Aurora University is May Term

Aurora University is May Term

Aurora University is May Term


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Indian Center in Chicago on <strong>May</strong> 19. Trip dates are <strong>May</strong>24–27, 2010, to the Oneida Reservation near Green Bay,W<strong>is</strong>consin.Trip costs: $675 includes double-occupancy accommodations,some food, transportation on the ground, entrancefees, and other expenses. A $250 nonrefundable trip deposit<strong>is</strong> due at the time of reg<strong>is</strong>tration. Trip reg<strong>is</strong>tration anddeposit must be submitted by December 15, 2009, for travelconfirmation. The $425 balance covering trip expenses <strong>is</strong>due February 1, 2010, and <strong>is</strong> not refundable after th<strong>is</strong> date.In addition to the trip costs, tuition charges are $1350,which will be due April 30, 2010.PED3880-01-MT Travel-Study: Applied Exerc<strong>is</strong>e Science3 semester hoursTh<strong>is</strong> three-week course will explore how the science ofsport <strong>is</strong> studied and applied to elite United States Olympicathletes. Th<strong>is</strong> course will examine the exerc<strong>is</strong>e physiologicaland biomechanical differences between untrained,trained, and elite athletes. Examination will also includeexploring why all of the most accredited sports performancefacilities are located in Colorado by studying theeffects that exerc<strong>is</strong>ing at high altitudes has on the humanbody. In addition to exploring how elite athletes train forcompetition, recovery techniques will be examined as well.Students will study how training principles differ betweenaerobic and anaerobic athletes.Prerequ<strong>is</strong>ites: Consent of instructor. BIO2660 and BIO2670are strongly recommended. Students will be required topurchase Polar heart rate monitors and pedometers todocument their own physical effects of altitude hypoxia.NOTE: Th<strong>is</strong> course will substitute for PED2550.Instructor: Dr. David CurbyLocation: Colorado Springs, ColoradoCourse Dates/Times: Class will meet on the <strong>Aurora</strong> campus<strong>May</strong> 10–14 and <strong>May</strong> 24–28 in Dunham Hall, Room 012 from9:00 a.m.–noon. Trip dates are from <strong>May</strong> 16–22.Trip costs: $975 includes airfare, double-occupancy accommodations,ground transportation, all excursions andadm<strong>is</strong>sion fees. A $325 nonrefundable trip deposit <strong>is</strong> due atthe time of reg<strong>is</strong>tration. Trip reg<strong>is</strong>tration and deposit mustbe submitted by December 15, 2009, for travel confirmation.The $650 balance covering trip expenses <strong>is</strong> due February1, 2010, and <strong>is</strong> not refundable after th<strong>is</strong> date. In addition tothe trip costs, tuition charges are $1350 which will be dueApril 30, 2010.12PHL3880-01-MT Travel-Study: Democracy and Tragedy(Greece)4 semester hoursor HUM3880-01-MT or ENG3880-01-MT or PSC3880-01-MT

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