Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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<strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong>-RELATED BEHAVIOUR 77.1 INTRODUCTIONThis chapter explores the prevalence of behaviours that relate to <strong>and</strong> influence the <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong>epidemic <strong>and</strong> other related infections. Discussed are issues such as age at sexual debut, multiplesexual partners, <strong>and</strong> sex with commercial sex workers, all of which are related to higher risk ofspreading <strong>HIV</strong> <strong>and</strong> other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). The chapter also examines theprevalence of sexually transmitted infections <strong>and</strong> their symptoms among women <strong>and</strong> men age 15-49.Moreover, information on the prevalence of voluntary counselling <strong>and</strong> testing for <strong>HIV</strong> is discussed.Finally, information on the use of injections is examined. To show trends for selected indicators,comparisons are made with previous surveys, i.e., the 2003-04 <strong>Tanzania</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> <strong>Indicator</strong> <strong>Survey</strong>(THIS) <strong>and</strong> the 2004-05 <strong>Tanzania</strong> Demographic <strong>and</strong> Health <strong>Survey</strong> (T<strong>DHS</strong>).7.2 AGE AT FIRST SEXUAL INTERCOURSEAge at first sexual intercourse is of particular interest as <strong>HIV</strong> in <strong>Tanzania</strong> is mainlytransmitted through heterosexual contact. Thus, analyzing data on age at first sex is a way tounderst<strong>and</strong> when individuals are first exposed to the risk of infection with the <strong>HIV</strong> virus. The 2007-08<strong>Tanzania</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Malaria</strong> <strong>Indicator</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> (THMIS) collected information on the timing offirst sexual intercourse for both women <strong>and</strong> men. The data are presented in Table 7.1.Table 7.1 Age at first sexual intercoursePercentage of women <strong>and</strong> men age 15-49 who had first sexual intercourse by specific exact ages, percentagewho never had intercourse, <strong>and</strong> median age at first intercourse, according to current age, <strong>Tanzania</strong> HMIS2007-08Percentage who had first sexualintercourse by exact age:Current age 15 18 20 22 25WOMENPercentagewho neverhadintercourseNumberMedianage at firstintercourse15-19 10.7 na na na na 54.1 1,984 a20-24 11.5 58.8 82.4 na na 7.1 1,746 17.525-29 11.6 56.2 78.3 86.9 90.8 1.4 1,603 17.530-34 14.2 55.9 78.8 86.7 89.6 0.7 1,346 17.535-39 16.7 60.7 79.3 87.5 91.5 0.1 1,175 17.040-44 16.1 59.1 77.5 87.3 92.0 0.0 774 17.245-49 20.8 65.3 80.7 89.3 92.3 0.1 714 16.720-49 14.2 58.7 79.7 na na 2.1 7,359 17.325-49 15.1 58.6 78.8 87.3 91.0 0.6 5,613 17.315-24 11.1 na na na na 32.1 3,730 aMEN15-19 10.8 na na na na 64.4 1,768 a20-24 8.1 41.8 69.8 na na 17.8 1,148 18.525-29 7.1 40.7 67.3 82.6 92.2 4.5 1,004 18.530-34 9.3 40.9 70.0 83.9 92.9 0.8 1,004 18.535-39 9.1 40.2 67.2 82.0 89.7 0.8 842 18.540-44 8.1 39.4 65.6 81.1 88.2 0.3 628 18.645-49 5.8 39.1 63.9 80.9 89.7 0.3 581 18.620-49 8.0 40.6 67.8 na na 5.1 5,207 18.525-49 8.0 40.2 67.2 82.3 90.9 1.5 4,059 18.515-24 9.7 na na na na 46.1 2,916 ana = Not applicable because of censoringa = Omitted because less than 50 percent of the respondents had intercourse for the first time beforereaching the beginning of the age group<strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong>-Related Behaviour | 73

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