. However, parental consentis not required for disclosure of any student records toschool officials with legitimate educational interests.In addition, upon request of another school districtin which the student seeks to enroll, the district willdisclose educational records.FERPA also enables parents of students to review,obtain copies (for a reasonable fee), and challengethe accuracy or fairness of the students’ educationalrecords. Information regarding specified procedures toobtain access to educational records can be obtainedthrough the office of each school or from the AssistantSuperintendent for Personnel, Administration andStaff Development. Complaints regarding the district’sfailure to make records available or to respondadequately to challenges about accuracy or fairnessshould be forwarded to the Superintendent’s office.Subsequent complaints may be filed in writing to <strong>The</strong>Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office,Department of Education, 330 Independence AvenueSW, Washington, DC 20201.

Parent-Teacher Organizations<strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> <strong>School</strong> district isgenerously and faithfully supported by the Parent-TeacherAssociations. Thanks to the PTA’s dedication to thewelfare of children and the cause of public education,this community has had an outstanding record of publicsupport for the highest quality education of our students.<strong>The</strong> PTA Council serves as a coordinating bodythat unites the efforts of the eight school-basedPTAs and SEPTA and the Project Challenge ParentAssociation. Membership of PTA Council is composedof delegates elected by each of these PTAs.<strong>The</strong> Parent-Teacher Associations seek to bringtogether the home, the school, and the community inorder to develop the cooperation necessary to securefor every child the highest advantages in physical,mental and social education. <strong>The</strong> PTAs extend a cordialwelcome to all parents to join their membership andattend their meetings which are listed in this calendar.Special Education Parent-Teacher Association(SEPTA) is a group of concerned people interestedin the welfare and education of children with specialneeds and their families. Anyone with questions orideas can contact SEPTA members. Everyone iswelcome to attend their meetings which are listed inthis calendar.PTA Council, 2013-<strong>2014</strong>President Cheryl Dender 935-9211First Vice President Kathy Rea 822-1993Administrative V. P. Natalie Drebsky 932-8642Budget/Financial V. P. Barbi Silverstone 942-3617Procedures/By-Laws V. P. Lydia Wieselthier 681-0439Founder’s Day V. P. Lauren Sackstein 465-2163Founder’s Day V. P. Margo Garcia 822-2408Communications V. P. Patrice Finkelstein 681-7894Recording Secretary Debbie Baer 293-8297Asst. Recording Secretary Elaine Strauss 396-1537Corresponding Secretary Debbie Edelstein 349-0609Asst. Corres. Secretary Lisa Moskowitz 501-0432Treasurer Eileen Dershowitz 938-8992Historian Randi Goldberg 931-2751Past President Cathy Shapp 939-6172PTA Unit Presidents, 2013-2013Kindergarten Center Priscilla Seidenberg 931-0247<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Jill Schecter 708-3090Parkway Jennifer Novis 367-1793Parkway Kristin Pilatsky 459-2543Pasadena Shari Corn 822-0089Stratford Road Kim Luxenberg 935-0656Mattlin MS Paula Barsky 367-6610POB MS Michelle Sicignano 336-5944POBJFK HS Andrea Goldman 931-9186SEPTA Marie Giulietti 938-5273SEPTA Linda Gould 938-0344PhotographsPhotographs and video footage of students are partof the district public relations program and may beincluded on our school district web site. Parental permissionis assumed unless the <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong><strong>District</strong> is contacted in writing by November 1, 2013.Please contact Sharon Lasher at 434-3125 with questions,comments or concerns.Questions and ConcernsIf you have questions or concerns about yourchild’s work, consult the classroom or subject teacher.Do this through the principal’s office. If your questionconcerns your child’s educational program at thesecondary level, consult his/her guidance counselor.If your concern is a matter of school procedure orfunction, consult the principal of your child’s school.Communicating with ParentsAll district schools issue reports designed to shareinformation with parents regarding students’ progress.<strong>The</strong>se reports are available electronically through ourInfinite Campus Parent Portal. Please contact the mainoffice of your child’s school for further information onaccess to the Parent Portal.Parents are urged to discuss these reports with theirchildren. When a child is experiencing difficulties,parents should contact the child’s teacher and/or guidancecounselor to determine the reason for the difficulties sothat a plan for improvement may be developed.In case of a school or district emergency the districtutilizes a telephone and electronic information systemcalled <strong>School</strong> Messenger.Parent Classroom VisitationsIn each of our schools there will be an opportunityfor parents to visit classrooms during regular instruction.