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<strong>SUPERIOR</strong> <strong>COURT</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>JERSEY</strong><strong>LAW</strong> <strong>DIVISION</strong> (<strong>CRIMINAL</strong>)MONMOUTH COUNTYTHE STATE <strong>OF</strong> <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>JERSEY</strong> :Plaintiff, :v. : Indictment No. 10-04-00705Case No. 09-05357DECTRIC RAWLS, :BRANDON VASHEY,JOSEPH DUBE,JOSEPH PLAIA,:JESSICA HENDERSON, :JACQUELIN WIEDEMEYER,JOHN PUGLISI,KEVIN CRAVEN,:JOEL BENITEZ, :ROBERT CRAVEN,ARMANDO PAZO, :DARYEL RAWLS,CHRISTOPHER CONNALLON, :DAWN PASTOR,PETER SLOVER, :RUSSELL DUNN,CHRISTINE JENKINS, :JOHN MAYNARD,SHARA COPPOLA, :ANTHONY GALLUCCIO,ANDREA RAY, :ROBIN RUFF andDARREN BAUM :Defendants. :FIRST COUNTCONSPIRACYSECOND DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that DECTRIC RAWLS,BRANDON VASHEY, JOSEPH DUBE, JOSEPH PLAIA, JESSICA HENDERSON,JACQUELIN WIEDEMEYER, JOHN PUGLISI, KEVIN CRAVEN, JOEL BENITEZ,ROBERT CRAVEN, ARMANDO PAZO, DARYEL RAWLS and CHRISTOPHERCONNALLON, on or about diverse dates between February 1, 2009through November 16, 2009, in or about the Township of Old Bridge,

County of Middlesex, and/or the Township of Lakewood, County ofOcean, and/or the Borough of Matawan and/or the Borough ofKeansburg and/or the Township of Hazlet and/or the Township ofMiddletown and/or the Borough of Union Beach and/or the Townshipof Marlboro and/or the City of Asbury Park and/or the Township ofNeptune and/or the Borough of Freehold and/or the Borough ofEatontown, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of thisCourt, did commit the crime of Conspiracy, by unlawfully agreeingwith each other that they, or any one or more of them, wouldcommit the crime of Distribution of a Controlled DangerousSubstance, to wit: heroin, in a quantity of one half ounce or moreincluding any adulterants or dilutants, with intent to distribute,with the purpose of promoting or facilitating the commission ofsaid crime, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:5-2 andN.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(2), and against the peace of this State, theGovernment, and dignity of the same.SECOND COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUSSUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTESECOND DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that DECTRIC RAWLS,BRANDON VASHEY, JOSEPH DUBE, JOSEPH PLAIA, JESSICA HENDERSON,JACQUELIN WIEDEMEYER, JOHN PUGLISI, KEVIN CRAVEN, JOEL BENITEZ,ROBERT CRAVEN, ARMANDO PAZO, DARYEL RAWLS and CHRISTOPHERCONNALLON, on or about diverse dates between February 1, 2009through November 16, 2009, in or about the Township of Old Bridge,County of Middlesex, and/or the Township of Lakewood, County of

Ocean, and/or the Borough of Matawan and/or the Borough ofKeansburg and/or the Township of Hazlet and/or the Township ofMiddletown and/or the Borough of Union Beach and/or the Townshipof Marlboro and/or the City of Asbury Park and/or the Township ofNeptune and/or the Borough of Freehold and/or the Borough ofEatontown, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of thisCourt, did commit the crime of Possession of a ControlledDangerous Substance with Intent to Distribute, by knowingly orpurposely possessing, or having under their control, a controlleddangerous substance, to wit: heroin, in a quantity of one halfounce or more including any adulterants or dilutants, with intentto distribute, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(2),N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5c and N.J.S.A. 2C:2-6, and against the peace ofthis State, the Government, and dignity of the same.THIRD COUNTDISTRIBUTION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCESECOND DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that DECTRIC RAWLS,BRANDON VASHEY, JOSEPH DUBE, JOSEPH PLAIA, JESSICA HENDERSON,JACQUELIN WIEDEMEYER, JOHN PUGLISI, KEVIN CRAVEN, JOEL BENITEZ,ROBERT CRAVEN, ARMANDO PAZO, DARYEL RAWLS and CHRISTOPHERCONNALLON, on or about diverse dates between February 1, 2009through November 16, 2009, in or about the Township of Old Bridge,County of Middlesex, and/or the Township of Lakewood, County ofOcean, and/or the Borough of Matawan and/or the Borough ofKeansburg and/or the Township of Hazlet and/or the Township ofMiddletown and/or the Borough of Union Beach and/or the Township

