Aurora University is May Term

Aurora University is May Term

Aurora University is May Term


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aged, conceptualized, personified, and confronted withinChr<strong>is</strong>tianity and Juda<strong>is</strong>m. Specifically, the course exploresthe origin and evolving use of the concepts of “Satan” and“Antichr<strong>is</strong>t” within Juda<strong>is</strong>m and Chr<strong>is</strong>tianity. The courseinvites students to consider whether making use of literalembodiments or symbol<strong>is</strong>m of evil may be a necessary,helpful, counterproductive, or dangerous approach whenembraced by a faith tradition or culture. Consideration<strong>is</strong> also given to the ways in which choices made abouthow to image evil influence the worldviews, behaviors,and belief systems of individuals, religious traditions, andcultures. The course draws on scholarship, literature,and film, in addition to off-campus v<strong>is</strong>its to museums andplaces of worship.No prerequ<strong>is</strong>ites. Th<strong>is</strong> course meets General EducationAesthetic and Philosophical Expression (A) requirement.Th<strong>is</strong> course will also sat<strong>is</strong>fy major or minor requirements inreligion.Instructor: Eric Schwarze, Lecturer in HumanitiesCourse Dates/Times: Class meets <strong>May</strong> 10–29, 2010; Mondaythrough Friday from 1:00–4:30 p.m.; Dunham Hall, Room 122.Field Trip Course Fee: Additional course fee of $20 will becharged at time of reg<strong>is</strong>tration to cover adm<strong>is</strong>sion fees totwo museums in addition to tuition.Campus-Based CourseOfferings at the GeorgeWilliams College CampusUndergraduateART/COM2670-01-MT Introduction to Photography3 semester hoursIntroduction to the aesthetics and practice of photography,including the h<strong>is</strong>tory of photography and its placein contemporary culture. Students learn the mechanicsof basic black and white photography, explore the wordand image h<strong>is</strong>tory of photographic movements and majorphotographic art<strong>is</strong>ts, and create a portfolio of original workand essays integrating a personal photographic style andv<strong>is</strong>ion with h<strong>is</strong>torical and contemporary photographic art.Students must supply their own digital camera from whichthey can download photos into a computer.No prerequ<strong>is</strong>ites. Meets General Education requirementAesthetic and Philosophical Expression (B) requirement.Cross-l<strong>is</strong>ted with COM2670.Instructor: Dr. John Gunyon28

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