<strong>The</strong>se visitations offer parents the opportunity to seetheir children in their actual learning environment.Details regarding the month and dates of visitations willbe made available to all parents in September.Statement on Sexual HarassmentSexual harassment is UNWANTED andunweLCOMED sexual behavior that interfereswith a student’s life. Sexual harassment is NOTflirting or other behaviors which are fun for everyoneinvolved.Sexual harassment makes at least one personinvolved feel uncomfortable. A female can beharassed by a male or by another female. A male canbe harassed by a female or another male.Inappropriate BehaviorVERBAL (Unwanted and Unwelcomed)• Comments about body parts or rating someone’sbody• Sexual suggestion or threats• Spreading sexual rumors or stories about aperson(s)• Sexual jokes• Conversations that are too personal• Insulting comments about sexual preference• Not stopping any of the above when asked to do soVISUAL (Unwanted and Unwelcomed)• Staring or pointing at a person’s body in a way thatis too personal• Displaying obscene sexual material or placing it insomeone’s locker or computer• Writing a person’s name along with sexualremarks, suggestions, or drawing in public places• Making obscene gestures• Drawing degrading graffitiPHYSICAL (Unwanted and Unwelcomed)• Grabbing, touching or pinching a person’s body• Tearing or pulling at a person’s clothing• Purposely bumping or brushing against someone• Kissing or holding a person against his or her will• Preventing someone from moving freelyThose who sexually harass others are subjectto disciplinary action, including referral to theSuperintendent.

Code of ConductPlease note that our Code of Conduct is currently beingrevised to reflect the most recent New York State changesto the Dignity for All Students Act. Please check ourwebsite at http://www.pobschools.org/domain/462 in theearly fall to access the most updated version.<strong>The</strong> Board of Education is committed to providinga safe and orderly school environment where studentsreceive and district personnel deliver quality educationalservices without disruption or interference.Responsible behavior by students, teachers, other<strong>District</strong> personnel, parents and other visitors is essential toachieving this goal.<strong>The</strong> district has a long-standing set of expectations forconduct on school property and at school functions.<strong>The</strong>se expectations are based on the principles of civility,mutual respect, citizenship, character, tolerance, honestyand integrity.<strong>The</strong> Board recognizes the need to clearly define theseexpectations for acceptable conduct on school property,to identify the possible consequences of unacceptableconduct, and to ensure that discipline when necessary isadministered promptly and fairly. To this end, the Boardadopted a code of conduct.Unless otherwise indicated, this code applies to allstudents, school personnel, parents and other visitors whenon school property or attending a school functionStudent Rights<strong>The</strong> district is committed to safeguarding the rightsgiven to all students under state and federal law. Inaddition, to promote a safe, healthy, orderly and civilschool environment, all district students have the rightto:1. <strong>The</strong> opportunity to take part in all district activitiesfree of prohibited discrimination, harassment, andbullying in conformity with the law regardless of actual orperceived race, color, weight, disability, national origin,ethnic group, religion practice, gender, sex or sexualorientation or disability.2. Present their version of the relevant events to schoolpersonnel authorized to impose a disciplinary consequencein connection with the imposition of a penalty.3. Access school rules and, when necessary,receive an explanation of those rules from schoolpersonnel.All district students have the responsibility to:1. Contribute to maintaining a safe and orderly schoolenvironment that is conducive to learning and to showrespect to other persons and to property.2. Be familiar with and abide by all district policies,rules and regulations dealing with student conduct.3. Attend school every day unless they are legallyexcused and be in class, on time, and prepared to learn.4. Work to the best of their ability in all academic andextracurricular pursuits and strive toward their highest levelof achievement possible.5. React to direction given by teachers, Administratorsand other school personnel in a respectful, positive manner.6. Work to develop mechanisms to control their anger.7. Ask questions when they do not understand.8. Seek help