of Marlboro and/or the City of Asbury Park and/or the Township ofNeptune and/or the Borough of Freehold and/or the Borough ofEatontown, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of thisCourt, did commit the crime of Distribution of a ControlledDangerous Substance, by knowingly or purposely distributing acontrolled dangerous substance, to wit: heroin, in an quantity ofone half ounce or more including any adulterants or dilutants, toundercover detectives from the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Officeand/or other persons both known and unknown to the Grand Jurors,contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(2), N.J.S.A.2C:35-5c and N.J.S.A. 2C:2-6, and against the peace of this State,the Government, and dignity of the same.FOURTH COUNTCONSPIRACYTHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that DAWN PASTOR,PETER SLOVER, RUSSELL DUNN, CHRISTINE JENKINS, JOHN MAYNARD,SHARA COPPOLA, ANTHONY GALLUCCIO, ANDREA RAY, ROBIN RUFF, DARRENBAUM, who are named as defendants in this count, and DectricRawls, Brandon Vashey, Joseph Dube, Joseph Plaia, JessicaHenderson, Jacquelin Wiedemeyer, John Puglisi, Kevin Craven, JoelBenitez, Robert Craven, Armando Pazo, Daryel Rawls, ChristopherConnallon and other persons unknown to the Grand Jurors, who arenamed as co-conspirators but not as defendants in this count, onor about diverse dates between February 1, 2009 through November16, 2009, in or about the Township of Old Bridge, County ofMiddlesex, and/or the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean,

and/or the Borough of Matawan and/or the Borough of Keansburgand/or the Township of Hazlet and/or the Township of Middletownand/or the Borough of Union Beach and/or the Township of Marlboroand/or the City of Asbury Park and/or the Township of Neptuneand/or the Borough of Freehold and/or the Borough of Eatontown,County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, didcommit the crime of Conspiracy, by unlawfully agreeing with eachother that they, or any one or more of them, would commit thecrime of Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, to wit:heroin, with the purpose of promoting or facilitating thecommission of said crime and that in pursuance of such conspiracyand to effect the object thereof, the following overt acts weredone:OVERT ACTS1. DAWN PASTOR, PETER SLOVER, RUSSELL DUNN, CHRISTINE JENKINS,JOHN MAYNARD, SHARA COPPOLA, ANTHONY GALLUCCIO, ANDREA RAY, ROBINRUFF, DARREN BAUM, Dectric Rawls, Brandon Vashey, Joseph Dube,Joseph Plaia, Jessica Henderson, Jacquelin Wiedemeyer, JohnPuglisi, Kevin Craven, Joel Benitez, Robert Craven, Armando Pazo,Daryel Rawls, Christopher Connallon and other persons unknown tothe Grand Jurors, on or about diverse dates between February 1,2009 through November 16, 2009, in or about the Township of OldBridge, County of Middlesex, and/or the Township of Lakewood,County of Ocean, and/or the Borough of Matawan and/or the Boroughof Keansburg and/or the Township of Hazlet and/or the Township ofMiddletown and/or the Borough of Union Beach and/or the Townshipof Marlboro and/or the City of Asbury Park and/or the Township ofNeptune and/or the Borough of Freehold and/or the Borough of

