Annual report 2010/11 - East Cheshire NHS Trust

Annual report 2010/11 - East Cheshire NHS Trust Annual report 2010/11 - East Cheshire NHS Trust
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Registration under the Health and Social CareAct 2008 (Regulated Activity) Regulations 2009and the Care Quality Commission (Registration)Regulations 2009In April 2010 all NHS health care providers were requiredby law to register with the Care Quality Commission anddeclare compliance against 28 regulations. 16 regulationsrelated to quality and safety of care received by patients.Any area of non-compliance had to be declared and anaction plan put in place which would be reviewed by theCare Quality Commission. Registration could be issued with‘no condition’ or ‘with conditions’.East Cheshire NHS Trust successfully registered with theCare Quality Commission declaring full compliance with allof the regulations. The trust registration was granted withno condition attached to it and retained this positionthroughout 2010/11. As part of the regulations the trust isrequired to notify the Care Quality Commission of anychanges to service. During 2010/11 the trust has made threenotifications to the Care Quality Commission in relation to:• The integration of East Cheshire NHS Trust and CheshireEast Community Health in April 2011.• Change in the provision of Nuclear Medicine Service fromEast Cheshire NHS Trust to Stockport Foundation Trust viaService Level Agreement from 17 May 2010.• Tatton Ward located at Knutsford Community and DistrictHospital, was temporarily closed from September 2010.The closure was a proactive move on behalf of the trust,due to difficulties in recruiting sufficient clinical staff cover.Incident reporting statisticsComparative reporting rate, per 100 admissions,for 30 acute organisations from 1 April 2010 to30 September 201012.0010. incidents per 100 admissionsIt is a Care Quality Commission (CQC) requirement that allpatient safety incidents are reported to the National PatientSafety Agency (NPSA).The data published by the National Patient Safety Agency isbased on six months worth of data submitted by the trustfrom April to September 2010.East Cheshire NHS Trust is classified by the NPSA as a smallacute. There are 30 trusts in this cluster group (East CheshireNHS Trust being amongst that 30). If the small acute trustsare placed in order, to be in the top 25% of reporters in thecluster group the trust must be placed at position 23 orhigher on the graph.East Cheshire NHS Trust is, based on the latest data released,at position 21 on the graph (6.41 incidents/100 admissions).The trust is therefore 0.2 incidents/100 admissions awayfrom being in the top 25% of reporters in their clustergroup. This data shows that the trust has to marginallyincrease its reporting to become one of the top 25% ofreporters.The following chart identifies where East Cheshire NHS Trustwas (position wise) on the graphs for the reports used forthis analysis and also indicates where (percentage wise) thetrust was based on that position.Period for reports Position on graph % Area of(in cluster group) reportingApril – September 16 Mid 50%2008October 2008 – 3 Lower 25%March 2009April – September 7 Lower 25%2009 (higher end)October 2009 – 12 Mid 50%March 2010April – September 21 Mid 50%2010 (higher end)KEY: East Cheshire NHS Trust reporting rate = 6.41incidents reported per 100 admissions.3031

Freedom of information requestsThe Freedom of Information Act (2000) came into effect forall public authorities in January 2005. Since then, allrequests for information have had to be answered inaccordance with the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR).The Freedom of Information Act provides the general publicwith a general right of access to recorded information heldby East Cheshire NHS Trust, subject to certain conditionsand exemptions.During 2010/11 the trust received 193 requests frommembers of the public in relation to a number of differentareas. For example: funding, staff, clinical services and more.All responses to requests were completed in the requiredtime frame of 20 working days.The trust remains committed to promoting a culture ofopenness and accountability to enable the public to havea greater understanding of how the trust carry out duties,how decisions are made and how public money is spent.A full list of freedom of information responses can be foundat www.eastcheshire.nhs.ukPersonal data related incidents 2010/11It is essential that all incidents relating to actual or potentialbreaches in confidentiality involving personal identifiableinformation, including data loss, are reported appropriatelythrough the information governance assurance framework.East Cheshire NHS Trust has risk assessment policies andprocedures in place to assess the severity of such incidentsand to take any necessary action to address the risk.The following table provides details of externally reportedincidents for 2010/11.Summary of other personal data relatedincidents in 2010-2011Category Nature of Incident TotalLoss of inadequately protectedI electronic equipment, devices or 0paper documents from securedNHS premises.Loss of inadequately protectedII electronic equipment, devices or 0paper documents from outsidesecured NHS premises.Insecure disposal of inadequatelyIII protected electronic equipment, 1devices or paper documents.*IV Unauthorised disclosure 0Serious Untoward IncidentsEast Cheshire NHS Trust has a duty to report SeriousUntoward Incidents (SUI) to the Strategic Health Authorityvia the Strategic Executive Information System (StEIS) andthe Primary Care Trust (PCT).Month Number2010/11 of reports CategoryMarch 0April 0May 0June 0July 0August 0September 2 • Delayed diagnosis• Intrapartum deathOctober 2 • Suboptimal care of thedeteriorating patient• Surgical errorNovember 1 • Unexpected deathDecember 3 • Unexpected death• Grade 3 pressure soreJanuary 8 • Sub optimal care• Delayed diagnosis• Missed diagnosis• Grade 3 pressure sore (x4)• Grade 3/4 pressure soreFebruary 5 • Grade 3 pressure sore (x2)• Information Governance• Adult protection• Unexpected deathMarch 4 • Grade 3 pressure sore (x3)• Ward closureTotal 2532V Other 0*Note: Although the level three incident detailed above wasclassed as level 3 by the risk assessment criteria from theDepartment of Health under their policy, due to the low risknature of the data involved it was not investigated by theInformation Commissioners Office (ICO).The role of the SHA and Commissioning PCT is to ensureincidents are properly investigated, that action is taken toimprove clinical quality and that lessons are learnt in orderto minimise the risk of similar incidents occurring in thefuture. The NHS North West revised SUI protocol sets outthe requirements for reporting and examples of incidentsto report.Note: From December 2010 the trust was required to reportall Grade 3 and 4 pressure sores on StEIS.Each incident was thoroughly investigated using a rootcause analysis approach endorsed bt the National PatientSafety Agency (NPSA) and any lessons learnt will be used toinfluence future practice to reduce the likelihood ofrecurrence.33