in solving problems.9. Dress appropriately for school and school functions.10. Accept responsibility for their actions.11. Conduct themselves as representatives of the districtwhen participating in or attending school-sponsoredextracurricular events and to hold themselves to the higheststandards of conduct, demeanor, and sportsmanship.12. Tell a responsible adult if one hears thatanother student is going to cause harm to others.Student Dress CodeAll students are expected to dress in a manner that,in the judgment of the faculty and administration, is safe,appropriate and does not disturb or interfere with theeducational process. <strong>The</strong> wearing of hats, clothing or attirewhich bear items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous ordenigrate others on account of race, color, religion, creed,national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disabilityare prohibited. Additionally, dress should not promoteor endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs,or gang related affiliation, or encourage other illegal orviolent activities. Furthermore, all underwear must becompletely covered. Students that violate the dress codeshall be required to modify their appearance by covering orremoving the offending item and, if necessary or practical,replace it with an acceptable item. Any student who refusesto do so shall be subject to disciplinary action up to andincluding in-school suspension for the day. Any studentwho repeatedly fails to comply with the dress code shallbe subject to further discipline up to and including out-ofschoolsuspension.Prohibited Student Conduct<strong>The</strong> Board of Education expects all students toconduct themselves in an appropriate and civil manner withregard to the rights and welfare of other students, districtpersonnel and other members of the school community,and other individuals lawfully on school property and withregard to the care of school facilities and equipment.<strong>The</strong> best discipline is self-imposed, and students mustlearn to assume and accept responsibility for their ownbehavior, as well as the consequences of their misbehavior.<strong>District</strong> personnel who interact with students are expectedto use disciplinary action only when necessary and to placeemphasis on educating students so that the students maygrow in self-discipline.<strong>The</strong> Board recognizes the need to make itsexpectations for student conduct while on school propertyor engaged in a school function specific and clear. <strong>The</strong>rules of conduct listed below are intended to do that andfocus on safety and respect for the rights and propertyof others. Students who will not accept responsibilityfor their own behavior or students who violate this Codeof Conduct’s school policies and rules, and/or violateFederal, New York State or Nassau County law will berequired to accept the consequences for their conductwhich may include disciplinary penalties.Students may be subject to disciplinary action up toand including suspension from school, when they:A. Engage in conduct that is disorderly Examples ofdisorderly conduct include but are not limited to:1. Running in hallways.2. Making unreasonable noise.3. Using language or gestures that is profane, lewd,vulgar or abusive.4. Obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic.5. Engaging in any willful act which disrupts thenormal operation of the school community.6. Bullying, harassment discrimination, physical,verbal, or non-verbal intimidation, threats, abuse,relational aggression or cyber-bullying of other studentsincluding, but not limited to any such conduct basedon a person’s actual or perceived race, color, weight,disability, national origin, ethnic group, religion,religious practice, gender, sex or sexual orientation.7. Trespassing. Students are not permitted in any schoolbuilding, other than the ones they regularly attend,without permission from the administrator in charge ofthe building.8. Computer/electronic communications misuse,including any unauthorized use of <strong>District</strong> computers,software, or Internet/ Intranet account; or any otherviolation of the <strong>District</strong>’s acceptable use policy andguidelines, e.g. sharing of personal passwords oraccessing unauthorized web sites.B. Engage in conduct that is insubordinate.C. Engage in conduct that is disruptive.D. Engage in conduct that is violent. Examples of violentconduct include but are not limited to:1. Committing an act of violence, attempting tocommit an act of violence and/or threatening to commitan act of violence (including but not limited to hitting,kicking, punching, spitting or scratching) upon ateacher, administrator or other school officer, agent,student, employee or any other person lawfully onschool property.2. Possessing a weapon, displaying what appears to bea weapon or threatening to use any weapon.

