Aurora University is May Term

Aurora University is May Term

Aurora University is May Term


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How <strong>is</strong> democracy tied to art<strong>is</strong>tic expression? How doesthe dramatic art of tragedy contribute to political community?Th<strong>is</strong> course carefully examines questions like theseby looking at the h<strong>is</strong>tory of 5th century Greece, practicingclose reading of selected tragedies, philosophical andh<strong>is</strong>torical works, and by studying contemporary research.In th<strong>is</strong> course’s travel, you will begin by exploring thefascinating pol<strong>is</strong> of Athens, one of the most celebratedcities in the world. There you will stretch out on the originalstone benches in the ancient theater of Dionysos; wanderthrough the ruins of the old agora, imagining its former lifeas the bustling market of both goods and ideas; marvel atthe magnificent architecture of the Parthenon and her s<strong>is</strong>tertemples; and stroll through some of the most picturesquestreets and shopping d<strong>is</strong>tricts in southern Europe. Yourtravel will also take you to the sun-soaked coastal townof Tolo of the Peloponnese, our base from which you willinvestigate the haunting remains of archaic Mycenae; thevineyards, temples, and stadium of Nemea; and the beautifullypreserved theater in Epidauros, where ancient Greektragedy <strong>is</strong> still performed today. You will v<strong>is</strong>it Nafplion,which was for some time the capital of the new Greek democracy,exploring the vast grounds of its cliff-top fortresspo<strong>is</strong>ed hundreds of feet over the azure Mediterranean. Youwill then be driven through the mountains and lowlands ofcentral Greece, witnessing the scenic beauty pra<strong>is</strong>ed foruntold ages, arriving at world-famous Olympia, one of thesix UNESCO World Heritage sites you will v<strong>is</strong>it during yourtime in Greece. Your journey will continue on to Delphi,perched beneath the clouds in the towering peaks of Mt.Parnassus, where you may still hear the wh<strong>is</strong>pering of theOracle at Apollo’s temple, the living center of ancient Greekreligious life. On your return to Athens, you will also v<strong>is</strong>it themonastery of Hosios Loukas and its amazingly preservedexamples of the second golden age of Byzantine sacred art.Your days will be filled with soul-stirring sights, collegiated<strong>is</strong>cussion with a small group of peers, and on-sitelectures and guided tours by your instructor. You will havemany opportunities to meet Greek people, some of themost hospitable and friendly in Europe, and share in theirculture, cu<strong>is</strong>ine, and camaraderie. Th<strong>is</strong> course <strong>is</strong> an idealopportunity to have a genuinely immersive learning experiencein a European country uncommonly rich in culturalinterest, and <strong>is</strong> designed for the student eager to investigatethe relationships between human communities andart<strong>is</strong>tic expression while travelling through the birthplaceof both democracy and dramatic tragedy.Prerequ<strong>is</strong>ites: Consent of instructor. (Please note that yourdays in Greece will be necessarily filled with a lot of walking.)Th<strong>is</strong> course meets General Education Knowing Ourselvesand Others (B) requirement, and will also give you13

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