Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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8.4 CONDOM USE AT FIRST SEXAlong with the postponement of first sexual intercourse, early <strong>and</strong> consistent use of condomsis a means of preventing youths from becoming infected with <strong>HIV</strong>. To assess the extent of condomuse from the beginning of sexual exposure, respondents were asked whether they used a condom thefirst time they had sex. Since condom use is often viewed with stigma in <strong>Tanzania</strong>, there may havebeen underreporting of condom use.Twenty-four percent of women <strong>and</strong> 29 percent of men age 15-24 in <strong>Tanzania</strong> used a condomthe first time they had sex (Table 8.3). Interestingly, women age 15-19 years are more likely thanthose age 20-24 to use a condom at their first sex (33 <strong>and</strong> 19 percent, respectively). Among men, thereis no consistent pattern in the use of condoms at their first sex by age.Table 8.3 Condom use at first sexual intercourse among youthAmong young women <strong>and</strong> young men age 15-24 who have ever had sexual intercourse,percentage who used a condom the first time they had sexual intercourse, by backgroundcharacteristics, <strong>Tanzania</strong> HMIS 2007-08BackgroundcharacteristicWomen age 15-24 Men age 15-24Number ofwomen who Percentage whohave ever used a condomhad sexual at first sexualintercourse intercoursePercentage whoused a condomat first sexualintercourseNumber ofmen whohave everhad sexualintercourseAge15-19 33.4 910 29.7 62915-17 37.0 431 23.8 29918-19 30.2 479 34.9 33020-24 19.2 1,622 28.1 94420-22 23.1 976 30.1 60423-24 13.3 647 24.6 340Marital statusNever married 50.1 730 32.9 1,173Ever married 13.8 1,802 16.5 399Knows condom source 1Yes 30.4 1,752 30.4 1,435No 10.6 780 11.4 138ResidenceUrban 38.7 668 42.8 362Rural 19.1 1,864 24.5 1,211Mainl<strong>and</strong>/ZanzibarMainl<strong>and</strong> 24.6 2,486 28.9 1,551Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Urban 39.3 651 43.5 354Dar es Salaam City 46.1 197 53.9 109Other Urban 36.3 454 38.8 245Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Rural 19.3 1,835 24.6 1,197Zanzibar 10.4 46 14.8 22ZoneWestern 16.1 559 11.2 346Northern 25.7 334 29.6 207Central 23.0 125 25.0 105Southern Highl<strong>and</strong>s 19.0 310 31.9 228Lake 23.7 488 26.9 272Eastern 39.0 393 49.8 205Southern 28.2 277 39.5 188Zanzibar 10.4 46 14.8 22EducationNo education 7.1 583 14.5 192Primary incomplete 22.0 425 21.9 417Primary complete 26.9 1,300 30.6 717Secondary + 58.4 224 45.9 247Wealth quintileLowest 10.8 462 14.7 257Second 16.8 484 18.0 349Middle 18.9 486 26.1 303Fourth 28.7 475 37.0 329Highest 41.1 625 45.0 334Total 24.3 2,532 28.7 1,5731Friends, family members, <strong>and</strong> home are not considered sources for condoms.Youth <strong>and</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> | 97

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