••( (•••IPoge 28. IF you sow the object o' NIGHT, what did you notice co-cc-rning the STARS and MOON?8.1 STARS (C irefe Ore): 8.2 MOO'I (Circle One):a. None a. BrtiJht mn~nl ight._....... ...b. A fttw_ ,monn I i ght-)•~ 11·=c. No monnligl1f- p i t ~ f, dark•c. Many • .d ..Don' t remember••.d. Don't rememh~r9. What were t~ tt weather corHHtiC'I,S at the time you sow •h~ object?'CLOUDS (Circle On,): WEATHE~ (Crrclc One ):G': _.. ~Cl~: !kY--~·b. Hazy~..a.Dry-· --~••b '. t-og, :-1i ~·, or I i ght r::1inc. Scotter~d cloud~ c. Modert1t"' nr heavy raind. Thick or h eavy c:buds d. Snnwe. Don· ~ :- ~...,f'mb e r·--------------------------------------------·-- ··- -----10. The object c cpeored: (Circle One): . .. ___ __--•a. Sot id_ d. A s a lig_h_t_ ,.-b. Trcns p = r ~ n t e. Don 't rememberc. Va-por11. If it cppeo r ~: cs a ligh~, was it bri g h ~ '!r than the bright~st ~ tors? (Circle One): •o. Brighterb. D i:n mer- .-:-. -=.::.;._ __.___c. About the so-n~ --)a.=Don't know•II I11.1 Compcr-, brightn.,ss to some co ~mon obiect:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I12. The edges of the obie ct Wl!re :(Circle c.-,e ): a . Fuzzy o! bl urr ~ d~ Lik'! ,. b r i~nt s·i ·"")c. sr. arp ly out 1 i ned-!. D::)r''t r~merr.b'!rc. Other - ---·------------------------------------------------ - --·----- -------------·----- -·---·· --- ----------··--~-------------------------------------------------------·----- ------------ --------------------------- ~13. Did the obiect:(Circle One for e och question)a. Appear to stc nd still nt any time?b. Suddenly speed up and rush away at any time?c. Break up into ports or exolode?d. Give off sMolt•/?e. Change bright"'~ss?f. Change shape?g. Flash or flicker'?h. Disappear or:d r~C'Ippeer?v~sY~s'r r.sYesYesYesYesYesDon't knowDon't knowDon't knowDon't knowDon't knowDon't knowDon't knowDon't know••

contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10a(1) and N.J.S.A.2C:2-6, and against the peace of this State, the Government, anddignity of the same.SIXTH COUNTLEADER <strong>OF</strong> A NARCOTICS TRAFFICKING NETWORKFIRST DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that DECTRIC RAWLS,on or about diverse dates between February 1, 2009 throughNovember 16, 2009, in or about the Township of Old Bridge, Countyof Middlesex, and/or the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean,and/or the Borough of Matawan and/or the Borough of Keansburgand/or the Township of Hazlet and/or the Township of Middletownand/or the Borough of Union Beach and/or the Township of Marlboroand/or the City of Asbury Park and/or the Township of Neptuneand/or the Borough of Freehold and/or the Borough of Eatontown,County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, didcommit the crime of Leader of a Narcotics Trafficking Network, byknowingly conspiring with two or more persons to engage in ascheme or course of conduct to unlawfully manufacture, distribute,dispense, bring into, or transport in this State, heroin, as anorganizer, supervisor, or manager of at least one other person,while occupying a high level position in said conspiracy, contraryto the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-3, and against the peace ofthis State, the Government, and dignity of the same.

SEVENTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that ROBERT CRAVENand ARMANDO PAZO, on or about February 18, 2009, in or about theBorough of Keansburg and/or the Township of Hazlet, County ofMonmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, did committhe crime of Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, byknowingly or purposely obtaining or possessing, either actually orconstructively, a controlled dangerous substance, to wit: heroin,contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10a(1) and N.J.S.A.2C:2-6, and against the peace of this State, the Government, anddignity of the same.EIGHTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUSSUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that ROBERT CRAVENand ARMANDO PAZO, on or about February 18, 2009, in or about theBorough of Keansburg and/or the Township of Hazlet, County ofMonmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, did committhe crime of Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance withIntent to Distribute, by knowingly or purposely possessing, orhaving under their control, a controlled dangerous substance, towit: heroin, with intent to distribute, contrary to the provisions

of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3) and N.J.S.A. 2C:2-6, and against the peaceof this State, the Government, and dignity of the same.NINTH COUNTDISTRIBUTION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that ROBERT CRAVENand ARMANDO PAZO, on or about February 18, 2009, in or about theBorough of Keansburg and/or the Township of Hazlet, County ofMonmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, did committhe crime of Distribution of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, byknowingly or purposely distributing a controlled dangeroussubstance, to wit: heroin, to an undercover detective from theMonmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, contrary to the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3) and N.J.S.A. 2C:2-6, and against the peace ofthis State, the Government, and dignity of the same.TENTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that ROBERT CRAVENand ARMANDO PAZO, on or about February 23, 2009, in or about theBorough of Keansburg and/or the Township of Hazlet, County ofMonmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, did committhe crime of Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, byknowingly or purposely obtaining or possessing, either actually orconstructively, a controlled dangerous substance, to wit: heroin,

Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, did committhe crime of Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance withIntent to Distribute, by knowingly or purposely possessing, orhaving under their control, a controlled dangerous substance, towit: heroin, with intent to distribute, contrary to the provisionsof N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3) and N.J.S.A. 2C:2-6, and against the peaceof this State, the Government, and dignity of the same.FIFTEENTH COUNTDISTRIBUTION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that ROBERT CRAVENand ARMANDO PAZO, on or about March 19, 2009, in or about theBorough of Keansburg and/or the Township of Hazlet, County ofMonmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, did committhe crime of Distribution of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, byknowingly or purposely distributing a controlled dangeroussubstance, to wit: heroin, to an undercover detective from theMonmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, contrary to the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3) and N.J.S.A. 2C:2-6, and against the peace ofthis State, the Government, and dignity of the same.SIXTEENTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that CHRISTOPHERCONNALLON, on or about April 7, 2009, in or about the Borough of

Union Beach, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction ofthis Court, did commit the crime of Possession of a ControlledDangerous Substance, by knowingly or purposely obtaining orpossessing, either actually or constructively, a controlleddangerous substance, to wit: heroin, contrary to the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 2C:35-10a(1), and against the peace of this State, theGovernment, and dignity of the same.SEVENTEENTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUSSUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that CHRISTOPHERCONNALLON, on or about April 7, 2009, in or about the Borough ofUnion Beach, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction ofthis Court, did commit the crime of Possession of a ControlledDangerous Substance with Intent to Distribute, by knowingly orpurposely possessing, or having under his control, a controlleddangerous substance, to wit: heroin, with intent to distribute,contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3), and againstthe peace of this State, the Government, and dignity of the same.EIGHTEENTH COUNTDISTRIBUTION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that CHRISTOPHERCONNALLON, on or about April 7, 2009, in or about the Borough of

Union Beach, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction ofthis Court, did commit the crime of Distribution of a ControlledDangerous Substance, by knowingly or purposely distributing acontrolled dangerous substance, to wit: heroin, to an undercoverdetective from the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, contraryto the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3), and against the peaceof this State, the Government, and dignity of the same.NINETEENTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCEON OR WITHIN 1,000 FEET <strong>OF</strong> SCHOOL PROPERTYWITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that that CHRISTOPHERCONNALLON, on or about April 7, 2009, in or about the Borough ofUnion Beach, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction ofthis Court, did commit the crime of Possession of a ControlledDangerous Substance on or within 1,000 Feet of School Propertywith Intent to Distribute, by knowingly or purposely possessing,or having under his control, a controlled dangerous substance, towit: heroin, with intent to distribute, while on or within 1,000feet of school property or property used for school purposes whichwas owned by or leased to an elementary or secondary school orschool board, to wit: Memorial Elementary School, contrary to theprovisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-7, and against the peace of thisState, the Government, and dignity of the same.

TWENTIETH COUNTDISTRIBUTION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCEON OR WITHIN 1,000 FEET <strong>OF</strong> SCHOOL PROPERTYTHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that that CHRISTOPHERCONNALLON, on or about April 7, 2009, in or about the Borough ofUnion Beach, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction ofthis Court, did commit the crime of Distribution of a ControlledDangerous Substance on or within 1,000 Feet of School Property, byknowingly or purposely distributing a controlled dangeroussubstance, to wit: heroin, to an undercover detective from theMonmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, while on or within 1,000 feetof school property or property used for school purposes which wasowned by or leased to an elementary or secondary school or schoolboard, to wit: Memorial Elementary School, contrary to theprovisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-7, and against the peace of thisState, the Government, and dignity of the same.TWENTY FIRST COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JESSICAHENDERSON, on or about April 21, 2009, in or about the Township ofHazlet and/or the Township of Middletown, County of Monmouth, andwithin the jurisdiction of this Court, did commit the crime ofPossession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, by knowingly or

purposely obtaining or possessing, either actually orconstructively, a controlled dangerous substance, to wit: heroin,contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10a(1), and againstthe peace of this State, the Government, and dignity of the same.TWENTY SECOND COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUSSUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JESSICAHENDERSON, on or about April 21, 2009, in or about the Township ofHazlet and/or the Township of Middletown, County of Monmouth, andwithin the jurisdiction of this Court, did commit the crime ofPossession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance with Intent toDistribute, by knowingly or purposely possessing, or having underher control, a controlled dangerous substance, to wit: heroin,with intent to distribute, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A.2C:35-5b(3), and against the peace of this State, the Government,and dignity of the same.TWENTY THIRD COUNTDISTRIBUTION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JESSICAHENDERSON, on or about April 21, 2009, in or about the Township ofHazlet and/or the Township of Middletown, County of Monmouth, andwithin the jurisdiction of this Court, did commit the crime of

