Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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Figure 4.3 Adolescent Fertility80 Percent Mothers Pregnant with first child6040200248546391048293821721615 16 17 18 19AgeTHMIS 2007-08As expected, the percentage of teenagers who have started childbearing rises rapidly with age,from 3 percent among women age 15, to 54 percent among women age 19. The percentage is higheramong rural women (26 percent) than urban women (16 percent). In the Mainl<strong>and</strong>, adolescentchildbearing is most common in the Southern Zone <strong>and</strong> least common in the Northern Zone (34 <strong>and</strong>16 percent, respectively). Eight percent of women in Zanzibar have started childbearing; 10 percent inPemba <strong>and</strong> 7 percent in Unguja.Adolescent childbearing has a negative relationship with education. Half of women with noeducation have started childbearing compared with only 3 percent of women with secondary or highereducation.4.4 ANTENATAL CAREThe major objective of antenatal care is to identify <strong>and</strong> treat problems during pregnancy suchas anaemia <strong>and</strong> infections. Antenatal care (ANC) visits include screening for complications, <strong>and</strong>advising on a range of issues such as place of delivery <strong>and</strong> referral of mothers with complications. Inthe 2007-08 THMIS, interviewers collected information about ANC for the most recent birth in thepast five years (since January 2002). If a woman received ANC from more than one provider, theprovider with the highest qualifications was used for the questionnaire. Table 4.7 shows the distributionof women who had a live birth in the five years preceding the survey by type of antenatal careprovider, according to background characteristics.Most pregnant women in <strong>Tanzania</strong> received ANC from skilled personnel (4 percent by adoctor, 7 percent from a clinical officer or assistant clinical officer, 65 percent from a nurse ormidwife, <strong>and</strong> 21 percent from an MCH aide). Only 2 percent of women received ANC from unskilledpersonnel such as relatives <strong>and</strong> friends, <strong>and</strong> 1 percent of women received no ANC.There are no significant differences in ANC by the age of mother, birth order, urban-ruralresidence. Women in the Eastern, Northern, <strong>and</strong> Central zones are more likely than women in otherzones to receive ANC from a health professional. There were no substantial differences in antenatalcare from a medical professional by women’s level of education or household wealth status.46 | Fertility <strong>and</strong> Reproductive Health

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