Aurora University is May Term

Aurora University is May Term

Aurora University is May Term


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of th<strong>is</strong> course will involve extensive walking, stair climbingand foot travel over potentially rough terrain. Ability tocarry luggage and supplies will be expected. The elevationin th<strong>is</strong> area will range from 3,200 to 4,000 feet above sealevel. Th<strong>is</strong> course will meet General Education KnowingOurselves and Others (B) requirement and the R.N. toB.S.N. requirement NUR3090 Transcultural Nursing.Instructors: Deann EdgersLocation: Tegucigalpa, HondurasCourse Dates/Times: On-campus class meetings will beheld on the AU campus the week of <strong>May</strong> 10, 2010, for 8hours. Trip dates are <strong>May</strong> 15–22, 2010.Trip costs: $1700 includes airfare, double-occupancy accommodations,some food, transportation on the ground,entrance fees, guides and other expenses. Enrollment limitedto 10 students. Participants must bring a valid passportand provide proof of all necessary inoculations to instructorby March 1, 2010. A $500 nonrefundable trip deposit <strong>is</strong>due at the time of reg<strong>is</strong>tration. Trip reg<strong>is</strong>tration and depositmust be submitted by December 15, 2009, for travel confirmation.The $1200 balance covering trip expenses <strong>is</strong> dueFebruary 1, 2010, and <strong>is</strong> not refundable after th<strong>is</strong> date. Inaddition to the trip costs, tuition charges are $1800, whichwill be due April 30, 2010.IDS4810-01-MT Travel-Study: Native Americans Today:Well-Being and Challenges in Urban Settings and on theReservation3 semester hoursTh<strong>is</strong> three-week course expands on IDS 1600 and otherdiversity and cultural courses and focuses on the NativeAmerican in the Midwest. The course will begin by reviewingthe h<strong>is</strong>torical and political events impacting the NativeAmerican in the Midwest. The emphas<strong>is</strong> of the class <strong>is</strong> thecurrent economic and social experience of both the urbanNative American and the Native American on the reservation.Week two will focus on the urban Native Americanand include a v<strong>is</strong>it to the American Indian Center inChicago. The final week includes a trip to the OneidaReservation in Oneida, W<strong>is</strong>consin. Th<strong>is</strong> interd<strong>is</strong>ciplinarycourse will focus on the health challenges and the economicfactors impacting the Native American today.Prerequ<strong>is</strong>ite: Consent of instructors. Open to senior-levelstudents.Instructors: Dr. Julie Bach and David Diehl, Lecturer inBusiness.Location: Oneida, W<strong>is</strong>consinCourse Dates/Times: On-campus class meetings will beheld on the AU campus <strong>May</strong> 11, 12, 13, 18, and 20 from6:00–9:30 p.m. with an all-day field trip to the American11

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