3. Intentionally damaging or destroying the personalproperty or school district property.E. Engage in any on or off-campus conduct that endangersthe safety, morals, physical or mental health, and welfareof others or substantially disrupts or interferes with theeducational process or school environment. Examples ofsuch conduct include but are not limited to:1. Lying.2. Stealing.3. Reckless conduct.4. Defamation.5. Discrimination.6. Harassment or Bullying.7. Intimidation.8. Hazing.9. Selling, using or possessing obscene material.10. Using vulgar or abusive language, cursing,spitting or swearing.11. Smoking.12. Possessing, consuming, selling, distributing orexchanging alcoholic beverages or illegal substances, orbeing under the influence of either. Possessing selling,exchanging or distributing drug paraphernalia.13. Inappropriately possessing, consuming, selling,sharing prescriptions and/or over-the-counter drugs.14. Inappropriately possessing, consuming, selling,sharing, using, distributing, and/or exchanging controlledsubstances, and/or synthetic cannabinoids.15. Gambling.16. Indecent exposure.17. Initiating a report warning of fire or other catastrophe.18. Sexual harassment as defined by Board Policy#7531.19. Cyber-bullying “Cyber-bullying is the use ofelectronic information and communication devices suchas e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, social/electronic media, mobile phones, pagers and defamatorywebsites to bully or otherwise harass an individual orgroup through personal attacks or other means.”20. Threatening, hazing, or harassing officers or agents,students or school personnel over the internet, or by anyother means of electronic communication.21. Using message boards, and/or social electronicmedia to convey threats, derogatory comments or postpornographic pictures of students or school personnel.22. Verbal, written or graphic statements,communications, expressions or illustrations that arethreatening to person or property.23. Bullying, harassment and discrimination as set forthin the <strong>District</strong>’s Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy#7580.F. Engage in misconduct while on a school bus.G. Engage in any form of academic misconduct.H. Defacing, littering and vandalizing school property isillegal.Reporting ViolationsAll students are expected to promptly reportviolations of the code of conduct to a teacher, guidancecounselor, the building principal or his or her designee.Any student observing a student possessing a weapon,alcohol or illegal substance on school property or at aschool function shall report this information immediately toa teacher, the building principal, the principal’s designee orthe superintendent.Disciplinary ConsequencesStudents who are found to have violated the district’s Codeof Conduct may be subject to the following consequences,either alone or in combination.1. Oral warning2. Written warning3. Written notification to parent4. Detention5. Suspension from transportation6. Suspension from athletic participation7. Removal/suspension from a specific social event,extracurricular activity or privilege8. In-school suspension9. Removal from classroom10. Short-term (five days or less) suspension from school11. Long-term (more than five days) suspension from school12. Permanent suspension from schoolDiscipline of Students with Disabilities<strong>The</strong> Board recognizes that it may be necessary tosuspend, remove or otherwise discipline students withdisabilities to address disruptive or problem behavior.<strong>The</strong> Board also recognizes that students withdisabilities have certain procedural protections wheneverschool authorities intend to impose discipline upon them.<strong>The</strong> Board is committed to ensuring that the proceduresfollowed for suspending, removing or otherwisedisciplining students with disabilities are consistent withthe procedural safeguards required by applicable laws andregulations. This code of conduct affords students withdisabilities subject to disciplinary action no greater or lesserrights than those expressly afforded by applicable federaland state law and regulations. In any instance where thisCode of Conduct differs or is inconsistent with federalor state law or regulation, the federal or state law orregulation is controlling.Visitors to the <strong>School</strong>s<strong>The</strong> building principal or his/her designee is responsiblefor all persons in the building and on the grounds. For thesereasons, the following rules apply to visitors to the schools:1. Anyone who is not a regular staff member or student ofthe school will be considered a visitor.2. All visitors to the school must report to the security deskor office of the principal upon arrival at the school. <strong>The</strong>rethey will be required to sign the visitor’s register and will beissued a visitor’s identification badge, which must be wornat all times while in the school or on school grounds. <strong>The</strong>visitors must return the identification badge to the securitydesk or principal’s office before leaving the building.3. Visitors attending school functions that are open to thepublic, such as parent-teacher organization meetings or publicgatherings, are not required to register.4. Any unauthorized person on school property will bereported to the principal or his/her designee. Unauthorizedpersons will be asked to leave. <strong>The</strong> police may be called ifthe situation warrants.5. All visitors are expected to abide by the rules for publicconduct on school property contained in this Code ofConduct.Public Conduct on <strong>School</strong> Property<strong>The</strong> district is committed to providing an orderly,respectful environment that is conducive to learning.To create and maintain this kind of an environment, it isnecessary to regulate public conduct on school property andat school functions. For purposes of this section of the code,“public” shall mean all persons when on school property orattending a school function including students, teachers anddistrict personnel.<strong>The</strong> restrictions on public conduct on schoolproperty and at school functions contained in this codeare not intended to limit freedom of speech or peacefulassembly. <strong>The</strong> district recognizes that free inquiry and freeexpression are indispensable to the objectives of the district.<strong>The</strong> purpose of this code is to maintain public order andprevent abuse of the rights of others.All persons on school property or attending a schoolfunction shall conduct themselves in an orderly and lawfulmanner. In addition, all persons on school property orattending a school function are expected to be properlyattired for the purpose they are on school property.Senior Citizens<strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> SeniorCitizen Club meets weekly on Fridays at 10:00am inthe Jamaica Avenue <strong>School</strong> (except for school closingdays). Transportation is available, within the district, toand from the Senior Citizen Club for the handicapped orother members who may require transportation. For bustransportation call 434-3074.<strong>The</strong> Senior Citizen Club provides a friendly socialenvironment. Activities include arts and crafts, card games,dancing, informational programs and speakers, toursand trips. Classes for art and ceramics are available. Forinformation concerning the club, call Rachel at 937-6424.

