Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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Table 5.3.1 Comprehensive knowledge about <strong>AIDS</strong>: WomenPercentage of women age 15-49 who say that a healthy-looking person can have the <strong>AIDS</strong> virus <strong>and</strong> who, in response to promptedquestions, correctly reject local misconceptions about <strong>AIDS</strong> transmission or prevention, <strong>and</strong> the percentage with a comprehensiveknowledge about <strong>AIDS</strong>, by background characteristics, <strong>Tanzania</strong> HMIS 2007-08Percentage of women who say that:A healthylookingperson canhave the<strong>AIDS</strong> virus<strong>AIDS</strong> cannotbetransmittedby mosquitobites<strong>AIDS</strong> cannotbetransmittedbysupernaturalmeansA personcannotbecomeinfected bysharing foodwith a personwho has <strong>AIDS</strong>Percentage who saythat a healthylookingperson canhave the <strong>AIDS</strong> virus<strong>and</strong> who reject thetwo mostcommon localmisconcaptions 1Percentagewith acomprehensiveBackgroundknowledge Number of2characteristicabout <strong>AIDS</strong> womenAge15-24 77.4 75.6 83.4 80.4 55.7 39.2 3,73015-19 74.0 77.5 83.4 77.7 53.8 35.1 1,98420-24 81.2 73.3 83.5 83.6 57.8 43.9 1,74625-29 82.7 73.8 87.8 85.3 59.8 44.4 1,60330-39 80.9 71.5 85.2 81.9 55.0 40.6 2,52140-49 78.8 63.1 78.7 75.5 46.9 33.7 1,488Marital statusNever married 78.5 80.8 86.2 82.7 61.1 42.2 2,214Ever had sex 82.4 79.6 87.5 85.9 63.7 51.6 983Never had sex 75.4 81.7 85.1 80.2 59.0 34.8 1,231Married/living together 79.6 69.7 83.2 80.2 53.1 38.6 5,983Divorced/separated/widowed 80.7 68.2 83.4 81.1 51.7 39.9 1,147ResidenceUrban 90.7 81.3 87.8 89.4 69.4 53.2 2,459Rural 75.5 68.9 82.5 77.8 49.6 34.8 6,884Mainl<strong>and</strong>/ZanzibarMainl<strong>and</strong> 79.2 72.1 84.3 80.8 54.6 40.0 9,034Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Urban 90.7 81.4 88.4 89.3 69.4 54.0 2,353Dar es Salaam City 93.6 83.2 87.7 93.8 75.0 59.4 762Other Urban 89.3 80.6 88.7 87.2 66.7 51.4 1,591Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Rural 75.2 68.9 82.9 77.8 49.5 35.0 6,681Zanzibar 87.0 73.1 71.9 82.7 59.5 29.0 309Region/Isl<strong>and</strong>Arusha 78.5 57.9 75.5 73.0 51.1 40.1 383Dar es Salaam 93.6 82.4 87.3 93.7 74.3 59.0 797Dodoma 72.4 71.0 93.8 81.6 47.8 39.8 338Iringa 74.3 61.9 86.8 72.9 41.3 18.7 403Kagera 79.9 76.1 90.7 80.3 55.3 38.8 495Kigoma 84.8 83.3 86.0 88.2 67.7 61.7 414Kilimanjaro 91.7 82.6 89.6 83.7 68.6 53.2 379Lindi 85.7 86.8 88.0 88.7 72.9 63.2 246Manyara 75.2 57.9 71.3 68.9 46.2 32.4 263Mara 87.5 67.5 87.0 81.5 55.2 39.8 368Mbeya 76.9 74.3 87.9 83.6 55.5 32.4 581Morogoro 81.7 69.2 79.3 82.0 53.3 40.5 436Mtwara 81.2 78.5 90.1 89.2 63.1 52.4 324Mwanza 71.0 75.9 85.1 78.3 47.4 29.8 833Pwani 88.8 72.8 73.2 87.0 60.2 53.2 203Rukwa 66.0 57.5 78.2 70.4 36.6 15.4 314Ruvuma 78.7 65.7 78.1 80.5 47.3 30.8 372Shinyanga 68.3 60.6 76.1 69.4 41.4 25.1 750Singida 64.2 73.8 83.2 74.5 43.4 27.5 194Tabora 77.7 80.0 87.8 82.9 57.6 51.4 518Tanga 85.7 70.0 86.7 82.6 57.2 42.2 424Pemba 82.1 65.2 66.2 76.6 49.1 21.0 94Unguja 89.1 76.6 74.4 85.4 64.0 32.5 214ZoneWestern 75.3 72.2 82.2 78.2 52.8 42.2 1,682Northern 83.5 67.9 81.7 77.9 56.6 42.7 1,449Central 69.4 72.0 89.9 79.0 46.2 35.3 532Southern Highl<strong>and</strong>s 73.5 66.4 85.2 77.1 46.5 24.1 1,297Lake 77.2 74.1 87.1 79.6 51.4 34.6 1,696Eastern 89.3 77.0 82.9 89.2 66.0 52.6 1,436Southern 81.4 75.6 84.8 85.6 59.4 46.7 942Zanzibar 87.0 73.1 71.9 82.7 59.5 29.0 309EducationNo education 63.4 54.8 71.3 67.1 34.2 21.3 1,983Primary incomplete 72.8 68.5 81.5 75.1 44.7 28.5 1,517Primary complete 85.4 76.8 88.0 85.6 61.2 45.8 4,945Secondary + 93.6 91.3 92.9 95.2 82.2 64.5 898Wealth quintileLowest 66.0 61.7 77.0 69.7 40.2 27.9 1,700Second 72.6 68.8 80.8 76.0 46.4 32.9 1,634Middle 77.5 69.0 84.4 78.8 49.8 34.7 1,757Fourth 83.6 74.2 85.9 84.2 57.9 41.8 1,867Highest 92.0 82.7 89.0 91.1 72.2 54.4 2,384Total 79.5 72.2 83.9 80.9 54.8 39.6 9,3431Two most common local misconceptions: <strong>AIDS</strong> can be transmitted by mosquito bites, <strong>and</strong> <strong>AIDS</strong> can be transmitted by supernaturalmeans2Comprehensive knowledge means knowing that consistent use of condoms during sexual intercourse <strong>and</strong> having just one uninfectedfaithful partner can reduce the chances of getting the <strong>AIDS</strong> virus, knowing that a healthy-looking person can have the <strong>AIDS</strong> virus, <strong>and</strong>rejecting the two most common local misconceptions about <strong>AIDS</strong> transmission or prevention.<strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong>-Related Knowledge | 55

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