Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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Table 8.5.2 Higher-risk sexual intercourse among youth <strong>and</strong> condom use at lasthigher-risk intercourse in the past 12 months: MenAmong young men age 15-24 who had sexual intercourse in the past 12 months, thepercentage who had higher-risk sexual intercourse in the past 12 months, <strong>and</strong>among those having higher-risk intercourse in the past 12 months, the percentagereporting that a condom was used at last higher-risk intercourse, by backgroundcharacteristics, <strong>Tanzania</strong> HMIS 2007-08BackgroundcharacteristicRespondents 15-24 whohad sexual intercourse inpast 12 months:Percentagewho hadhigher-riskintercoursein past12 months 1Number ofmenRespondents 15-24 whohad higher riskintercourse in past12 months:Percentagewho reportedusing acondom at lasthigher-riskintercourse 1Number ofmenAge15-19 95.3 443 41.3 42215-17 99.4 198 31.4 19718-19 92.0 245 49.9 22520-24 71.1 794 54.7 56520-22 78.7 496 54.0 39023-24 58.5 298 56.3 175Marital statusNever married 99.8 840 48.8 838Ever married 37.5 397 50.1 149Knows condom source 2Yes 80.3 1,138 52.0 914No 73.7 99 10.5 73ResidenceUrban 87.9 254 68.5 224Rural 77.7 983 43.2 764Mainl<strong>and</strong>/ZanzibarMainl<strong>and</strong> 79.8 1,220 49.4 974Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Urban 87.9 248 70.1 218Dar es Salaam City (94.1) 71 (76.2) 67Other Urban 85.4 177 67.4 152Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Rural 77.7 972 43.4 755Zanzibar 79.2 17 16.9 14ZoneWestern 72.1 317 30.2 228Northern 86.7 159 52.5 137Central 87.7 77 40.9 68Southern Highl<strong>and</strong>s 75.1 166 65.0 124Lake 75.3 193 41.3 146Eastern 86.8 143 70.4 124Southern 88.2 165 57.4 146Zanzibar 79.2 17 16.9 14EducationNo education 66.8 172 30.3 115Primary incomplete 86.0 340 43.5 292Primary complete 76.8 569 51.4 437Secondary + 91.5 156 67.6 143Wealth quintileLowest 76.0 235 30.2 179Second 70.2 282 42.2 198Middle 83.0 245 44.9 203Fourth 81.8 245 55.7 201Highest 89.8 229 69.4 206Total 15-24 79.8 1,237 49.0 987Note: Figures in parentheses are based on 25-49 unweighted cases.1Sexual intercourse with a nonmarital, noncohabiting partner2Friends, family members, <strong>and</strong> home are not considered sources for condoms.102 | Youth <strong>and</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong>

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