Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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Table 9.5 shows that men who are currently in polygamous unions have a higher prevalenceof <strong>HIV</strong> than those who are not in polygamous unions or who are currently not in union. The reverse isseen among women; those who are not in union are more likely to be <strong>HIV</strong> positive than women in thetwo other groups.Overall, those who travel away from home frequently are more likely to be <strong>HIV</strong> positive thanthose who do not. Among women, those who travelled away from home five or more times in the past12 months were twice as likely to be <strong>HIV</strong> positive (12 percent) as those who did not travel away fromhome (6 percent). For men, the relationship is not as strong, however, prevalence of <strong>HIV</strong> is highestamong those who travelled away from home at least 5 times in the past 12 months. The length of timeaway from home does not seem to be related to <strong>HIV</strong> prevalence.Figure 9.4 Prevalence of <strong>HIV</strong> by Marital Status30 Percent Women Men Total25252720151513105022266106Never married Married/living together Divorced or separated WidowedMarital status** Figure for widowed men is suppressed because of the small number of cases.THMIS 2007-08<strong>HIV</strong> prevalence is slightly higher among women who are not pregnant or not sure of theirpregnancy status (7 percent) than among those who are pregnant (5 percent). This finding is importantbecause the national prevalence of <strong>HIV</strong> has been estimated using data obtained from antenatal clinics(ANC) <strong>and</strong> adjusted using prevalence obtained from population-based surveys. Comparison is alsoshown for women who gave birth in the three years before the survey <strong>and</strong> received ANC from either apublic or private source, as opposed to those who did not go for ANC or who did not give birth duringthe time period. Data show that women who attended ANC services provided by the government(public sector) are less likely to be <strong>HIV</strong> positive (5 percent) than those who either attended ANCprovided by a non-public sector (9 percent) or those who did not get ANC services or did not givebirth in the three years before the survey (8 percent).It is also interesting to note that men who are circumcised are less likely to be <strong>HIV</strong> positive (4percent) than those who have not been circumcised (6 percent).9.6 <strong>HIV</strong> PREVALENCE BY SEXUAL BEHAVIOURTable 9.6 examines the prevalence of <strong>HIV</strong> by selected indicators of sexual behaviour amongrespondents who have ever had sexual intercourse. In reviewing these results, it is important toremember that responses about sexual risk behaviour may be subject to reporting bias. Furthermore,<strong>HIV</strong> Prevalence | 119

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