Distribution of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, by knowingly orpurposely distributing a controlled dangerous substance, to wit:heroin, to an undercover detective from the Monmouth CountyProsecutor’s Office, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3), and against the peace of this State, the Government, anddignity of the same.TWENTY FOURTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JESSICAHENDERSON, on or about April 28, 2009, in or about the Township ofHazlet and/or the Township of Middletown, County of Monmouth, andwithin the jurisdiction of this Court, did commit the crime ofPossession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, by knowingly orpurposely obtaining or possessing, either actually orconstructively, a controlled dangerous substance, to wit: heroin,contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10a(1), and againstthe peace of this State, the Government, and dignity of the same.TWENTY FIFTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUSSUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JESSICAHENDERSON, on or about April 28, 2009, in or about the Township ofHazlet and/or the Township of Middletown, County of Monmouth, and

TWENTY SEVENTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCEON OR WITHIN 1,000 FEET <strong>OF</strong> SCHOOL PROPERTYWITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JESSICAHENDERSON, on or about April 28, 2009, in or about the Township ofHazlet and/or the Township of Middletown, County of Monmouth, andwithin the jurisdiction of this Court, did commit the crime ofPossession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance on or within 1,000Feet of School Property with Intent to Distribute, by knowingly orpurposely possessing, or having under her control, a controlleddangerous substance, to wit: heroin, with intent to distribute,while on or within 1,000 feet of school property or property usedfor school purposes which was owned by or leased to an elementaryor secondary school or school board, to wit: Union Avenue MiddleSchool, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-7, andagainst the peace of this State, the Government, and dignity ofthe same.TWENTY EIGHTH COUNTDISTRIBUTION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCEON OR WITHIN 1,000 FEET <strong>OF</strong> SCHOOL PROPERTYTHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JESSICAHENDERSON, on or about April 28, 2009, in or about the Township of

Hazlet and/or the Township of Middletown, County of Monmouth, andwithin the jurisdiction of this Court, did commit the crime ofDistribution of a Controlled Dangerous Substance on or within1,000 Feet of School Property, by knowingly or purposelydistributing a controlled dangerous substance, to wit: heroin, toan undercover detective from the Monmouth County Prosecutor’sOffice, while on or within 1,000 feet of school property orproperty used for school purposes which was owned by or leased toan elementary or secondary school or school board, to wit: UnionAvenue Middle School, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A.2C:35-7, and against the peace of this State, the Government, anddignity of the same.TWENTY NINTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JACQUELINWIEDEMEYER, on or about August 24, 2009, in or about the Townshipof Middletown, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction ofthis Court, did commit the crime of Possession of a ControlledDangerous Substance, by knowingly or purposely obtaining orpossessing, either actually or constructively, a controlleddangerous substance, to wit: heroin, contrary to the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 2C:35-10a(1), and against the peace of this State, theGovernment, and dignity of the same.

THIRTIETH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUSSUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JACQUELINWIEDEMEYER, on or about August 24, 2009, in or about the Townshipof Middletown, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction ofthis Court, did commit the crime of Possession of a ControlledDangerous Substance with Intent to Distribute, by knowingly orpurposely possessing, or having under her control, a controlleddangerous substance, to wit: heroin, with intent to distribute,contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3), and againstthe peace of this State, the Government, and dignity of the same.THIRTY FIRST COUNTDISTRIBUTION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JACQUELINWIEDEMEYER, on or about August 24, 2009, in or about the Townshipof Middletown, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction ofthis Court, did commit the crime of Distribution of a ControlledDangerous Substance, by knowingly or purposely distributing acontrolled dangerous substance, to wit: heroin, to an undercoverdetective from the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, contraryto the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3), and against the peaceof this State, the Government, and dignity of the same.

