Unit Rules / Work Instructions Emergency Response Team

Unit Rules / Work Instructions Emergency Response Team

Unit Rules / Work Instructions Emergency Response Team


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informing staff and students of the requirement to evacuate; providing an accurate picture of the state of evacuation to the Building Warden orUniversity Warden.3.3 Floor Wardens must be familiar with: the operation of the fire alarm system, the emergency warning system and any otherequipment used to assist in the operation of emergency procedures for the building; the floor they represent, including:o all means of egress and alternative escape routes;o the existence and positions of rooms leading off blind passages, doors leading todead-ends and any other confined areas in which persons could be located;o potentially hazardous materials or operations undertaken in their zone. the location and operation of fire doors, smoke doors, fire blankets, portable fireextinguishers and fire hoses on their floor; the number and location of mobility-impaired persons on their floor.3.4 It is important that the Floor Warden or a Deputy Floor Warden be available for each floorduring periods of normal occupancy.3.5 A Floor Warden, on becoming aware of an emergency, should implement the emergencyprocedures for his or her floor which should include the following actions: if the circumstances on their floor warrant it, order the evacuation of the occupants oftheir floor; communicate with the Building Warden and act on his or her instructions; direct wardens to check the floor for any abnormal situation; advise the Building Warden as soon as possible of the circumstances on his or her floorand of the action taken.3.6 A Deputy Floor Warden shall assume the Floor Warden’s responsibilities if the Floor Warden isabsent and otherwise assist as required by the Floor Warden. In case of emergency, theDeputy Floor Warden is also to undertake the emergency functions as describe in 3.7 & 3.8(a)3.7 In the event of an emergency, Floor Wardens may be required to carry out a number ofactivities, including the following: check to ensure fire doors and smoke doors are properly closed; search floor to ensure all persons are accounted for; ensure orderly movement of occupants; assist mobility-impaired persons;act as leaders of groups during building evacuation;operate first attack fire-fighting equipment (portable fire extinguishers, hose reels, andfire blankets).3.8 The responsibilities of an emergency Floor Warden include:a) <strong>Emergency</strong> functionsOn sounding of the building evacuation alarm the Floor Wardens shall: don a yellow helmet; enter each accessible room including toilets and direct occupants to leave the building; refrain from opening doors which have hot handles or smoke coming from under door; report to the Building Warden on the state of evacuation of his or her floor; take direction from the Building Warden. In the case of emergency, the Floor Wardens have the authority to override normalemployment designation and seniority. In the event of failing to comply with the FloorWardens’ lawful instruction, disciplinary action may be taken against the respective staffmember(s).b) Non-emergency functionsThe Floor Warden shall report to the Building Warden: any obstructions to egress routes within building; local changes in the use of the building, hazardous goods or equipment; fire isolating doors which are prevented from closing unaided; faulty or missing fire extinguishers.Page 6 of 14

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