Annual report 2010/11 - East Cheshire NHS Trust

Annual report 2010/11 - East Cheshire NHS Trust

Annual report 2010/11 - East Cheshire NHS Trust


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Monthly auditsIn order to demonstrate its commitment to regular patientfeedback the trust undertakes monthly audits across allwards looking at cleanliness, provision of same sexaccommodation, communication and quality of care.On average 89% of patients stated that the nurses ‘always’washed or cleaned their hands between touching patientsand 80% of patients stated that doctors ‘always’ washed orcleaned their hands between touching patients. Thisrepresents a 4% increase for both doctors and nurses on theprevious year. Excellent or good rating for the cleanliness ofthe ward averages at 98%.On average 93% of patients said that they are nursed insame sex accommodation when first admitted to thehospital and this figure rises to 97% following moves toother wards.94% of patients ‘always’ have enough privacy when beingexamined and 92% ‘always’ feel they are treated withdignity and respect.91% of patients <strong>report</strong> feeling involved in decisions abouttheir care and treatment and 94% say that they have theopportunity to talk to a doctor or nurse when needed.95% of patients rated the communication between staff aseither excellent or good and 97% rated the level of carereceived as either excellent or good.98% of patients would recommend the hospital to familyand friends.Real time patient feedbackReal time means giving feedback as close to the event aspossible, so that any action needed can be takenstraightaway. The trust implemented two methods ofgaining real time feedback over the past year.The first method trials the Heart of England system, wherematrons observe and speak to patients on the wards andinput results as they do so. This data is then translatedimmediately into results so the staff can immediately seehow they are performing in ‘real time.’The second is ‘Ward of the month’, where patients on award are interviewed and the results written up anddisseminated within 24 hours. Below are examples ofcomments made:• All commented about the helpfulness of staff - ‘The staffcan’t do enough for you’ was stated several times.(Ward 1)• ‘treated with dignity and respect – undoubtedly.’ (Ward 7)• About the food ‘absolutely excellent, very high standard’(Ward 7)• All commented on the fact that they felt they had enoughprivacy on the ward and that the staff did all they couldto help maintain their dignity. (Ward 2)Local Involvement Network (LINk)The trust has maintained its relationship with <strong>Cheshire</strong> <strong>East</strong>LINk, the LINk chair and vice chair meeting regularly withthe trust’s Chief Executive and Chairman and the LINk chairattended <strong>Trust</strong> Board meetings. ‘Enter and view’ visits havebeen carried out in the following areas:• Aston Ward, CWMH, where improvements in décor werenoted.• Ward 10, where good levels of cleanliness and patientinvolvement were noted.• A&E, which was felt to be an ‘efficient departmentappreciated by the patients.’• Unannounced visits to several wards reviewing care ofolder people around dignity and nutrition. (At time ofpress the trust are awaiting <strong>report</strong>, visitwww.eastcheshire.nhs.uk for full details).Overall the feedback was extremely positive andsuggestions for further improvement have been acted on.The trust has also responded to LINk requests forinformation regarding care of over 80s, discharge, industrialaction, MRSA screening and national Patient Safety Alerts.LINk has been invited to comment on the Quality Accountand has attended the communications and engagementwork stream of the Integration programme.<strong>Trust</strong> staff have attended LINk liaison meetings.<strong>East</strong> <strong>Cheshire</strong> <strong>NHS</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> Health Focus GroupThis group is an organisational member of LINk, keyactivities for the group have included:• Ward of the Month interviews• Medical outliers recorded interviews• Surveys in A&E• Representation on trust’s Patient Experience Group.5051

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