Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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Figure 3.2 Women <strong>and</strong> Men Age 15-49 by Current Marital Status64605350404230242010125070 Percent Marital statusWomen MenNever married Currently married Formerly marriedTHMIS 2007-083.7 POLYGYNYPolygyny (i.e., the practice of having more than one spouse) is common in Africa <strong>and</strong> hasimplications for the frequency of sexual activity <strong>and</strong> for the fertility rate. Currently married men wereasked, “Do you have more than one wife or woman with whom you are living as if married?”For women the question was, “Besides yourself, does your husb<strong>and</strong>/partner have other wives or doeshe live with other women as if married?”Table 3.6 shows the distribution of married women by number of co-wives <strong>and</strong> thedistribution of men by number of wives, according to background characteristics. About 23 percent ofwomen have co-wives <strong>and</strong> 12 percent of men have more than one wife. The extent of polygynyincreases gradually with age. For men, the proportion with two or more wives increases from 3percent among men age 20-24, to 20 percent among men age 45-49. Figure 3.3 illustrates thedistribution of women <strong>and</strong> men in polygynous unions by age.Differentials in polygyny by residence are marked; polygynous unions for women (i.e., cowives)are 13 percent in urban areas <strong>and</strong> 26 percent in rural areas. For men, the proportions are 4 <strong>and</strong>13 percent, respectively.There are large differentials across regions. Polygyny among married women is slightlyhigher in Zanzibar (27 percent) than in Mainl<strong>and</strong> (23 percent). Men in Zanzibar are more likely thanmen in Mainl<strong>and</strong> to be in polygynous unions (18 <strong>and</strong> 11 percent, respectively). Mara region has thehighest proportion of women with co-wives (38 percent) while Kilimanjaro, (6 percent) <strong>and</strong> Dar esSalaam (11 percent) have the lowest proportionsThe practice of polygyny is inversely related to level of education. For example, 30 percent ofwomen with no education have co-wives compared with 11 percent of women with a secondary orhigher education.Characteristics of Respondents | 31

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