Music Booster ClubMAPOB (Music Association of<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong>)<strong>The</strong> mission of MAPOB is to promote andsupport music education and related activities inthe <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> CSD and community;to promote cooperation among all musicians in theschool district; to develop musical skills and thecharacteristics of good fellowship, self-discipline,fairness and self-confidence; to encourage parents,faculty, students, and community members to jointogether to provide organized support for the musicprograms in the <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> CSD andcommunity.Membership is open to all families of students indistrict schools. This is a wonderful opportunity toshow your support and encouragement for your childand music.Athletic Booster Club<strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong> <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Athletic Booster Clubacts as the advocates for the <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong>student athlete. We start advocating in the 7 th grade(the first year for organized school sports), and runthrough 12 th grade. Without your input and supportwe cannot do as much as we wish to.We also coordinate events with the school, suchas homecoming and BBQ’s for various teams, RoseCeremonies for graduating athletes and the Wall ofFame in the High <strong>School</strong> hallway.We have a highly attended end of year varsitydinner, where the booster club gives out scholarshipsand the coaches get to speak about their teams andpresent All-Class through All-American honors.Please join the booster club in support of ourtown’s student athletes. Your membership allows usto provide everything mentioned above. Flyers withmembership information are sent home each year, andour meeting dates are listed on the school calendar.If you have questions about the booster club pleasedirect your inquiry to David Kaufman, President of theBooster Club at 516-938-8630.Project Challenge Parent AssociationPCPA is a group which seeks to promote andsupport gifted education and related activities in ourschool district. Our meetings are open to all membersof the community.Community Organizations<strong>The</strong> district has many educational, cultural,social, business and service organizations that provideacademic scholarship awards and recognition ofstudent participation. Many memorial scholarshipsare also offered to outstanding students or tothose needing financial aid. A partial list of thesecommunity organizations follows:• Baha’i Award for Race Unity• Brian Harley Assa Memorial• Janet Baumgarten Memorial• Leonard & Miriam Berkowitz Memorial• Class of ’71 Unity Scholarship• Concerned Citizens of the POB Community• Dr. Scott DeMel Memorial• Harlean Cort Memorial• Crestwood Country Day <strong>School</strong>• Jonny Feinstein Memorial• Philip Ferris Memorial• Ruth Gaiptman Memorial• Hal Goldman Memorial• Jordan Abramowitz Memorial• Jason Kaplan Memorial• L.I. Blood Services• Jeffrey Miller Memorial• Kristian Rocks, Kristian Espenas Memorial Scholarship• Michael Eichenbaum Award• <strong>The</strong> Mildred Hartman Award for OutstandingCreative Thinking in Math• <strong>The</strong> Mark Koehler Scholarship• Music Association of <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong>• NEFCU - Making a Difference• North Shore University Hospital• POB Chamber of Commerce & Astoria Federal Bank• PTA• <strong>Plainview</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Lion’s Club• <strong>Plainview</strong> Diner Award• <strong>Plainview</strong> Little League• <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Senior Citizen Club• <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Soccer Club• <strong>Plainview</strong> P.A.L. Award• Francis L. Phillips, P.E. Engineering Award• Spencer Cares Scholarships• Steven Pollicino Memorial• Paul Rubin Memorial• Residents Against Garbage Expansion (RAGE)• Rae Saltzman Scholarship• Michael Secko Memorial Scholarship• SEPTA Scholarship Award• Benjamin W. Sofe Memorial• Trio Hardware Award• Howard Weinstock