Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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category (1.41) is 41 percent higher than for children who are not in any high-risk category. The riskratio for births in a single high-risk category is 1.41, which means that children in a single high-riskcategory are 41 percent more likely to die than children who are not in any high-risk category.Similarly, births in multiple high-risk categories are 42 percent more likely to die than births who arenot in any high-risk category.The last column in Table 10.4 looks to the future <strong>and</strong> addresses the question of how manycurrently married women have the potential for having a high-risk birth. A simulation procedure wascarried out on mothers who are in a risk category. The result is a distribution of currently marriedwomen by the risk category into which a birth conceived at the time of the survey would fall. Forexample, a woman who was 37 years old at the time of survey <strong>and</strong> had three previous births would beclassified in the multiple high-risk category for being too old (35 or older) <strong>and</strong> at risk of having ahigh-order birth (more than three previous births). About one in four (26 percent) currently marriedwomen would fall into this category. Overall, 45 percent of married women are in a multiple highriskcategory, <strong>and</strong> three in four married women (76 percent) have the potential to give birth to a childwith an elevated risk of dying.Table 10.4 High-risk fertility behaviourPercent distribution of children born in the five years preceding thesurvey by category of elevated risk of mortality <strong>and</strong> the risk ratio, <strong>and</strong>percent distribution of currently married women by category of risk ifthey were to conceive a child at the time of the survey, <strong>Tanzania</strong> HMIS2007-08Risk categoryBirths in the 5 yearspreceding the surveyPercentage Riskof births ratioPercentageof currentlymarriedwomen 1Not in any high-risk category 27.4 1.00 18.9 aUnavoidable risk categoryFirst-order births between ages18 <strong>and</strong> 34 years 16.0 1.46 5.5Single high-risk categoryMother's age

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