Annual report 2010/11 - East Cheshire NHS Trust

Annual report 2010/11 - East Cheshire NHS Trust

Annual report 2010/11 - East Cheshire NHS Trust


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National maternity survey <strong>2010</strong>This survey was last carried out in 2007 and the <strong>2010</strong> resultsshow an improvement in the scores for the majority ofquestions where a comparison is possible.The figures below show the overall ratings for the differentstages of maternity care, ie antenatal, labour, postnatal andat home:2007 <strong>2010</strong> All* <strong>2010</strong>Antenatal care duringpregnancy(excellent / v good / good) 98% 98% 91%Care received duringlabour and birth(excellent / v good / good) 96% 93% 93%Treated with care andunderstanding in hospitalafter birth of baby(always / sometimes) 97% 95% 92%Care received at homefollowing the birth(excellent / v good / good) 88% 90% 87%* Average from all trusts whose surveys were undertaken byQuality Health. This represents 25% of all acute trusts.In the benchmarking, the trust was in the top 20% of trustsfor the following:• Being able to move around and choose comfortableposition in labour.• Skin to skin contact with baby shortly after the birth.• Partner or companion during labour and delivery madewelcome by staff.• Feeling that the length of stay in hospital after the birthwas appropriate.The trust was in the lowest 20% for one area – the reasonsfor having a screening test for Down’s syndrome beingclearly explained.National cancer survey <strong>2010</strong><strong>East</strong> <strong>Cheshire</strong> <strong>NHS</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> was in the highest performing 20%of trusts for 32 out of a possible 55 areas. In particular thetrust achieved the highest scores of all trusts for thefollowing three areas:• First appointment no more than 4 weeks after referral• Admission date not changed by hospital• Patient given written information about operation.The ‘Deciding the best treatment for you’ section of thesurvey was also a strong performing area with all areas inthis section achieving ratings in the highest performing 20%of trusts.The trust was not in the lowest 20% of trusts for any areas.Local feedbackA wide variety of patient feedback work has been carriedout across all areas of the trust covering a range of subjectsincluding bowel cancer, radiology, breast screening,patients’ experience of theatre, Endoscopy and TreatmentUnit, consent, day case surgery, breast reconstruction,paediatric diabetes, Hospital at Home, antenatalphysiotherapy, colposcopy, stroke services, emergencydepartment, pharmacy, acute rehab team, inflammatorybowel disease, audiology, haematology, Macmillan NursingService, dermatology, customer care and chaplaincy.Some examples of service feedback and improvementsinclude:Paediatric audiology – Not all patients felt they hadadequate information before they attended for theirappointment, especially those attending with olderchildren. In response to this the trust will ensure that allnew patients receive a full information pack in relation towhat to expect on the day and also other general hospitalinformation. There has also been a literature review toensure that the information provided is suitable for olderchildren attending for appointments.Paediatric diabetes – Some of the comments reflected thefact that the respondents felt that the ward staff had onlybasic knowledge on diabetes and that there was a lack ofconfidence in the wards ability to manage insulin pumps.The team has run a series of training sessions on insulinpumps and will continue to programme this into the wardteaching schedule. A diabetes folder has been assembled tohelp consolidate ward staff knowledge and to help supportgeneral diabetes knowledge and emergency advice givento patients.Pharmacy – Following a pharmacy survey looking at whypatients may fail to take their medication properly it wasdiscovered that only 44% of patients said they ‘definitely’received clear and easy to understand information abouteach medication before it was prescribed and that only 19%said that a member of staff definitely checked if they hadany problems that might make it difficult for them to taketheir medication. In response to this the new pharmacyward based teams have been developed ensuring that moredischarges will be completed at ward level and pharmacystaff will counsel patients on their medications directly.Physiotherapy – Pregnant women were asked their viewson the trust’s idea to develop an antenatal physiotherapyDVD that could be given to all pregnant women at theirbooking appointment. The feedback to this idea wasextremely positive with many benefits highlighted especiallybeing able to re-watch and keep for reference, being ableto watch at a time that is convenient and being able tovisualise the exercises and techniques. Following thisfeedback the trust has now produced the DVD.In all surveys patients routinely rate the trust highly in termsof being treated with dignity and respect.48

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