Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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Table 9.4 <strong>HIV</strong> prevalence by socio-economic characteristicsPercentage <strong>HIV</strong> positive among women <strong>and</strong> men age 15-49 who were tested, by socio-economic characteristics,<strong>Tanzania</strong> HMIS 2007-08Socio-economiccharacteristicWomen Men TotalPercentagePercentagePercentage<strong>HIV</strong> positive Number <strong>HIV</strong> positive Number <strong>HIV</strong> positive NumberResidenceUrban 10.6 2,065 6.4 1,605 8.7 3,670Rural 5.3 6,114 4.0 5,260 4.7 11,374Mainl<strong>and</strong>/ZanzibarMainl<strong>and</strong> 6.8 7,909 4.7 6,657 5.8 14,566Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Urban 11.0 1,972 6.6 1,535 9.1 3,507Dar es Salaam City 10.2 663 7.2 550 8.8 1,213Other Urban 11.4 1,309 6.3 985 9.2 2,294Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Rural 5.4 5,937 4.1 5,122 4.8 11,059Zanzibar 0.7 270 0.5 208 0.6 478RegionArusha 0.8 345 2.7 260 1.6 605Dar es Salaam 10.4 690 7.9 577 9.3 1,266Dodoma 4.1 294 2.3 253 3.3 547Iringa 18.6 353 12.1 283 15.7 636Kagera 3.5 451 3.3 396 3.4 847Kigoma 2.7 361 0.6 286 1.8 647Kilimanjaro 2.5 328 1.2 266 1.9 594Lindi 4.9 215 2.2 161 3.8 376Manyara 2.3 229 0.7 201 1.5 430Mara 8.5 319 6.6 237 7.7 556Mbeya 9.3 502 9.2 487 9.2 990Morogoro 7.1 379 2.9 333 5.1 712Mtwara 4.4 285 2.5 207 3.6 492Mwanza 7.1 729 3.7 588 5.6 1,317Pwani 8.4 177 4.2 116 6.7 294Rukwa 5.7 276 4.1 263 4.9 538Ruvuma 7.4 326 4.2 285 5.9 610Shinyanga 8.4 660 6.3 624 7.4 1,284Singida 3.0 171 2.4 148 2.7 318Tabora 7.2 447 5.6 390 6.4 837Tanga 6.7 372 2.4 296 4.8 668Pemba 0.3 82 0.2 62 0.3 145Unguja 0.9 187 0.6 146 0.8 334ZoneWestern 6.6 1,469 4.8 1,300 5.8 2,768Northern 3.2 1,274 1.8 1,023 2.6 2,297Central 3.7 464 2.3 401 3.0 865Southern Highl<strong>and</strong>s 11.3 1,131 8.7 1,033 10.1 2,164Lake 6.3 1,499 4.1 1,222 5.3 2,721Eastern 9.1 1,246 5.9 1,026 7.7 2,272Southern 5.7 826 3.2 653 4.6 1,479Zanzibar 0.7 270 0.5 208 0.6 478EducationNo education 6.0 1,727 5.5 801 5.9 2,528Primary incomplete 6.0 1,349 4.1 1,536 5.0 2,884Primary complete 7.3 4,332 4.9 3,515 6.2 7,847Secondary + 4.9 771 3.4 1,013 4.0 1,784Employment (past 12 months)Not employed 3.7 1,569 1.0 1,330 2.5 2,898Employed 7.3 6,596 5.4 5,528 6.4 12,124Wealth quintileLowest 5.0 1,501 4.1 1,168 4.6 2,669Second 6.6 1,455 3.5 1,435 5.1 2,890Middle 5.1 1,582 4.1 1,315 4.7 2,896Fourth 6.0 1,641 4.5 1,363 5.3 3,004Highest 9.5 2,000 6.3 1,582 8.1 3,582Total 15-49 6.6 8,179 4.6 6,865 5.7 15,044Note: <strong>HIV</strong> positive refers to individuals who have <strong>HIV</strong>-1. Total includes 14 women <strong>and</strong> 8 men for whom onemployment status is missingFor both sexes, urban residents have higher levels of <strong>HIV</strong> infection than rural residents (9 <strong>and</strong>5 percent, respectively). The <strong>HIV</strong> prevalence among urban women (11 percent) is twice that of ruralwomen (5 percent). For men, the difference is not so large (6 percent among urban men <strong>and</strong> 4 percentamong rural men).116 | <strong>HIV</strong> Prevalence

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