Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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Table 8.8 Recent <strong>HIV</strong> tests among youthAmong young women <strong>and</strong> young men age 15-24 who have had sexual intercourse in thepast 12 months, the percentage who have had an <strong>HIV</strong> test in the past 12 months <strong>and</strong>received the results of the test, by background characteristics, <strong>Tanzania</strong> HMIS 2007-08BackgroundcharacteristicWomen age 15-24 who hadsexual intercourse in thepast 12 monthsPercentage whohave been testedfor <strong>HIV</strong> <strong>and</strong>received resultsin past12 monthsNumber ofwomenMen age 15-24 who hadsexual intercourse in thepast 12 monthsPercentage whohave been testedfor <strong>HIV</strong> <strong>and</strong>received resultsin past12 monthsNumber ofmenAge15-19 25.4 810 17.0 44315-17 23.6 368 12.1 19818-19 27.0 442 21.0 24520-24 23.2 1,472 21.6 79420-22 22.6 881 21.0 49623-24 24.0 591 22.7 298Marital statusNever married 25.6 572 19.5 840Ever married 23.4 1,710 20.9 397Knows condom source 1Yes 27.5 1,577 20.6 1,138No 16.1 705 12.1 99ResidenceUrban 30.4 599 27.7 254Rural 21.7 1,683 18.0 983Mainl<strong>and</strong>/ZanzibarMainl<strong>and</strong> 23.9 2,239 20.0 1,220Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Urban 30.3 584 28.0 248Dar es Salaam City 32.8 162 (25.7) 71Other Urban 29.4 422 28.9 177Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Rural 21.7 1,655 18.0 972Zanzibar 27.3 43 17.2 17ZoneWestern 22.2 529 20.2 317Northern 23.6 293 27.8 159Central 21.8 106 16.1 77Southern Highl<strong>and</strong>s 27.7 272 18.7 166Lake 22.8 462 14.9 193Eastern 25.2 335 18.6 143Southern 25.1 243 22.5 165Zanzibar 27.3 43 17.2 17EducationNo education 15.7 539 15.2 172Primary incomplete 14.8 385 15.1 340Primary complete 27.4 1,172 19.2 569Secondary + 45.7 186 38.7 156Wealth quintileLowest 16.9 417 16.7 235Second 19.7 441 15.4 282Middle 24.7 450 14.5 245Fourth 24.8 418 26.2 245Highest 31.6 556 28.1 229Total 15-24 24.0 2,282 20.0 1,237Note: Figures in parentheses are based on 25-49 unweighted cases.1Friends, family members, <strong>and</strong> home are not considered sources for condoms.Youth <strong>and</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> | 107

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