Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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The vision of the malaria medium term strategic plan is for <strong>Tanzania</strong> to become a society wheremalaria is no longer a threat to the health of its citizens, regardless of gender, religion or socioeconomicstatus.The recommended key malaria control strategies include:Improve early recognition of malaria <strong>and</strong> prompt treatment with effective antimalarial drugs;Prevent <strong>and</strong> control malaria in pregnancy, by increasing coverage with at least two doses ofIntermittent Preventive Treatment (IPT) among pregnant women attending public healthservices, <strong>and</strong> by promoting the regular <strong>and</strong> correct use of long-lasting insecticide-treated net(LLIN);Prevent infection with malaria by maintaining high coverage of LLITNs, with specificemphasis on vulnerable groups, complemented by other vector-control methods such asindoor residual spraying;Strengthen the Ministry of Health <strong>and</strong> Social Welfare (MoHSW) <strong>and</strong> key stakeholderssupport for malaria control through improved planning, management, partnership, <strong>and</strong>coordination; <strong>and</strong>Strengthen monitoring <strong>and</strong> evaluation surveillance system to support localized control <strong>and</strong>enable early detection <strong>and</strong> response to malaria epidemics.Concerted effort, effective partnership, <strong>and</strong> coordination of all key players in malaria control at alllevels is critical to achievement of control <strong>and</strong> elimination of malaria in <strong>Tanzania</strong>.1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE SURVEYThe 2007-08 <strong>Tanzania</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Malaria</strong> <strong>Indicator</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> (THMIS) is the secondpopulation-based, comprehensive survey on <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> carried out in <strong>Tanzania</strong>. The survey wascommissioned by the <strong>Tanzania</strong> Commission for <strong>AIDS</strong> (TAC<strong>AIDS</strong>) <strong>and</strong> the Zanzibar <strong>AIDS</strong>Commission (ZAC).The 2007-08 THMIS was implemented by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) incollaboration with the Office of the Chief Government Statistician (OCGS), Zanzibar. MacroInternational provided technical assistance through MEASURE <strong>DHS</strong>, a USAID-funded projectproviding support <strong>and</strong> technical assistance in the implementation of population <strong>and</strong> health surveys incountries worldwide. Other agencies <strong>and</strong> organizations that facilitated the successful implementationof the survey, through technical or financial support, include the National <strong>AIDS</strong> Control Programme,the National <strong>Malaria</strong> Control Programme, the Ministry of Health <strong>and</strong> Social Welfare, the Zanzibar<strong>AIDS</strong> Control Programme, <strong>and</strong> Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS).The primary objectives of the 2007-08 THMIS survey were to provide up-to-date informationon the prevalence of <strong>HIV</strong> infection among <strong>Tanzania</strong>n adults, <strong>and</strong> the prevalence of malaria infection<strong>and</strong> anaemia among children under age five years. The findings will be used to evaluate ongoingprogrammes <strong>and</strong> to develop new health strategies. Where appropriate, the findings from the 2007-08THMIS are compared with those from the 2003-04 <strong>Tanzania</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> <strong>Indicator</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> (THIS).The findings of these two surveys are expected to complement the sentinel surveillance systemundertaken by the Ministry of Health <strong>and</strong> Social Welfare under its National <strong>AIDS</strong> Control Programme(NACP). The THMIS also provides updated estimates of selected basic demographic <strong>and</strong> healthindicators covered in previous surveys, including the 1991-92 <strong>Tanzania</strong> Demographic <strong>and</strong> Health<strong>Survey</strong> (T<strong>DHS</strong>), the 1996 T<strong>DHS</strong>, the 1999 Reproductive <strong>and</strong> Child Health <strong>Survey</strong> (RCHS), <strong>and</strong> the2004-05 T<strong>DHS</strong>.More specifically, the objectives of the 2007-08 THMIS were: To measure <strong>HIV</strong> prevalence among women <strong>and</strong> men age 15-49;Introduction | 3

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