THIRTY SECOND COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JACQUELINWIEDEMEYER, on or about August 25, 2009, in or about the Townshipof Middletown, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction ofthis Court, did commit the crime of Possession of a ControlledDangerous Substance, by knowingly or purposely obtaining orpossessing, either actually or constructively, a controlleddangerous substance, to wit: heroin, contrary to the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 2C:35-10a(1), and against the peace of this State, theGovernment, and dignity of the same.THIRTY THIRD COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUSSUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JACQUELINWIEDEMEYER, on or about August 25, 2009, in or about the Townshipof Middletown, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction ofthis Court, did commit the crime of Possession of a ControlledDangerous Substance with Intent to Distribute, by knowingly orpurposely possessing, or having under her control, a controlleddangerous substance, to wit: heroin, with intent to distribute,contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3), and againstthe peace of this State, the Government, and dignity of the same.

THIRTY FOURTH COUNTDISTRIBUTION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JACQUELINWIEDEMEYER, on or about August 25, 2009, in or about the Townshipof Middletown, County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction ofthis Court, did commit the crime of Distribution of a ControlledDangerous Substance, by knowingly or purposely distributing acontrolled dangerous substance, to wit: heroin, to an undercoverdetective from the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, contraryto the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3), and against the peaceof this State, the Government, and dignity of the same.THIRTY FIFTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JACQUELINWIEDEMEYER, on or about September 13, 2009, in or about theTownship of Middletown, County of Monmouth, and within thejurisdiction of this Court, did commit the crime of Possession ofa Controlled Dangerous Substance, by knowingly or purposelyobtaining or possessing, either actually or constructively, acontrolled dangerous substance, to wit: heroin, contrary to theprovisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10a(1), and against the peace of thisState, the Government, and dignity of the same.

THIRTY SIXTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUSSUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JACQUELINWIEDEMEYER, on or about September 13, 2009, in or about theTownship of Middletown, County of Monmouth, and within thejurisdiction of this Court, did commit the crime of Possession ofa Controlled Dangerous Substance with Intent to Distribute, byknowingly or purposely possessing, or having under her control, acontrolled dangerous substance, to wit: heroin, with intent todistribute, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3),and against the peace of this State, the Government, and dignityof the same.THIRTY SEVENTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCEWITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTE WHILE ON OR WITHIN500 FEET <strong>OF</strong> A PUBLIC PARKSECOND DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JACQUELINWIEDEMEYER, on or about September 13, 2009, in or about theTownship of Middletown, County of Monmouth, and within thejurisdiction of this Court, did commit the crime of Possession ofa Controlled Dangerous Substance with Intent to Distribute whileon or within 500 Feet of a Public Park, by knowingly or purposely

possessing, or having under her control, a controlled dangeroussubstance, to wit: heroin, with intent to distribute, while on orwithin 500 feet of a public park, to wit: Bayshore WaterfrontCounty Park, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-7.1, andagainst the peace of this State, the Government, and dignity ofthe same.THIRTY EIGHTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JACQUELINWIEDEMEYER, on or about November 16, 2009, in or about theTownship of Middletown, County of Monmouth, and within thejurisdiction of this Court, did commit the crime of Possession ofa Controlled Dangerous Substance, by knowingly or purposelyobtaining or possessing, either actually or constructively, acontrolled dangerous substance, to wit: buprenorphine, contrary tothe provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10a(1), and against the peace ofthis State, the Government, and dignity of the same.THIRTY NINTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JOEL BENITEZ, onor about October 8, 2009, in or about the Borough of Freehold,County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, didcommit the crime of Possession of a Controlled Dangerous

Substance, by knowingly or purposely obtaining or possessing,either actually or constructively, a controlled dangeroussubstance, to wit: heroin, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A.2C:35-10a(1), and against the peace of this State, the Government,and dignity of the same.FORTIETH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUSSUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JOEL BENITEZ, onor about October 8, 2009, in or about the Borough of Freehold,County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, didcommit the crime of Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substancewith Intent to Distribute, by knowingly or purposely possessing,or having under her control, a controlled dangerous substance, towit: heroin, with intent to distribute, contrary to the provisionsof N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(3), and against the peace of this State, theGovernment, and dignity of the same.FORTY FIRST COUNTRESISTING ARRESTTHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JOEL BENITEZ, onor about October 8, 2009, in or about the Borough of Freehold,County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, didcommit the crime of Resisting Arrest, by purposely preventing or