Freedom of information requestsThe Freedom of Information Act (2000) came into effect forall public authorities in January 2005. Since then, allrequests for information have had to be answered inaccordance with the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR).The Freedom of Information Act provides the general publicwith a general right of access to recorded information heldby <strong>East</strong> <strong>Cheshire</strong> <strong>NHS</strong> <strong>Trust</strong>, subject to certain conditionsand exemptions.During <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong> the trust received 193 requests frommembers of the public in relation to a number of differentareas. For example: funding, staff, clinical services and more.All responses to requests were completed in the requiredtime frame of 20 working days.The trust remains committed to promoting a culture ofopenness and accountability to enable the public to havea greater understanding of how the trust carry out duties,how decisions are made and how public money is spent.A full list of freedom of information responses can be foundat www.eastcheshire.nhs.ukPersonal data related incidents <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong>It is essential that all incidents relating to actual or potentialbreaches in confidentiality involving personal identifiableinformation, including data loss, are <strong>report</strong>ed appropriatelythrough the information governance assurance framework.<strong>East</strong> <strong>Cheshire</strong> <strong>NHS</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> has risk assessment policies andprocedures in place to assess the severity of such incidentsand to take any necessary action to address the risk.The following table provides details of externally <strong>report</strong>edincidents for <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong>.Summary of other personal data relatedincidents in <strong>2010</strong>-20<strong>11</strong>Category Nature of Incident TotalLoss of inadequately protectedI electronic equipment, devices or 0paper documents from secured<strong>NHS</strong> premises.Loss of inadequately protectedII electronic equipment, devices or 0paper documents from outsidesecured <strong>NHS</strong> premises.Insecure disposal of inadequatelyIII protected electronic equipment, 1devices or paper documents.*IV Unauthorised disclosure 0Serious Untoward Incidents<strong>East</strong> <strong>Cheshire</strong> <strong>NHS</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> has a duty to <strong>report</strong> SeriousUntoward Incidents (SUI) to the Strategic Health Authorityvia the Strategic Executive Information System (StEIS) andthe Primary Care <strong>Trust</strong> (PCT).Month Number<strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong> of <strong>report</strong>s CategoryMarch 0April 0May 0June 0July 0August 0September 2 • Delayed diagnosis• Intrapartum deathOctober 2 • Suboptimal care of thedeteriorating patient• Surgical errorNovember 1 • Unexpected deathDecember 3 • Unexpected death• Grade 3 pressure soreJanuary 8 • Sub optimal care• Delayed diagnosis• Missed diagnosis• Grade 3 pressure sore (x4)• Grade 3/4 pressure soreFebruary 5 • Grade 3 pressure sore (x2)• Information Governance• Adult protection• Unexpected deathMarch 4 • Grade 3 pressure sore (x3)• Ward closureTotal 2532V Other 0*Note: Although the level three incident detailed above wasclassed as level 3 by the risk assessment criteria from theDepartment of Health under their policy, due to the low risknature of the data involved it was not investigated by theInformation Commissioners Office (ICO).The role of the SHA and Commissioning PCT is to ensureincidents are properly investigated, that action is taken toimprove clinical quality and that lessons are learnt in orderto minimise the risk of similar incidents occurring in thefuture. The <strong>NHS</strong> North West revised SUI protocol sets outthe requirements for <strong>report</strong>ing and examples of incidentsto <strong>report</strong>.Note: From December <strong>2010</strong> the trust was required to <strong>report</strong>all Grade 3 and 4 pressure sores on StEIS.Each incident was thoroughly investigated using a rootcause analysis approach endorsed bt the National PatientSafety Agency (NPSA) and any lessons learnt will be used toinfluence future practice to reduce the likelihood ofrecurrence.33

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