Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey ... - Measure DHS

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Table 7.6 Pregnant women counselled <strong>and</strong> tested for <strong>HIV</strong>Among all women age 15-49 who gave birth in the two years preceding the survey, thepercentage who received <strong>HIV</strong> counselling during antenatal care for their most recent birth,<strong>and</strong> percentage who accepted an offer of <strong>HIV</strong> testing by whether they received their testresults, according to background characteristics, <strong>Tanzania</strong> HMIS 2007-08Percentagewho received<strong>HIV</strong>counsellingduringantenatalcare 1Percentage whowere offered <strong>and</strong>accepted an <strong>HIV</strong>test during antenatalcare <strong>and</strong> who: 2Did notreceiveresultsPercentagewho werecounselled,were offered<strong>and</strong> acceptedan <strong>HIV</strong> test,<strong>and</strong> whoreceivedresults 2BackgroundcharacteristicReceivedresultsNumber ofwomen 3Age15-24 40.3 43.3 6.9 28.6 1,14115-19 39.4 46.2 6.0 29.6 28220-24 40.6 42.4 7.2 28.3 85925-29 46.3 44.9 5.7 33.1 79030-39 44.8 40.3 6.0 29.5 93140-49 41.9 37.3 7.3 26.1 185ResidenceUrban 66.8 71.4 6.2 54.4 525Rural 38.5 36.4 6.4 24.8 2,522Mainl<strong>and</strong>/ZanzibarMainl<strong>and</strong> 43.2 42.4 6.4 29.8 2,969Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Urban 67.5 71.7 6.3 54.9 506Dar es Salaam City 85.5 87.4 3.8 79.1 147Other Urban 60.1 65.2 7.4 45.0 359Mainl<strong>and</strong> – Rural 38.3 36.4 6.5 24.7 2,463Zanzibar 47.1 45.1 2.6 32.6 77Region/Isl<strong>and</strong>Arusha 41.9 41.3 0.0 29.1 114Dar es Salaam 84.8 88.0 3.4 78.9 163Dodoma 48.8 24.3 8.7 18.7 117Iringa 65.6 53.6 4.5 46.4 120Kagera 33.1 39.4 10.5 21.7 192Kigoma 74.3 64.5 3.2 55.4 150Kilimanjaro 51.3 83.8 4.7 46.7 92Lindi 42.1 50.4 2.5 32.2 65Manyara 27.8 31.5 1.3 22.0 92Mara 21.3 22.1 4.3 11.7 128Mbeya 50.2 32.3 15.5 22.8 173Morogoro 62.5 42.9 10.8 38.9 137Mtwara 36.3 39.4 5.1 19.1 93Mwanza 25.1 27.0 13.8 17.3 279Pwani 60.6 68.8 8.2 49.3 61Rukwa 23.2 22.4 2.7 14.1 148Ruvuma 45.2 43.3 4.9 34.4 122Shinyanga 23.0 23.1 4.6 11.2 324Singida 41.7 53.2 4.7 33.8 80Tabora 50.7 53.6 2.7 36.9 200Tanga 40.3 47.9 7.0 28.4 119Pemba 43.6 32.8 3.2 26.5 31Unguja 49.3 53.1 2.2 36.6 47ZoneWestern 42.6 41.3 3.7 28.7 674Northern 40.4 50.4 3.3 31.2 417Central 45.9 36.0 7.1 24.8 198Southern Highl<strong>and</strong>s 45.3 34.8 8.2 26.3 441Lake 26.9 29.9 10.7 17.5 599Eastern 72.2 67.6 7.1 58.7 361Southern 41.5 43.7 4.4 28.8 279Zanzibar 47.1 45.1 2.6 32.6 77EducationNo education 28.1 30.2 4.6 17.8 756Primary incomplete 36.2 34.7 7.4 24.0 416Primary complete 49.3 46.9 6.9 34.1 1,726Secondary + 71.8 75.5 5.3 59.0 148Wealth quintileLowest 30.6 30.9 4.7 19.7 693Second 33.0 30.4 5.3 18.6 664Middle 42.6 38.7 8.4 26.8 642Fourth 51.1 49.7 6.4 37.2 577Highest 68.1 72.6 7.3 55.9 471Total 43.3 42.5 6.3 29.9 3,0461In this context, "counselled" means that someone talked with the respondent about allthree of the following topics: 1) babies getting the <strong>AIDS</strong> virus from their mother, 2)preventing the virus, <strong>and</strong> 3) getting tested for the virus.2Only women who were offered the test are included here; women who were eitherrequired or asked for the test are excluded from the numerator of this measure.3Denominator for percentages includes women who did not receive antenatal care fortheir last birth in the past two years86 | <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong>-Related Behaviour

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