attempting to prevent C.O., a law enforcement officer with theFreehold Borough Police Department, from effecting an arrest, byusing or threatening to use physical force or violence against thelaw enforcement officer or another or by using any other means tocreate a substantial risk of causing physical injury to the publicservant or another, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:29-2a(3), and against the peace of this State, the Government, anddignity of the same.FORTY SECOND COUNTAGGRAVATED ASSAULTSECOND DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JOEL BENITEZ, onor about October 8, 2009, in or about the Borough of Freehold,County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, didcommit the crime of Aggravated Assault, by attempting to cause, orpurposely or knowingly causing, serious bodily injury to C.O., alaw enforcement officer with the Freehold Borough PoliceDepartment, or by causing such injury recklessly undercircumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value ofhuman life, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1b(1),and against the peace of this State, the Government, and dignityof the same.

FORTY THIRD COUNTDISARMING A <strong>LAW</strong> ENFORCEMENT <strong>OF</strong>FICERSECOND DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that JOEL BENITEZ, onor about October 8, 2009, in or about the Borough of Freehold,County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, didcommit the crime of Disarming a Law Enforcement Officer, byknowingly taking or attempting to exercise unlawful control over afirearm or other weapon in the possession of C.O., a lawenforcement officer with the Freehold Borough Police Department,while he was acting in the performance of his duties while inuniform or while exhibiting evidence of his authority, contrary tothe provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:12-11a, and against the peace ofthis State, the Government, and dignity of the same.FORTY FOURTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that DARYEL RAWLS, onor about November 16, 2009, in or about the Township of Lakewood,County of Ocean, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, didcommit the crime of Possession of a Controlled DangerousSubstance, by knowingly or purposely obtaining or possessing,either actually or constructively, a controlled dangeroussubstance, to wit: heroin, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A.2C:35-10a(1), and against the peace of this State, the Government,and dignity of the same.

FORTY FIFTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUSSUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTESECOND DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that DARYEL RAWLS, onor about November 16, 2009, in or about the Township of Lakewood,County of Ocean, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, didcommit the crime of Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substancewith Intent to Distribute, by knowingly or purposely possessing,or having under his control, a controlled dangerous substance, towit: heroin, in a quantity of one half ounce or more including anyadulterants or dilutants, with intent to distribute, contrary tothe provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(2), and against the peace ofthis State, the Government, and dignity of the same.FORTY SIXTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCETHIRD DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that DECTRIC RAWLS,on or about November 16, 2009, in or about the Borough of Matawan,County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, didcommit the crime of Possession of a Controlled DangerousSubstance, by knowingly or purposely obtaining or possessing,either actually or constructively, a controlled dangeroussubstance, to wit: heroin, contrary to the provisions of N.J.S.A.2C:35-10a(1), and against the peace of this State, the Government,and dignity of the same.

FORTY SEVENTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A CONTROLLED DANGEROUSSUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTESECOND DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that DECTRIC RAWLS,on or about November 16, 2009, in or about the Borough of Matawan,County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, didcommit the crime of Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substancewith Intent to Distribute, by knowingly or purposely possessing,or having under his control, a controlled dangerous substance, towit: heroin, in a quantity of one half ounce or more including anyadulterants or dilutants, with intent to distribute, contrary tothe provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(2), and against the peace ofthis State, the Government, and dignity of the same.FORTY EIGHTH COUNTPOSSESSION <strong>OF</strong> A FIREARM IN THECOURSE <strong>OF</strong> COMMITTING A DRUG <strong>OF</strong>FENSESECOND DEGREE CRIMEThe Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for theCounty of Monmouth, upon their oaths present that DECTRIC RAWLS,on or about November 16, 2009, in or about the Borough of Matawan,County of Monmouth, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, didcommit the crime of Possession of a Firearm in the Course ofCommitting a Drug Offense, by possessing a firearm while in thecourse of committing, attempting to commit, or conspiring tocommit a violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5, contrary to the provisions

of N.J.S.A. 2C:39-4.1a, and against the peace of this State, theGovernment, and dignity of the same.Endorsed:LUIS A. VALENTINPROSECUTORMONMOUTH COUNTYForeperson

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