Memorial• Nancy Weisenfeld Memorial• Harold Yacker Memorial• Brooke Zimmerman Memorial<strong>The</strong> <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong>Public LibraryYour Partner in LearningRead, Learn and Explore at the <strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong><strong>Bethpage</strong> Public Library! We excel at helping studentslocate, evaluate and utilize information effectively.Today’s library is much more than books, providingthe school community with a wealth of electronicinformation and a wide variety of services for educationand entertainment.With your library card you may borrow books,magazines, DVDs, videos, audio books, children’s kits,music cds, and Playaways. Download your favoritetitles through the Overdrive program to your IPod,IPad, Nook or Kobo, or borrow a pre-loaded Nook withpopular new titles.Other programs and services include:• Quiet Study Rooms• Online music and magazines• Computer Service - high speed Internet, Wi-Fi, Scanner• Online Catalog and Research Databases• Book Discussion kits and programs• Interloan of materials from other libraries• Story Times, Craft Programs and general FamilyEntertainment• Concerts, Lectures and Educational Workshops• Notary and Information and Referral Service• Fax machine• Copy machines – both black and white and color• Zoom text computer software for the visually impairedTake advantage of our availability – we are open sevendays a week, and are accessible online 24/7/365 atwww.poblib.org.Library HoursMonday-Friday 9:00 AM to 9:00 PMSaturday 9:30 AM to 5:30 PMSunday1:00 PM to 9:00 PM<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Public Library999 <strong>Old</strong> Country Road<strong>Plainview</strong>, NY 11803516-938-0077 • 516-433-4645 (Fax)www.poblib.org<strong>The</strong> Library is fully handicapped accessible.

<strong>District</strong> Directory (516) 434-3000<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> John F. Kennedy H.S.50 Kennedy Drive, <strong>Plainview</strong>James Murray, PrincipalJames Bolen, Assistant PrincipalChristopher Donarummo, Assistant PrincipalSharon Lasher, Assistant PrincipalAttendance Office 434-3141 Main Office 434-3125Guidance 434-3150 Nurse 434-3210<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong>121 Central Park Road, <strong>Plainview</strong>John McNamara, PrincipalPaul Romanelli, Regina Talento, Assistant PrincipalsFirst Alert 434-3344 Main Office 434-3308Guidance 434-3324 Nurse 434-3318H.B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong>100 Washington Avenue, <strong>Plainview</strong>Dean Mittleman, PrincipalBeth Torreano, Thomas Schwartz, Assistant PrincipalsFirst Alert 434-3259 Main Office 434-3250B House 434-3250 C House 434-3250D House 434-3250 Nurse 434-3253Stratford Road <strong>School</strong>33 Bedford Road, <strong>Plainview</strong>Alison Clark, PrincipalGregory Scesney, Assistant PrincipalFirst Alert 434-3405 Main Office 434-3389Nurse 434-3397<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> <strong>School</strong>1159 Round Swamp Road, <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong>Suzanne Gray, PrincipalJennifer Hoffman, Assistant PrincipalFirst Alert 434-3437 Main Office 434-3419Nurse 434-3428Parkway <strong>School</strong>300 Manetto Hill Road, <strong>Plainview</strong>Ronelle Hershkowitz, PrincipalJennifer Hoffman, Assistant PrincipalFirst Alert 434-3375 Main Office 434-3358Nurse 434-3362Pasadena <strong>School</strong>3 Richard Court, <strong>Plainview</strong>Paulette Miller, PrincipalGregory Scesney, Assistant PrincipalFirst Alert 434-3467 Main Office 434-3451Nurse 434-3459<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Kindergarten Center33 Bedford Road, <strong>Plainview</strong>Francine Leiboff, PrincipalHye Sook Kang, Assistant PrincipalFirst Alert 434-3484 Main Office 434-3479Nurse 434-3483We Transport 516-349-09052013-<strong>2014</strong> <strong>School</strong> HoursPOBJFK High <strong>School</strong> 7:28–1:37Extra Help 1:46–2:28Extracurricular 2:32–3:10H.B. Mattlin Middle <strong>School</strong> 8:00–2:10Extra Help/Curricular 2:14–2:55<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 8:43-2:53Extra Help/Curricular 2:57–3:38Grades 1-4 All <strong>School</strong>s 9:15–3:15POB Kindergarten Center 8:45–2:30Administrative OfficesSuperintendent of <strong>School</strong>sDr. Lorna R. Lewis..................................... 