Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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Table 8.4 Premarital sexual intercourse <strong>and</strong> condom use during premarital sexual intercourse among youthAmong never-married women <strong>and</strong> men age 15-24, the percentage who have never had sexual intercourse, the percentage who had sexualintercourse in the past 12 months, <strong>and</strong>, among those who had premarital sexual intercourse in the past 12 months, the percentage who used acondom at the last sexual intercourse, by background characteristics, <strong>Tanzania</strong> HMIS 2007-08Background characteristicPercentagewho neverhad sexualintercourseNever-married women age 15-24 Never-married men age 15-24Of thoseOf thosewho hadwho hadsexualsexualintercourseintercoursein past 12 Number ofin past 12Percentagemonths, womenPercentagemonths,who hadpercentage who hadwho hadpercentagesexual Number who used sexual Percentage sexual Number who usedintercourse of never- condom at intercourse who never intercourse of never- condom atin past married last sexual in past had sexual in past married last sexual12 months women intercourse 12 months intercourse 12 months men intercourseNumber ofmenwho hadsexualintercoursein past12 monthsAge15-19 70.3 23.8 1,527 49.4 364 65.6 23.6 1,735 40.3 41015-17 76.1 18.6 1,162 49.9 216 74.2 17.0 1,150 31.6 19618-19 52.0 40.4 365 48.6 147 48.8 36.6 585 48.3 21420-24 30.9 51.9 401 47.4 208 26.1 55.1 781 56.6 43020-22 33.5 49.5 299 49.9 148 28.7 53.5 605 56.3 32323-24 23.1 59.0 103 41.3 61 17.0 60.5 176 57.6 107Knows condom source 1Yes 44.1 44.8 1,014 54.3 455 42.6 41.7 1,876 51.6 782No 82.1 12.8 914 26.8 117 84.9 9.2 640 9.1 59ResidenceUrban 55.4 35.8 634 54.8 227 52.6 30.9 650 69.6 201Rural 65.4 26.6 1,294 44.6 345 53.6 34.3 1,866 42.1 640Mainl<strong>and</strong>/ZanzibarMainl<strong>and</strong> 60.5 31.0 1,829 49.0 5,66 52.3 34.2 2,424 49.1 828Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Urban 53.6 37.3 600 55.4 224 51.2 31.7 618 71.2 196Dar es Salaam City 52.5 34.1 199 (68.2) 68 48.4 33.0 203 (76.2) 67Other Urban 54.1 38.8 402 49.9 156 52.6 31.1 415 68.6 129Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Rural 63.9 27.9 1,228 44.8 343 52.6 35.0 1,806 42.3 632Zanzibar 92.3 5.9 99 12.3 6 82.4 13.0 92 16.4 12ZoneWestern 62.9 31.5 315 47.4 99 53.2 40.4 460 28.2 186Northern 64.2 28.0 350 52.4 98 55.1 32.2 383 52.5 123Central 72.5 19.3 100 * 19 43.5 39.7 162 42.1 64Southern Highl<strong>and</strong>s 67.5 18.9 240 (39.9) 45 57.2 26.5 382 65.8 101Lake 60.9 34.6 352 44.5 122 59.7 24.4 491 37.1 120Eastern 51.0 35.9 305 64.2 109 49.8 32.3 346 69.7 111Southern 47.5 43.6 167 41.7 73 28.6 61.0 201 60.5 122Zanzibar 92.3 5.9 99 (12.3) 6 82.4 13.0 92 16.4 12EducationNo education 48.7 38.2 140 32.7 54 43.0 46.9 191 36.6 90Primary incomplete 73.9 20.7 492 37.9 102 61.9 28.9 828 40.8 240Primary complete 55.5 35.9 873 49.5 313 45.5 39.1 957 49.5 374Secondary + 66.6 24.5 423 64.7 104 58.0 25.3 540 68.0 137Wealth quintileLowest 66.3 26.2 269 32.5 71 56.2 38.4 390 27.6 150Second 63.9 29.2 254 48.3 74 50.1 35.7 466 42.2 167Middle 65.3 27.2 335 45.1 91 54.0 33.8 478 43.3 162Fourth 61.9 28.4 420 44.4 119 53.0 31.5 539 55.0 170Highest 58.2 33.4 650 57.8 217 53.9 29.8 642 70.0 191Total 62.1 29.7 1,928 48.6 572 53.4 33.4 2,516 48.7 840Note: Figures in parentheses are based on 25-49 unweighted cases. An asterisk indicates that an estimate is based on fewer than 25 unweightedcases <strong>and</strong> has been suppressed.1Friends, family members, <strong>and</strong> home are not considered sources for condoms.As expected, premarital sex <strong>and</strong> condom use at last sex are higher among older males thanamong younger males (57 percent compared with 40 percent). The pattern is reversed for women;women age 15-19 are slightly more likely than women age 20-24 to use a condom at last sex (49 <strong>and</strong>47 percent, respectively). Condom use <strong>and</strong> premarital sex are higher among urban than rural youth.The likelihood that a young woman or man uses a condom at premarital sex increases with level ofeducation <strong>and</strong> wealth quintile. For women, use of a condom at the most recent premarital sexincreases from 33 percent among women with no education to 65 percent among women withsecondary or higher education. For men, the corresponding figures are 37 <strong>and</strong> 68 percent, respectively(Figure 8.3).Youth <strong>and</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> | 99

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