Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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Table 6.1.1 Accepting attitudes towards people living with <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong>: WomenAmong women age 15-49 who have heard of <strong>AIDS</strong>, percentage expressing specific accepting attitudes towards people with <strong>AIDS</strong>, bybackground characteristics, <strong>Tanzania</strong> HMIS 2007-08BackgroundcharacteristicAre willing tocare for a familymember with the<strong>AIDS</strong> virus in therespondent'shomePercentage of women who:Would buy freshvegetables fromshopkeeper whohas the <strong>AIDS</strong>virusSay that a femaleteacher with the<strong>AIDS</strong> virus <strong>and</strong> isnot sick shouldbe allowed tocontinueteachingWould not wantto keep secretthat a familymember gotinfected with the<strong>AIDS</strong> virusPercentageexpressingacceptingattitudes on allfour indicatorsNumber ofwomen whohave heardof <strong>AIDS</strong>Age15-24 89.9 54.0 74.8 49.5 25.7 3,64815-19 87.1 51.6 71.6 47.7 23.5 1,92920-24 93.0 56.6 78.4 51.5 28.2 1,71925-29 96.0 60.6 80.1 48.6 27.2 1,57730-39 93.2 58.5 74.9 49.8 27.6 2,48840-49 95.0 54.8 70.4 49.4 24.6 1,478Marital statusNever married 89.8 57.9 78.1 51.0 30.1 2,167Ever had sex 93.6 62.8 82.3 51.1 33.7 972Never had sex 86.7 54.0 74.7 50.9 27.2 1,194Married/living together 93.6 55.5 73.6 49.3 24.9 5,885Divorced/separated/widowed 93.5 58.9 76.5 47.2 26.0 1,139ResidenceUrban 97.4 73.3 89.8 51.8 36.5 2,450Rural 90.9 50.4 69.6 48.6 22.6 6,741Mainl<strong>and</strong>/ZanzibarMainl<strong>and</strong> 92.7 56.2 74.7 49.1 26.0 8,885Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Urban 97.5 73.4 89.7 51.6 36.3 2,344Dar es Salaam City 98.8 76.9 95.2 44.1 33.0 762Other Urban 96.9 71.7 87.0 55.2 38.0 1,583Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Rural 91.0 50.1 69.3 48.3 22.3 6,540Zanzibar 90.5 63.3 85.1 57.7 34.4 306Region/Isl<strong>and</strong>Arusha 89.8 67.5 72.2 69.6 41.8 362Dar es Salaam 98.7 76.9 95.1 43.6 32.4 797Dodoma 95.2 59.0 85.1 31.5 17.1 335Iringa 93.3 49.3 75.8 49.2 20.3 400Kagera 96.0 55.5 74.5 46.5 25.4 485Kigoma 92.1 53.5 68.6 50.8 25.3 414Kilimanjaro 97.3 66.3 85.7 52.4 36.0 379Lindi 99.4 61.0 85.5 41.4 34.0 246Manyara 87.9 68.2 66.3 63.0 37.6 259Mara 92.7 60.2 73.4 59.1 30.1 360Mbeya 89.6 54.4 69.7 58.8 27.2 576Morogoro 94.6 61.0 76.0 44.1 25.6 432Mtwara 99.4 53.5 80.4 30.4 17.1 324Mwanza 90.0 56.3 71.1 48.5 27.6 821Pwani 95.8 58.7 81.4 50.1 29.5 203Rukwa 88.7 50.8 69.3 59.6 27.0 287Ruvuma 94.6 61.6 79.2 52.1 28.3 367Shinyanga 87.4 37.0 57.9 48.0 17.5 706Singida 93.4 55.0 75.1 36.1 15.0 193Tabora 87.1 36.9 53.9 56.4 17.0 516Tanga 91.4 47.2 82.8 38.6 18.6 423Pemba 87.9 48.6 78.5 55.8 24.3 94Unguja 91.6 69.8 88.1 58.6 38.8 212ZoneWestern 88.5 41.1 59.4 51.4 19.3 1,636Northern 91.9 61.3 77.9 54.6 32.6 1,422Central 94.5 57.5 81.4 33.2 16.3 528Southern Highl<strong>and</strong>s 90.5 52.0 71.5 56.0 25.0 1,263Lake 92.3 56.9 72.6 50.2 27.5 1,666Eastern 97.1 69.5 87.4 44.6 29.9 1,432Southern 97.5 58.6 81.3 41.8 25.9 937Zanzibar 90.5 63.3 85.1 57.7 34.4 306EducationNo education 86.6 37.0 54.9 44.2 14.4 1,897Primary incomplete 88.2 44.1 67.2 48.1 18.2 1,486Primary complete 95.5 63.1 81.7 50.2 29.7 4,909Secondary + 97.2 82.0 93.9 58.5 46.1 898Wealth quintileLowest 85.8 39.3 56.9 44.0 14.8 1,637Second 91.2 45.6 67.0 49.4 20.5 1,602Middle 92.3 50.2 71.1 48.0 21.7 1,723Fourth 94.2 61.1 80.4 52.1 30.2 1,853Highest 97.5 76.6 91.5 52.2 38.4 2,376Total 15-49 92.7 56.5 75.0 49.4 26.3 9,19166 | Attitudes Relating to <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong>

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