434-3001Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumand InstructionJill M. Gierasch........................................... 434-3010Assistant Superintendent - Human ResourcesDr. Timothy T. Eagen................................. 434-3040Assistant Superintendent for BusinessRyan Ruf..................................................... 434-3050Director of Pupil Personnel ServicesEllie Becker................................................. 434-3020Asst. Director of Pupil Personnel Special EdKim Christ Gr. K-4..................................... 434-3020Dolores Binstock Gr. 5-8............................ 434-3020Suzanne Sugarman Gr. 9-12....................... 434-3020Director of GuidanceLaurie Lynn................................................. 434-3150Director of Phys. Ed., Recreation, Athletics & HealthJoseph Braico.............................................. 434-3100Director of ArtJudith Chen, Ed.D....................................... 434-3138Director of MusicJoshua Golbert............................................ 434-3283Director of TechnologyDr. Guy A. Lodico...................................... 434-3090Administrative Assistant for FacilitiesTBD............................................................. 434-3110Director of Health, Safety & TransportationNadine Eiring.............................................. 434-3074Asst. Supervisor for TransportationMark Donovan............................................ 434-3075Delayed <strong>School</strong> Openings(Inclement Weather or Emergency Conditions)In the event of inclement weather or emergencyconditions, the Superintendent of <strong>School</strong>s determineswhether schools will be closed or there will be adelayed opening of schools.If it is determined that conditions will improvesufficiently to allow for the arrival of staff andstudents, the Superintendent may authorize a one andone-half hour delay in the start of the school day.This alternative to closing schools permits greaterflexibility in meeting the 180 day minimum sessionrequirement.A delayed opening schedule means the following:1. Classes will start one and one-half hours laterthan normal (see details below) and transportationwill be provided one and one-half hours laterthan the normal pickup for all district and privateschools.2. Staff, with the exception of Buildings and Groundsand custodial personnel, will report as soon afternormal arrival time as possible, but no later thanthe delayed starting time noted below.3. In the event of a delayed opening, the snowemergency telephone chain will be activated inthe same way it would be if schools were to beclosed for the day.Regular Delayed<strong>School</strong> Starting Time Starting TimePOBJFK 7:28am 8:58amMMS 8:00am 9:30amPOBMS 8:43am 10:13amPAS 9:15am 10:45amPKWY 9:15am 10:45amSR 9:15am 10:45amOB 9:15am 10:45amKC 8:45AM 10:15amEmergency <strong>School</strong> ClosingsIn the event that schools are closed or delayed in opening because of inclement weather or other emergency, thefollowing radio and TV stations will be notified and will make announcements, usually from 7:00am to 9:00am.WCBS 880am WBAB 102.3 FM WKJY 98.3 FM WHLI 1100amWALK 97.5 FM WINS 1010am WGBB 1240am Cablevision Channel 12Note: With the cooperation of the <strong>Plainview</strong> Fire Department, arrangements have been made to sound the fire sirenat 6:30am, 7:00am, and 7:30am promptly. When the emergency conditions warrant the closing of the schools,listen for the signal.

<strong>Plainview</strong>-<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Bethpage</strong> Central <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong><strong>Plainview</strong>, New York 11803www.pobschools.orgNon-ProfitOrganizationU.S. PostagePAIDHicksville, N.Y.Permit 156*****ECRWSS**RESIDENT OFPLAINVIEW-OLD BETHPAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT

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